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Everything posted by UnanimousCoward

  1. No, I couldn't get it to overwrite the default profile properly, so I saved the profile under a different name using the ScienceAlert GUI. ScienceAlert saves all the profiles in profiles.cfg. I quit out of the game, then manually replaced the contents of the "default" profile part of profiles.cfg with the content of the profile that I saved. Laborious perhaps, and there may be a smarter way of doing it, but it works for me and saves me having to tell it to load a different profile every time I play.
  2. Praise be to jefftimlin over on Github for the fix. (Now, if somebody could just get this mod to respect the limitations imposed by non-upgraded facilities, it would be perfect.) I had the same issue myself where saving the default profile didn't work. The only solution I found was to save my changes into a new profile and manually replace the default profile after exiting the game.
  3. Why don't you try it and let us know? Not being sarcastic - I'm genuinely interested.
  4. I've found that if the .version file contains a "URL": section, you may need to delete that as well to make it work. (For example, PlanetShine.)
  5. Just popping in to say that this (very handy little) mod works in 1.4.1 after a simple recompile against the latest version. Maybe someone wants to step in and maintain it? (My version's for my own use; I won't be distributing it. But this was the first time I ever tried compiling a KSP mod, and if I can do it, I think most people should be capable...)
  6. I was perplexed too. Finally tracked it down. On Windows, it's in "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\". (FYI if needed: If you have Windows installed on a drive other than C:\, then obviously check that drive instead. "AppData" is a hidden folder, so you may need to set Windows to show hidden folders.)
  7. Oh I'm not at all pushing you to update this. I'm just happy to find that it still works. Although, if you do ever get round to updating it, perhaps you could consider renaming one of the wheels. It's a (very) minor niggle, but both roverWheelM05 and roverWheelM06 have the name "KerbinRover Offroad Defender Wheel". This means if I'm doing a "test KerbinRover Offroad Defender Wheel" contract, I would need to put both types of wheel on to be sure I can complete the contract. Currently I rename one of the wheels with an MM patch, and I'm quite happy to continue doing so.
  8. Sorry for the thread necro, but just wanted to say this appears to work OK as-is in 1.4.1, except that the ability to change the paint job is missing. This mod's such a boon for early-game science collection round KSP for Field Research contracts.
  9. I would expect the problem is with a false positive from Windows Defender, not the mod.
  10. It's just sound files. There's nothing to compile. It should work just fine in 1.4.1 as it is.
  11. Thanks! Assuming that you've installed all the recommended mods, it's probably to do with the dynamic sky dimming from Distant Object Enhancement. You could try playing with the settings of that mod.
  12. Hi Thanks for the mod. Quick question for the sake of clarity: your version file (and therefore AVC) claim that this new version is only compatible with KSP 1.4, and no longer compatible with KSP 1.3.1 - the minimum version is 1.4. Is this the case, or is it still compatible with 1.3.1?
  13. You sir, are a gent. Now, could I be considerably more cheeky and request that you do the same for any other of your mods that use that menu, as and when you next update them? It'd make me (and perhaps other mod addicts) a very happy chap. All your mods make me think "Me like. Me want."
  14. Any chance I could persuade you to move the settings to a button in the Space Center scene or similar? I'm intrigued to try this out on my next career save, but KSP's difficulty settings menu for new games is borked: it doesn't resize the scrollable list properly. I've got about 21 mods that add difficulty settings to that menu, and the "Cancel" and "Accept" buttons are barely visible at the bottom of the screen. If I add any more mods with settings here, the buttons disappear offscreen completely, meaning I'm stuck on that screen with no way to accept the settings or go backwards. Obviously, this is my problem, not yours, so feel free to say no.
  15. I have the same issue as well. 15 seconds or so of slowdown when the flight scene loads. It doesn't seem to happen in sandbox mode, only in career mode. Output log is HERE, if you want to look at it. First the log has a new sandbox game where the flight scene gets loaded, then I loaded my early career save. Warning: I've got a ton of mods, so it's a hefty file. I understand if you can't be bothered with it. TweakScale seems to chuck a few thousand NullRefs all by itself, but apparently they're harmless, and anyway I have the same issue when TweakScale isn't installed. Honestly, it isn't a big issue for me. I can totally live with a few seconds of slowdown if I get to use ScienceAlert again.
  16. Perhaps it was installed via CKAN? I did it that way myself and I noticed that it doesn't seem to install the KSPRC terrain textures. It downloads the "KSPRC Textures" mod, but there's no "Terrain" folder. I had to install them manually. Awesome mod, by the way.
