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Everything posted by UnanimousCoward

  1. Oh, OK then... Parts patched: Communotron DTS-J1 Communotron HG-20 Communotron HG-61 Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port 'Grande' Mystery Goo Inline Containment Unit SC-9001R Radial Science Jr. Z-10K battery bank Screenshot: Patches: @SnarkPull request submitted on GitHub as well. (But it's got a bunch of unnecessary commits in from uploading and deleting files cos GitHub is new to me. Sorry.) (Side note: Oh, how I wish I'd discovered NodeHelper when I was doing the other ReStock patches. It makes things so much easier. *quietly whimpers* )
  2. Module Manager Syntax page says: You can use & for AND, | for OR and ! for NOT in the needs listing. I would imagine that means you can't use it in the PART part, but I suppose it's no guarantee.
  3. Legend and song, you say? Best get the bards to work... I've cobbled together a compatibility patch to make ReStock and Indicator Lights play nicely together. This was tedious, repetitive, boring, thankless work that took far, far too long. But, due to having a bit of time off work and sheer bloody-mindedness, I persevered. I've tested the functionality of all the parts, and I'm quite happy with the results, so I thought I'd share. List of patched parts: If I've missed any parts, people are free to let me know. I may go and add lights to those parts. Equally, I may just say "you know what, I don't care", as this was incredibly tedious work that I would have given up on if I wasn't so stubborn. If anyone notices any lights that they think aren't lined up right, feel free to fiddle with the positions yourselves. They're good enough for me. The patches: I kind of have a vague half-plan of doing the ReStock+ parts as well, but not right now. Screenshots:
  4. For me, as well as the error message, I got continuous null ref exceptions in orbit related to solar panels. They slowed he frame rate to a crawl...
  5. Kerbalism adds "Shielding" to command pods to protect against radiation. I think that's what is making your craft sink. You should be able to reduce/remove it from the right-click menu. If you don't have that option, then something isn't right in your installation.
  6. Haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure that it would have the same issue if you want to keep the part with the same dimensions that it has now. If the scaling of the x, y and z dimensions isn't consistent, the image gets stretched. The only remedies are to change the part scaling or modify the image. Changing the scaling will (I think) cause issues with people's existing craft that use that part, and the licence for ReStock doesn't permit modifying the images, which is obviously entirely fair given the effort that went into creating them. Honestly, the stretching is not that bad, though. I can live with it.
  7. Double-checked and all the braces are balanced. No extras. That's so weird. I can't see any reason why it would need to be in separate files. Alternatively – if you don't already have any craft in your save that are using the Missing History versions of the 303 or T15, – the following code will nuke the parts completely. I have this block in the same file as the first patch, andf it works fine for me. (You'll lose any ships that do have either of those engines, though.) //Kills 303 and T15 engines -PART[liquidEngine303]:FINAL{} -PART[liquidEngineT15]:FINAL{} @Snark IRL comes first, of course. I'm just glad to be able to contribute in some way. I've been using a number of your mods for ages. They really add to the game experience. The only visual issue I came across was that the texture for the battery is a bit horizontally stretched due to the scaling. The part with the plug sockets looks a bit too wide. If you change the vertical scaling of that duplicated part to 1.5, it resolves the issue (1.25 doesn't look too bad either), but I didn't want to do that in this patch in case it had bad effects on existing craft.
  8. Actually, it should work fine if you combine them into one file. Turned out there was a superfluous curly bracket floating around, which borked the thing. I fixed the syntax above, but I couldn't be bothered to edit the post again to combine them back into one file. But I'm glad it's working for you. And if @Snark wants to roll it into Missing History, that's cool. (I can do a PR on Github if that's the preferred method.)
  9. Short answer: yes Slightly longer answer: This question has already been answered on this very same page. You could have read the page and found the answer for yourself...
  10. For some mysterious reason I can't wrap my head around, that patch to hide the engines will not work when it's at the end of the previous patch file. It fails to apply the patches to those engines. (I swear it worked yesterday when I wrote it...) But it works just fine if you cut and paste the exact same code into a separate file of its own. (My MM-fu is very limited, so I have no idea why. Any explanations would be most welcome. Perhaps I'll wander over to the MM thread and ask about it.) I've updated the code above so there's two separate patch files now. At least on my install, this works just fine. If it doesn't work for you, I'm all out of suggestions... Edit:-- I figured out what the problem was. (Syntax error, obviously.) Should be all fixed now.
