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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. Huh, I'll have to wait till 1.1 until I can resume work on my Constellation pack, given I made a custom black and white working aeroshell.
  2. Hey, at least no blood.
  3. Hey for the black coloring why not use empty ore tanks? Would it be too heavy? Or did I miss something?
  4. Not just yet, I'll release it when I put the finishing touches to it. Probably tomorrow or so.
  5. Your requests have been processed. Slave 1 not much to show yet, ATAT build complete minus making it move w/ IR. (also still figuring out the wing shape for the T-70)
  6. Oh look, a free delivery of green mash snacks! The KSC used up all it's funds on the Steam sale by accident.
  7. Yep, photobucket's under maintenance, pictures probably won't show up for a while. Sorry.
  8. Also are the pictures working for you guys? They suddenly stopped working for me.
  9. Fuel lines for decorations and as a strut since if I use regular struts it dosent work. No it has a really pathetic thrust so far. But I'm still improving it.
  10. Not much, the thrust on zero payload is equal to a single 48-7S engine. But it is mostly reliable unless you physwarp.
  11. http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah315/Yukon0009/screenshot1853_zps18ufx5nu.png Working K-drive
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