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Everything posted by rabidninjawombat

  1. Correct. Though if a resource is already listed in the REGOLITH_GLOBAL_RESOURCE it will automagically be added to all planets (including custom planets, which is awesome ) Look at the Karbonite.cfg file in the CommunityResourcePack, and you can see an example.
  2. Ive had several overlapping spots of Ore and Karbonite (along with Water/Substrate) on Minmus and the Mun. It is possible. Just doesnt always happen.
  3. Thats exactly how i had things planned out on my current .90 career playthrough. (once i unlock the relevant tech nodes) Question: I havent tested it it yet (as i have not got that far in the tech tree). Do ships built via EL count as new ships toward contracts?
  4. Its due to the fact that the MKS mod offers an alternate production chain/parts to build rocket parts and launch rockets.
  5. Glad to see this mod found a new home! I've used the orginal version in the past, and loved it! Any thoughts on adding contracts for the telescopes?
  6. they have a short guide here. https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-support/wiki/Adding-a-mod-to-the-CKAN Though as a note, im not sure it would be that easy to get it setup right without one of the CKAN devs doing some setup, since ive noticed CKAN doesnt like overwriting other mods files.
  7. Looking good! And looking foward to the release! happy to throw them through some test runs!
  8. Kerblam all the rover pieces will fit in one of the MKS module bases (if you use MKS) Regarding pre-built vs KAS assembled, I generally send mine prebuilt (not enough patiences )
  9. As a note on the Regolith based resources, and the planets. Since Regolith resources are biome based, you wont see any dry spots on OPM planets until biomes are implemented. So basically it means Karbonite, ore, etc. will be found anywhere on the planet ( with variations on concentrations though at least) Once Biomes are implemented, you'll see resources spawning in some, but not others, just like stock planets.
  10. How did i not see this untill now. O_o Awesome stuff man. I will be giving this a spin ASAP
  11. Silly Question: Incompatible mods: Procedural parts Infernal Robotics When it lists the above as incompatible does it mean that you cannot weld this parts?(would totally understand that ) Or that said mods wont run together on the same install as Ubiozur?
  12. You wont break anything by installing it via CKAN (though id recommend deleteing the EPL-Karbonite-Conversion.cfg files thats in the EPL folder) I moved that same file to be in my own folder(WombatConversions) in the CKAN version. It wont hurt to have two other then you'll have two button on every part But still better to delete it. I shouldn't have put it in that folder to begin with, but have been loathe to move it in a release to avoid causing folks trouble, stupid mistake on my part to begin with , but was loathe to move it in a release to avoid causing folks trouble. Better this way though, for the future. tl;dr - Just delete the EPL-Karbonite-Conversion.cfg in the ExtraPlanetaryLaunchPads Folder and you can reinstall it via CKAN no problem.
  13. Adding a few more mods (out of my own favorite list ) for KAS ModuleGrab support (so you can pick up and reattach stuff!) If anyone has any requests, im happy to add those too, provided they are realistic. Not gonna make it so Jeb can pick up and reattach that 10ton SRB Ill throw up another pull request once ive completed them WarrenSchultz (feel free to tell me if im sending you too many )
  14. Basically with the latest release , MKS got its own parts/supply chain for building RocketParts. Its a little more complicated that the traditional Ore---->Metal---->RocketParts Supply chain. (alot more really, but awesome. Id recommend giving it a try, it does add alot of depth, and of course if you like it you wont need this mod anymore ) Having the EL parts and their easy production chain, kinda defeats the purpose of having the new production chain for MKS. Anyway. If you still want to use EPL parts and keep the MKS mod, you can delete the EL_CONFIG.cfg in the Kolonization folder. This will keep the EPL parts from being unresearchable (the reason you cant see them) - - - Updated - - - Thanks so much Hakan! Tested it out and it all looks good to go (note to everyone else this isnt an update, just fixing it on CKAN, so you dont need to download anything new) Starstrider posted a decent tutorial on EPL found here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59545?p=1233759&viewfull=1#post1233759 And since this is basicly just an adaptation of EPL for Regolith it still applies. As far as transfering resources so you can build ships off planet, You will wanna have things connected together so your Launchpad can access the rocketparts you've built. You can either use the stock docking ports, or far easier, using KAS pipes (from the KAS mod) they work the same and make all your landed parts into one vessel so things can be transfered back and forth.
  15. Is your vessel manned or unmanned? i seem to remember reading that completing that particular starter contract required a manned vessel.
  16. Just tested it out and looks like its working fine in .90. Nothing detectablely wrong that i could tell with a quick spin EDIT: I was wrong, looks like in new systems planets arnt moving properly (they orbit, in timewarp, but when you end warp they revert back to their position)
  17. Ill be happy to upkeep it on CKAN =) just never messed with it before, and need to look up how to set it up. Currently i just host the download off dropbox, but happy to put it up on Github or kerbalstuff if it makes syncing it easier. The only real problem is that the CKAN download doesn't include the module manager file (EPL-Karbonite-Conversion.cfg) which is what actually makes the parts work It has the parts i added, just not the Module manager file, im in the process of writing a ckan file, just not sure on the process of submitting it to get the files updated. EDIT: Reading up that CKAN pulls strait from KerbalStuff. I went ahead and uploaded the latest version to Kerbal stuff, if that helps fix the issue
  18. Not sure where the link to it is, but i saved a copy for myself. Here it is https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19908938/CopyofRegolithAPI.pdf
  19. Greetings and salutations =) appreciate all the hard work on CKAN guys! It's an awesome resource. I have a noobish question. How can I edit something of mine that was added to CKAN? Someone add my little Regolith Adaptation(someone that wasnt me ) Found Here, to CKAN, Ive had a couple users post with issues and it turns out to be an old version that is being downloaded through CKAN No issues with it being up there, just would like to make sure its the correct version. (and all dependacies are being installed) Thanks for the help!
  20. If you getting it from the Adaption from CKAN, try the manual download. Not sure who put it up on CKAN (i didnt) but i think its missing a file. I'd like to get it fixed on CKAN, but ive never really messed with it.
  21. Absolutely correct, and if at all possible , one with an integrated probe core, heat shielding and parachute would be awesome sauce!
  22. If im not mistaken, Doesnt the StageRecovery Mod already allow for this? (recovering Science from things shot at kerbin, while not focused on them, provided they have a probe core, and have means of landing, chutes etc)
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