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Everything posted by SHiRKiT

  1. When installed with MKS, the supplies providers (greenhouses etc) it does not consume Machinery to produce supplies, kinda breaking the supply chain of MKS. Is there a patch to this?
  2. Does anyone have a MM patch for it to work with USI Habitat and Greenhouse?
  3. CKAN shows an update but I think something is wrong, since the stated version is "4"
  4. Exactly my opnion. I just don't know currently if the DLC will break my current modded playthrough or not, since it's a bit wonky atm.
  5. Does the newest version also works in 1.4?
  6. Edit: Disregard everything, I'm blind and haven't seen the parts under Experimental Science. I feel dumb. (also Quick Search doesn't work at all)
  7. Hey, even with the latest version installed I still can't research the Malemute rover parts or see in the VAB in career mode, only in sandbox mode. Any suggestions? I have double check every science node and it's not anywhere. It also doesn't list anywhere else in Sandbox mode except in the Rovers category.
  8. Does IR Sequencer ignores Speed and Acceleration that's set on each of the parts?
  9. There they go. It only triggers for Moho, which I just recently visited. Also ignore the contracts you see for "Sweet Station", that's the Minmus base I launched despite it not showing a contract for it. Once I landed, contracts for expanding it started to show up. I wanted contract to build a base on the Mun or Minumus. http://imgur.com/a/urLJQ https://www.mediafire.com/?b7tbw38597cdqmj
  10. I'll try to get it to reproduce, but it seems pretty random since I'm was not exactly trying to cause it. Clearing input locks does solve it, as hitting alt. I'll also try to rebind. It does not happen in stock install, but I'm running 50ish mods. Maybe it's an interaction with some of the mods I have, maybe Action Groups Extended or KAS, I have no idea. I'll try searching.
  11. I'm unable to get to launch surface bases, aren't they part of the pack? It never triggers the "Scout for suitable..." contract, even though it says that all requirements are MET.
  12. It's not a real stuck key, I tested my keyboard. For some weird reason the alt stays up JUST for the EVS and not for anything else, not to the OS nor KSP.
  13. For some reason the vessels are switching even when I'm not holding ALT, anyone knows why? It's really hard to left click stuff =/
  14. Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for, didn't know about that manual!
  15. Can someone explain to me what each of the modules does? I suppose they are these, but I needed a confirmation! EL Launchpad: ????? EL Survey Station: ???? EL Target: this is to place a rocket at a certain location after it's built? EL Workshop: this is what helps the rocket to be built? Where the construction happens?
  16. Does the Kontainer have that Logistics capability? Should say something like "range 150m".
  17. Sorry, I hadn't find. I was searching for "Professions" all the time. Thank you and sorry for disturbing. Edit: Actually I wanted to say how wonderful that doc is.
  18. Yes, maybe isn't USI that's adding the new Farmer/Biologist/Kolonist and other professions.
  19. Can you add support for the new USI professions? Biologist, for example. There are others more.
  20. Just wanted to point out how cool this mod is (I've used in 1.1) and would LOVE to see this working in 1.2! If anyone knows a similar mod like this I'd love to know, I miss it so much in 1.2.
  21. I was not, I totally missed the other thread.
  22. I can't figure out a way to load experiments into the labs or the experiment containers.
  23. The mod is cool, just the newest version seems to broke something with Solar Panels interacting with FAR and a bunch of other mods. I have about 30-40 installed, so when something breaks, I just revert. It's a great, great, great mod, I love it, but I can't ruin my playthrough =\ The Solar Panels on my end seems to be always blocked by fairings, even when there's no fairings on the vessel. Probably a bug interacting with FAR, procedural fairings or some other one of the 40 mods I have. The mod dev is not to be blamed, this is just to let him know.
  24. Updating to 1.9.3 completly broke my solar panels, I cannot deploy them. It ALWAYS says that they are blocked by aerial shielding, they are stowed, no matter there's fairings or not. They even bug out on an empty fuel tank! Reverting to 1.9.2 until further notice.
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