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Everything posted by UnanimousCoward

  1. You've overwritten the sharedassets9.assets file in KSP_Data from 1.0 with the KSPRC one, which is from 0.90. You need to restore the original sharedassets9.assets file. If you searched the thread, you'd see that the same issue has been posted and responded to quite a few times...
  2. As I understand it, ideally the CoL should be below the CoM, but above the CoT. You can maybe actually get away with having the CoL above the CoM a little as long as your rocket goes straight up - the slightest tilt in any direction and it'll probably flip out. Spin can also help to keep it stable with a high CoL. You also have to bear in mind how the CoM shifts as fuel gets used up - although normally for rockets the CoM moves upwards, making them more stable.
  3. Just a little update: if you put 4 fins on the rockets in symmetrical pairs, 2 straight and 2 tilted at 5 degrees, it provides enough spin to keep the nosecone stable after the SRB separates. Helps if you adjust the TWR to keep it more or less subsonic as well.
  4. Known bug. Two choices: save and reload the craft, or turn TR reflections to "static".
  5. It's a result of the crazy amount of spin it picked up with the tail fins tilted by 5 degrees. You can see the experiments poking through the fairings as well - they were inside it at launch. Really got the feeling it was about to tear itself apart. Anyway, here's the config: @PART[SR_Wing01]:NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] { @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angularDrag = 0 !MODULE[ModuleLiftingSurface] {} MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 0.9746 MidChordSweep = 0 b_2 = 0.9749 TaperRatio = 0.9492 } } @PART[SR_Wing02]:NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] { @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angularDrag = 0 !MODULE[ModuleLiftingSurface] {} MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 0.625 MidChordSweep = 23.12 b_2 = 0.5 TaperRatio = 0.6667 } } @PART[SR_Wing03]:NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] { @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angularDrag = 0 !MODULE[ModuleLiftingSurface] {} MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 0.625 MidChordSweep = 4.07 b_2 = 0.3 TaperRatio = 0.6667 } } I've tested it with these three rockets: None of them would get above 500 m before flipping out before. They all fly OK with this config. Well, the two smaller ones tore themselves to pieces at full thrust after the SRB separated and dropped away. The top part flips end over end, and aerodynamic forces rip the nosecone off. The small one survived with a launch TWR of 1.5; the middle one did OK with a TWR of 1.75. The larger one's made of sterner stuff and survived at full thrust - I think because the SRB stage actually lifts up into the truss and hangs around for a while until it's going more slowly, rather than dropping away immediately. So, it's far from perfect - but at least they'll fly in FAR until there's a proper update. Usual deal, for those unfamiliar: copy/paste into a text file. Name it [whateveryoulike].cfg and put it anywhere in your GameData folder. Most importantly - remember to delete it when someone who actually knows what they're doing updates things.
  6. As promised, MM configs to (sort of) get FAR and Sounding Rockets to play nicely: @PART[SR_Wing01]:NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] { @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angularDrag = 0 !MODULE[ModuleLiftingSurface] {} MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 0.9746 MidChordSweep = 0 b_2 = 0.9749 TaperRatio = 0.9492 } } @PART[SR_Wing02]:NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] { @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angularDrag = 0 !MODULE[ModuleLiftingSurface] {} MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 0.625 MidChordSweep = 23.12 b_2 = 0.5 TaperRatio = 0.6667 } } @PART[SR_Wing03]:NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] { @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angularDrag = 0 !MODULE[ModuleLiftingSurface] {} MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 0.625 MidChordSweep = 4.07 b_2 = 0.3 TaperRatio = 0.6667 } }
  7. Default config. Maybe I'll give yours a try a little later. I'll post the configs here and on your thread when I get a moment - for some reason my wife and kids seem to think that they're more important. :-P
  8. Is there any way to recreate waisting on aircraft in KSP/FAR, or can area rule only be achieved by adding bits to the fuselage?
  9. Using the FAR config settings from the previous version without the rootMidChordOffsetFromOrig seems to work, at least for the smallest fins - the rocket flies like it should. Aerodynamic forces ripped off the chute nosecone though, so some degree of thrust control will be necessary, it seems. If you tilt the fins by 5 degrees, it gets a huge amount of spin - to the point where it looks like it's about to tear itself to pieces: Even the small engine will take this rocket to over 10 km altitude, though, which seems a little OP compared to the 5 km or so it would achieve in stock.
  10. So at least 3 people think more clearly than I do (2 in ferram's thread) ;-) Still, those configs don't include rootMidChordOffsetFromOrig, which almost all the new FAR configs do.
  11. Cheers both for pointing out that I'm reinventing the wheel. ;-) However, those configs don't include rootMidChordOffsetFromOrig, so the question remains: What is it? Is it needed for fins?