  11. Aye, that's what a complete lack of testing will get you... Try it now. I've updated the patch in the post above. Should be fully functional now.
  12. MM compatibility patch for MissingHistory and ReStock/ReStock+. Applies ReStock textures to the rescaled parts from Missing History. Hides 303 and T15 engines if ReStock+ is installed. Patch 1 - for ReStock (save as something like "MissingHistory_Restock_Compatibility.cfg"): Patch 2 - for ReStock Plus (save as something like "MissingHistory_ReStockPlus_Compatibility.cfg"): Before: After: Not pictured: Aerodynamic nose cones, as they seemed to work without the patch anyway. Parts that aren't touched by ReStock. (If I missed any parts that are touched by ReStock, I'm sure someone will let me know...) For the uninitiated, to use these patches, copy the text from the code blocks above into text files, give them sensible names ending in .cfg, and place them in your GameData folder.
  13. The update added a scroll bar to the part window when it gets to a certain length, I believe. That's probably the cause.
  14. @kcs123 Further to this answer, I seem to remember that back in the day an earlier update to KSP broke the Jool monolith component of Anomaly Surveyor as well, but that was eventually fixed that time. AS hasn't been updated for some time, though. Not sure if the author is still active.
  15. You'll probably run into other errors anyway if you run it in the wrong version, even if you stay in the Kerbin system, like null reference exceptions in orbit that slow your game to a crawl. And you'd have to put up with a parade of Nyan cats every time the game is loading... That alone would be a deal breaker for me.
  16. Right-click on the command pod and click the button labelled "Data: [XX] Mb". ("[XX]" will be the amount of data that is stored.) A window opens showing the data stored on your vessel. On the right of each item, there's a little button that looks like >>. If it's black, click it. If it's blue, it's already being transferred / waiting to be transferred. There's also a setting you can enable to automatically transmit data straight away.
  17. It's a ModuleManager patch file. You can paste the contents into a file, give it any name you like that ends in ".cfg", and put it anywhere in your GameData folder.
  18. Another way to achieve the same result is to use ModulePartVariants to apply a colour tint to the original PF fairings, rather than using the textures from this mod. I think the result looks a bit better. The MM config below adds colour tints for all the colours used in this pack to the PF fairings. The "Yellow Stripe" option does pull the texture from this mod, though.
  19. As an alternative, the MM patch below uses KSP's built-in ModulePartVariants option to try and do the same thing without requiring any external mods. Caveat: I'm at work and can't test it, so there may be syntax errors and I'm just going off my slightly wonky memory and the info in the post above. For example, I'm not 100% sure that the bump map line is correct. I'll test it later today. Edit: OK, so after some testing, the config above should work. The striped textures don't map well to the PF sides, so I didn't include them. You can set the bump map in the TEXTURE nodes with "_Bump Map =", but for some reason they don't seem to actually show up in-game unless you use a different shader (e.g. Textures Unlimited). So I didn't include them either. (The only one that seems to map at all well onto the PF fairing sides is "Tank_NRM".)
  20. On a test install of KSP 1.4.2 -force-d3d11 with only Textures Unlimited and Module Manager 3.0.7, "directXFix" config enabled, the icons in the VAB are a rather fetching shade of blue: Pretty, but impractical. Same thing with MM 3.0.6. In game, from just a very quick test with a few random shiny parts, the actual reflections looked fine to me. A few parts (e.g. the basic fin) didn't look quite as shiny as I remember (using Electrocutor's stock config), but that's likely to be a combination of shoddy memory, subjectivity, and anomaly-hunting. Nothing else glitchy or weird that I could see.
  21. Here. It's apparently not complete, and it's not really up to date, as it doesn't have "-force-glcore". There's also this list of Unity command line arguments, which should be more up to date, but how many of them are relevant, I don't know. @Shadowmage How do you feel about people sharing TU configs for various mods on this thread? I've got a bunch of fairly basic ones I could share with people if there's any interest.
  22. You should be able to put it anywhere in the GameData folder, but I tend to keep all my TU configs in their own folder.
  23. Does this point to a custom mod folder you've created? "Mods2"? That "JebsJunkyard" texture is from Porkjet's Part Overhaul, isn't it? If so, this config is of limited use to other people who don't have the same folder structure.
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