  17. First, thank you so much for reviving this. I had been using [x] science for this, but it caused lags whenever the "here and now" window was open. This mod has no lag at all. Second, maybe it's just in my (heavily modded) game, but in career mode, the Science Alert window lets me take surface samples before upgrading the R&D centre. I've managed to restrain myself from taking advantage of this so far. Thanks again.
  18. I'm having the same issue. Question: do you have Kerbal Planetary Base Systems installed? I think the experiment they're asking us to perform is a science experiment from the Greenhouse part. The Greenhouse part is pretty damn big, though - it won't fit on any sensible rover. I suppose you could use TweakScale to make the part smaller. I've already tried using an MM patch to remove the experiment from the part, but it didn't seem to work. If anybody could explain why this doesn't work, I'd be grateful: @PART[KKAOSS_Greenhouse_g]:Final { !MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment] {} } The other option seems to be getting CC to ignore the experiment. I'm going to try this patch now, and see if it works: CC_EXPERIMENT_DEFINITIONS { name = PlanetaryBaseInc EXPERIMENT { name = KPBS_plantgrowthstudy ignored = true } } --- Edit: that CC patch seems to prevent the contract getting offered for me. If you've already accepted it, you may need to cheat or cancel the cotnract.
  19. Obvious question first: have you tried clicking the TextureReplacer settings button in the toolbar in KSC? You can use the buttons in that window to assign suits. There's also an option there for the reflections; make sure it's set to "Real" (should be the default) - but they're currently broken in the official release anyway. There's a temporary build linked higher up in the thread somewhere that has working reflections, though. Failing that, where are you putting your textures? Default suit textures should go in \GameData\TextureReplacer\Default. If you want to assign specific suits to specific kerbals/roles, each suit should go in its own folder inside \GameData\TextureReplacer\Suits. So, if you've got 2 suits you want to name "Suit1" and "Suit2", the textures for Suit1 go in the folder "\GameData\TextureReplacer\Suits\Suit1", and the textures for Suit2 go in the folder "\GameData\TextureReplacer\Suits\Suit2". I happened to have the GreenSkull FASA pack kicking around, so I took a quick look. Again, basic question first: did you just drag and drop the folder from that pack into your GameData folder? Because that won't work. For the basic three suits to work, you need to open the .zip file and navigate inside it to "FASA-Pack-v0.38\Green Skull Inc\GameData\TextureReplacer". Then select the "Default" and "Suits" folders and extract them into your "GameData\TextureReplacer" folder in your KSP install location. If you want the heads too, drag the "Heads" folder as well. The version of Texture Replacer and the @GreenSkull.cfg file included in the .zip file are both out of date; make sure you're using the latest version of TR, and use the TR settings button in KSP to assign suits/heads. If you've done all this stuff and it's still not working, I'm at a loss to explain it.
  20. I think the KSPRC pack will need to be updated to be compatible with the latest pre-release version of that mod. The folder structure of KSPRC has changed: the replacement part textures are now in GameData\KSPRC\Textures\Squad\Parts.
  21. Complicated version: dig around in the old releases on rbray's github until you find a version with the file you're after. No idea which of the many releases listed there would be right, though. Simple version: install Stock Visual Enhancements. The ultra-res version uses 4096x4096 textures, and they look great and run great on my machine.
  22. Totally should be OK to throw the patch in. As far as I know, CKAN only tracks filenames, not filesizes or anything else. Just download the new DLL, rename it to KIS.dll, and stick it in GameData\KIS\Plugins. As far as CKAN is concerned, nothing will have changed. You should be able to remove/upgrade the mod in CKAN as normal. If you're concerned, you can keep the original KIS.dll as a backup if you give it a different extension or move it somewhere else.
  23. Basic Science is level 4 - the same as Aviation, Advanced Rocketry and Flight Control. At least in my current career with KCT, it's right around the time I upgrade the astronaut complex so I can do EVAs in space, so that seems about right, at least for me in this save.
  24. Thanks for keeping these parts alive. Just a heads-up: the Radial Experiment Storage Container wasn't showing up for me in career mode. I checked the config, and it had "scienceTech" listed as the required tech. I don't think that's valid anymore. I changed it to "basicScience" and it works fine now. --edit: just realised Science Tech is a valid node. It's just higher up the tree than I thought - in level 7. Was this part always locked until that late? I seem to recall getting it much earlier in the past.
  25. Stock Visual Enhancements will sort that right out for you.
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