  12. I'm trying to put together some configs for the fins from RoverDude's sounding rockets. I've been using this tutorial, but most of the configs in FerramAerospaceResearch.cfg also have the property "rootMidChordOffsetFromOrig", which isn't mentioned in the tutorial or the readme. I've tried searching the thread, but that's too long a term, apparently. Can anyone explain how I go about deriving these values?
  13. Yeah, discovered that a little while ago, thanks. Now I'm furiously measuring fins in Blender, and I think I'm getting somewhere. This stuff's all new to me... There's one property in most configs in FerramAerospaceResearch.cfg that I'm not sure about, though: "rootMidChordOffsetFromOrig". It's not mentioned in that (very useful) tutorial, and it's not in the FAR readme either. Guessing it's something new. Guess I'll have to go ask over in the FAR thread.
  14. Not at all if it means I can start using this fantastic mod sooner! Been missing this one - but you take your time and do it at your own pace. Everybody should realise you do this in your free time.
  15. Already have, my man, already have I've noticed that as well - and I've commented on it myself elsewhere. In any event, now I'm thinking that the RealChuteLite module is probably completely disabled when RealChute is installed, so I'll gratefully use your config. Amen to that, brother.
  16. If they've converted them to DDS themselves using KSP4DDS, then maybe that could cause the icons not to show up if there's no exception in its list (img2dds already has an exception set up for that icon). I had the same issue myself with USI-LS and MKS. I had to add exceptions for them to the img2dds script to keep them in PNG.
  17. Maybe I'm misreading your tone, but you come across as a bit snippy, for no good reason as far as I can see. I haven't just turned up here saying "Broke. Fix it now!" - I'm actually trying to resolve this for myself. I'm trying to write a config that will use the RealChuteLite module from FAR, and I asked for help. I do regularly read this thread but I came across this issue while I was in the middle of writing a post about getting the fins working, so excuse me for missing your post. Given that I'm actually trying to understand how this all works and fits together for myself, you're not really being very helpful. Yes, I can use your config, and I probably will - but that doesn't mean I can't try and work things out for myself, does it?
  18. So it turns out that the fins need to have ModuleLiftingSurface replaced by FARWingAerodynamicModel in order to work properly with FAR. This MM config will make the smallest fins behave properly under FAR: @PART[SR_Wing03]:NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] { @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angularDrag = 0 !MODULE[ModuleLiftingSurface] {} %MODULE[FARWingAerodynamicModel] { %b_2 = 0.6088 %MAC = 0.7534 %TaperRatio = 0.2074 %MidChordSweep = 35.82 %rootMidChordOffsetFromOrig = 0, 0.18835, 0 } } The numbers are just cloned from the data for the basic fin in FerramAerospaceResearch.cfg, so will need tweaking - and I wouldn't have a clue where to start. Next problem is that the chute does nothing under FAR - digging around, this appears to be because I have RealChutes installed. With no RealChutes, FAR replaces ModuleParachute in all parts with a "RealChuteLite" module, but not if RealChutes is installed. Guess the solution is to write a config that replaces ModuleParachute with either a RealChuteLite or RealChute module when RealChutes is installed. I've tried using the code in FAR's RealChuteLite.cfg, but no luck so far. Not an MM expert, so if anyone could point out where I might be going wrong in this code, that would be a help... @PART[SR_NoseCone_*]:NEEDS[FerramAerospaceResearch&RealChute]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] { //Copies ModuleParachute to transform it into RealChute +MODULE[ModuleParachute] { @name = RealChuteFAR } //Removes stock sounds !sound_parachute_open !sound_parachute_single //Effects EFFECTS { rcpredeploy { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_parachute_open volume = 1 } } rcdeploy { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_parachute_single volume = 1 } } rccut { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = FerramAerospaceResearch/RealChuteLite/Sounds/sound_parachute_cut volume = 1 } } rcrepack { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = FerramAerospaceResearch/RealChuteLite/Sounds/sound_parachute_repack volume = 1 } } } }
  19. PSA: Don't convert the toolbar icon to DDS, or it won't show up in the toolbar. If you use DDS4KSP or img2dds, you will need to add an exception for this file: UmbraSpaceIndustries/LifeSupport/Supplies.png
  20. Hi It seems QuickStart and KCT don't get along very well. If QuickStart is enabled, KCT throws a fit on startup and complains about everything being borked. It seems it can't load all the data it needs. Logs are here if they're any help: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bajai5pfed3kalp/AAB8sT_I_hNM2OZvRcyhcxzHa?dl=0
  21. Hi With FAR installed, it's virtually impossible to get the CoL low enough on one of RoverDude's sounding rockets to make it stable, and tilted fins seem to impart zero spin to the rocket. Even adding about 10 of these fins doesn't help. I'd just like to ask if this is reasonable/realistic. If you say it is, then that's fine - I'll play around with the lift on the fins and see if that helps.
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