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Everything posted by UnanimousCoward

  1. I've got the same “issue†(it’s such a small thing that it doesn’t really bother me). I use RSS only for the atmosphere from ground from KSPRC, so I don’t think it relates to resizing the planets or anything like that. Excellent update by the way - KCT’s now even more essential for me.
  2. I've had a lot of problems with KSP crashing just before the main menu on Linux. So have some others. For me at least, the log file complains about "Using memoryadresses from more that 16GB of memory" [sic]. I've got 16 Gb of Ram, but KSP's only at a touch over 7 Gb when this error happens. Memory leak? Your log file indicates that you also didn't actually run out of RAM, so maybe it's the same issue for you? If you are suffering from the same issue, it would appear to be nearly impossible to resolve, as it's intermittent and only seems to occur in heavily modded setups.
  3. I've been using EVE and Astronomer's pack for ages with no problems whatsoever, after the initial installation. I don't think there is any alternative to EVE if you want clouds. Endraxial did a nice hi-res pack of planet textures - it's linked in the OP of this thread.
  4. Downloaded the 2.2.6 package, and memory usage seems to be back to normal. Cheers.
  5. This latest .dll also features much greater memory use in 64-bit Linux (8.5 Gb compared to 7.2 Gb normally). The rockets are remaining visible so far, though, so I'll stick with this one for now and see what happens. Logs are here, if they're any use: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x7nxp60uqcv5o2q/AAASmMUQly3UomkPW-TcpUGta?dl=0
  6. The latest beta version of Deadly Reentry (6.5.3) results in Module Manager reporting an error in the "DeadlyReentry-Patches.cfg" file from Ven's Stock Part Revamp. I did a bit of digging, and it appears to be from the section where Ven's adds a heatshield to the Mark1-2 pod. It references a "conductivity" line from the Deadly Reentry 2.5m heatshield which has been commented out in the latest version of Deadly Reentry. Commenting out line 13 in Ven's "DeadlyReentry-Patches.cfg" resolves the error. EDIT-- Apparently the error doesn't matter at all, and according to Starwaster the .cfg file is best left unedited.
  7. This latest beta (6.5.3) results in Module Manager reporting an error in the "DeadlyReentry-Patches.cfg" file from Ven's Stock Part Revamp. I did a bit of digging, and it appears to be from the section where Ven's adds a heatshield to the Mark1-2 pod. It references a "conductivity" line from the Deadly Reentry 2.5m heatshield which has been commented out in the latest version of Deadly Reentry. Commenting out line 13 in Ven's "DeadlyReentry-Patches.cfg" resolves the error.
  8. The square-in-the-lower-left thing is a known issue with OpenGL. You can work round it by unchecking "full screen" in the settings menu and adding "-popupwindow" (without quotes) as a command line argument. Then it will work fine if you set your monitor's native resolution. If it crashes on DirectX but not with OpenGL, that sounds like a memory issue. OpenGL uses much less memory than DirectX (about 1 Gb or more for me). The amount of RAM you have doesn't matter if you're running the 32-bit version of KSP - it's limited to about 3.5 Gb anyway. The 64-bit Windows version is very buggy and even Squad think its unstable (but the 64-bit Linux one seems mostly fine). You're better off running the 32-bit version in OpenGL. Performance may be the same, slightly worse, or much worse, depending on your hardware (it was fine for me, though). Are you using Active Texture Management? The aggressive version of that will save a fair bit of RAM at the expense of some visual quality - and an extremely long loading time on first run as it prepares its texture cache. Second and subsequent runs will be much faster, though. IIRC, it will also probably crash once or twice on loading anyway while ATM does its thing, but eventually it will create cached textures for everything and make it through to the main menu.
  9. Well for me, at least, the crashes only seem to occur on startup. Gameplay itself seems completely stable. It's annoying, but I can live with it - and occasionally there's little burst of pleasure when it actually manges to start up on the first try...
  10. Your scripts seem to work nicely, after I figured out how to run them. Thanks. For anybody else on Linux who'd like to try them but doesn't know how: save the scripts with the extension .pl and put them in your saves directory. Open a terminal in that folder, and run this command, substituting your own save file names in the relevant place. perl savemangler.pl File1.sfs File2.sfs File3.sfs > mergedfile You can then copy/paste the output from mergedfile into the right place in persistent.sfs (or whatever save file you're using). Then run perl missioncount.pl persistent.sfs Done. EDIT-- Actually, I just noticed that Jeb's accumulated EVA time is more than 10 times his accumulated mission time. Ribbon kraken wormhole timewarp? Some of the EX+ entries appear to be missing their B+ counterparts. Easy to fix. EDIT-- Actually, restoring those "missing" entries didn't change anything, and I'm not even sure they're the cause of this anyway. I realised they came from when I recovered Jeb while he was on EVA.
