This thread is too big for me to search anymore, so I apologize if this has been covered. I had d/l the newest MJ from Curse ( and I am running .90 in KSP. Whenever I turn on anything with MJ it now enables the stock SAS - and here's the issue, I have To manually select from maneuver/target/etc... in order to get MJ to work. Which makes my being lazy on launches quite annoying. It used to be click engage autopilot, hit space bar, and walk away, and I could come back to a nice orbit. Now I have to select target mode, or else it does some ridiculous flight path which usually ends up NOT making orbit even with a TWR>1.5 and 9000 dv. But I can't JUST select target mode. Then I have to watch my ascent until it establishes AP, and creates the circularize maneuver, and then I have to select maneuver from the stock SAS in order for it to fly right. Anyone else having this issue? Edit: Nevermind, during experimenting in a challenge I enabled Use Stock SAS under Attitude Adjustment. I will leave my "duh" moment up in case anyone else has this issue.