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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. Firstly, an experimental orbital shuttle was launched with Bill and Bob aboard. Docked it to the space station Pasteur. A mini space pod was sent up a bit earlier as well. Then the shuttle was launched to Minmus at Jeb's suggestions. dV was running low on landing, but there is probably enough to return to Pasteur. Bob contemplates life, the Universe, and everything.
  2. Some of you may remember my Kroyuz rocket from 0.90. I've rebuilt it for 1.0.5. It now has only 82 parts and about the same amount of dV. A bit on the small side though. Download https://www.dropbox.com/s/v3jb8zmtnucrvkg/Kroyuz.craft?dl=0
  3. I'm busy today, so only a bit of the stuff I did. First I decided to launch a space station. Eveprobe 1 then arrived at Eve. Unfortunately, a few navigational errors (forgot to do some maneuvers) meant that it ran out of fuel and was unable to lower it's periapsis into the atmosphere to release the probe. It however did get some pretty photos.
  4. I've decided to shift focus here from my replicas. So without further ado, these are my mission reports as I go through my first actual exploration save since 0.90. It all begins with two probes, headed for Eve and Duna. Eveprobe 1 has a small atmospheric lander designed for the harsh climate. Dunaprobe 1 arrives at Duna to do some scanning Eveprobe is scheduled to arrive in about a hundred days.
  5. I must give this a try with welding when I have time.
  6. Thrust limited Vectors for first and second stages. Have to thrust and gimbal limit them to stop it flying to pieces on launch. Captain Sierra: Very nice! Would like to see the completed thing.
  7. I've got just the thing, the angle can be adjusted by amount of ore. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lv2uojmn9hdifb5/%5BCONTRACT%5D%20Ship.craft?dl=0
  8. Well, Hong Kong, but still. Welcome aboard! 歡迎來到forums!
  9. Star Wars stuff A-Wing (stock) ATAT Walker (needs robotics mod + partwelding to reduce part count) Slave 1 (stock) http://gifmaker.cc/PlayGIFAnimation.php?folder=2015121016fIUaMOGcFZMCfhJ8EzLyPS&file=output_CtgJAj.gif
  10. Well its not anywhere near finished, 240 parts only and lagging like a 900 part ship literally. KSP 1.0.5 performance is horrible for me ATM.
  11. Strange. Any screenies? There was a bug involving IVAs and crew transfer, but it was fixed in a silent patch.
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