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Everything posted by EdFred

  1. I remember back in the early nineties I bought a 40MB hard drive, and all my friends said, "Why are you buying such a huge drive? you will *never* fill that thing up!" We still joke about it today, pretty much anytime someone makes any reference to buying new storage. "Why are you buying a 3TB NAS, you will never fill that thing up!" I think they were right though, I never did fill it up. I think I upgraded to something new before it filled up.
  2. Eat the yogurt, but take an extra change of clothes with you to work just in case.
  3. Only girls use parachutes! (It's a joke in light of the thread that got closed!) I use parachutes like I use hand lotion....Wait that's not right. I use parachutes all the time. Wait no... Yes I use parachutes! - - - Updated - - - Plus, if chutes are good enough for Apollo 11....
  4. Park yourself outside of Tylo. I did this exact thing yesterday.
  5. You all are making me feel old saying "our" parents had Atari. No...*I* had Atari, then NES.
  6. Adjust your orbit so it is parked between the orbits of the 3 large moons. There is plenty of room in the Jool system.
  7. You shouldn't have to skip transfer windows at all. Once en-route to the Jool system, make small dV changes with radial or -grade burns (or both), and you can adjust your timing into the system. I have never had to skip a transfer window into the system. Once you have your encounter on your trajectory, place a node about half way to Jool, and adjust it a couple of dV with radial and pro/retrograde burns and you can miss the moons. I do this routinely. Also Focus View on Jool to see what the result of your dV change is. When I did my Jool 5 Challenge, when I was about 1/2 way there, I "exploded" my craft into 5 sub ships, and even though all were pretty much on the same trajectory, the tweaks I made to each craft had them arriving up to 4 days apart at Jool's SOI. In +/-4 days, you can easily miss Tylo, Vall, or Laythe.
  8. It's amazing what the first result is (I used Bing) when you search for "KSP Hot Keys" http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_Bindings
  9. I'm both. For years I did design drawings for steel structures, and I am currently a pilot with 6 ratings and two certificates. Oh, wait, you meant in KSP... I'm more of an engineer.
  10. It wasn't the arguing against my points. That's fine. It was the deliberate number manipulation, and the attempts to claim that 9 times more Americans watch Poofball than Handegg, which was a blatant distortion of facts. And Univision is pretty much only watched by non-US citizens that just happen to be living here. So I wouldn't say that those additional 9 million viewers were American (as in US citizen American). However, this year, the Super Bowl will probably be the single most watched sporting event in the world. And next year, and in 2017, since the WC only comes about every 4 years.
  11. It's not about ISP. It's about thrust. Build something heavy enough, and you will use it.
  12. This is why we do everything in Zulu time in aviation. Everywhere in the world, right now, it is 2225Z But, even if we do go with local, there's the international date line in the middle(ish) of the Pacific where the west side of it, it's always a day ahead of the east side of it, even if only 1m apart.
  13. Also, maybe you should read the articles you link to: So which is it? 26.5 or 17? Either way, you can't use numbers from around the world for one, and then leave them out for the other. You hate American sports, I get it. But at least I'm not being disingenuous like you, when you state that 9x the number of Americans watch the WC vs the SB, As I will state again....the NFL CLAIMS that 2 billion people watch the Super Bowl Worldwide, however I can't find what the international numbers actually are. I've seen as low as 2 million, and as high as 2 billion. That's American billion, with 9 zeros.
  14. I never said there was 900,000,000 people in the US watching the World Cup. I said the 110,000,000 number you quoted watching the Super Bowl were only the US numbers, and did not include the international numbers. Although I saw one source claim 167,000,000 in the US alone watched it. As for your claim that 9x the people in the US watch Soccer vs American Football.....not even close The highest rated match in the US was USA v Portugal - 18.2 million....a far far far cry from 110,000,000 which is at the low end of the estimate for the Super Bowl.
  15. How can the US have more people watching the World Cup than people that live in the country? Methinks your math is off.
  16. I've pretty much only been futzing around in sandbox as of late. I didn't realize/forgot the -7S was available so early. It should really be the last engine available if they leave it as is, maybe its own node after everything else has been unlocked. OR make it only usable on Eve.
  17. It's broadcast in 200+ countries. I don't know. A little here, a little there. It all adds up. All I'm saying is the NFL claims 2billion viewers worldwide. I'm not saying it's true. Plus, they wouldn't be broadcasting it if no one was watching. So it obviously is being watched outside the US by more than 0 people.
  18. I only try and use the nukes AFTER the ejection burn from Kerbin, or maybe the last 20% of the ejection burn. Why? Because when trying to go to Moho from an 80km orbit with just LV-Ns, you end up back in the atmoshpere, and I've even gone low enough to crash while attempting to do so. I use more than one engine pretty much all the time above 30km. - - - Updated - - - And I look at it as new technology. Take car engines today for example. We are getting better mileage, better power, better everything out of the same displacement as we did in the 80s, 70s, 60s, etc. And when you go with an aluminum block, like in my car, they are even lighter.
  19. That was ONLY in the US. Unfortunately worldwide rating numbers vary between 2million, and 2billion. The NFL claims 2Billion, and the NYT says it's closer to 2Million.
  20. It's been that way for a long time. But because if its low mass, the dV on it outshines the LV-909.
  21. Banned for having more rep than I.
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