  11. If you just install PlanetShine, that'll give you the, uh, planet... shining. For the lens flare, you need to replace the file "sharedassets9.assets" in the KSP_Data folder, which contains the lens flare, with a version that includes the lens flare from Astronomer's pack. The file that comes with Astronomer's doesn't work in 0.90, IIRC, as the file structure changed (it was "sharedassets10.assets" in 0.25). Someone posted an updated one, but the link appears to be broken. I ain't at the right computer at the moment, so I don't have a copy handy myself, but if you ask nicely maybe someone will repost it for ya. EDIT: Or just do what JackDraak said. That'd be simpler, obviously. (But not as tediously nerdy, which is it's own kind of fun to the right (or wrong) kind of mind... ) If the lens flare is on CKAN, that is - I thought CKAN could only work with GameData folders, but I could be wrong...
  12. You ain't the only one, mate. At least me and 2 others have the same problem. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/109908-Frequent-crashes-during-modded-KSP-startup
  13. Same issue for me. Ubuntu, with 16 Gb Ram, and my current install uses about 7.1 Gb of RAM sitting at the main menu. It's an odd one, though: seems to me that it will crash around 80% of the time when I first start it up, but it will load just fine on the second try around 80% of the time. One thing I've noticed from sifting through the logs is that there's usually an error about "trying to access memoryaddresses at more that 16 Gb RAM" or similar (don't remember the precise wording, but I remember the typo of "than"). As the KSP process is using 7 Gb, it could be that there's a memory leak somewhere. The crash seems to happen just as the main menu is loading, and I've noticed that the memory error message very often comes directly after some entries in the log about resizing the desktop. Not always, though, and it may be coincidental. There's also sometimes (but not always) error messages after it crashes at the start of the log related to the LD_PRELOAD part of my launch script. They're generally not there when it's loaded OK without crashing. It's annoying to have to start multiple times, but once the game's going it's more stable and runs better for me than it ever did in Windows. Plus I can use all the mods I want without having to compromise, so I've learned to live with it. Would be nice to find a fix, though.
  14. Hi Has anybody tried setting "UseCustomSpawner" to false in the config file and seeing how that affects astro-lice? It changes the spawn method back to the stock system. I'll install this and give it a try myself soon, but at the moment I'm actually enjoying playing this game for once...
  15. From a purely philosophical point of view, I have to disagree with this: human beings have an amazing ability to believe stuff that simply isn't true...
  16. The DL link in the OP is up to date. I just downloaded the "complete edition" from the OP, and the modified dates for the plugins are all 25 February 2015.
  17. Have you tried Alt-N? The key combo might be hardcoded.
  18. A question for people complaining that their heatshields don't ablate very much: How many of you are using Better Atmospheres or KSPRC? I ask because both of those mods include RealSolarSystem, but they only do so for it's "atmosphere from ground" settings for visual niceness. Isn't Deadly Reentry going to notice that the RSS .dll is present and apply RSS settings for these users even though they're not really using RSS? Couldn't that result in heatshields not ablating much?
  19. What do you mean? If you mean you need to have 8 Gb of RAM, I don't think that's true. KSP only uses a maximum of 3.5 Gb of RAM in 32-bit anyway. What's that got to do with FAR anyway? FAR's not a huge memory hog.
  20. It was almost all the parts. Ven's mostly, but there were 3 boosters from KW, stock separators, plus parts from RoverDude's Sounding Rockets and others. No logs yet. I'll test more later.
  21. Just tried out the new .dll - it fixed the crashing issues I was having with the reflections from Ven's revamp enabled and certain parts. Ven's looks even better now, thanks. One thing, though - my memory usage seems to have jumped a fair bit. I'm on 64-bit Linux with 16 GB of RAM, so it's not really much of a worry for me. But sitting at the main menu the KSP process jumped from using around 7.2 GB to about 8.5 GB. I swapped the .dll files in and out a couple of times to test it, and it's definitely the new TR .dll that's doing it. Monitoring memory during loading shows the extra mem use appears towards the beginning of the loading process, before the MM configs are handled - that's when textures are loaded, right? Not sure if this is will be an issue on Windows, as the Linux 64-bit process seems to use tons more RAM than Windows anyway - when I moved over to Linux, the same install that used 3 GB of RAM in Windows 32-bit used 6 GB of RAM in Linux 64-bit. Thought I should mention it, though. --Edit Actually, it appears that the new .dll may have some other problems too. It makes most of the parts of my most recent rocket disappear on launch: I've got a very heavily modded game, so I'll do more testing to confirm it and post logs later.
  22. You may also want to take a look at this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/111159-WIP-0-90-KSP-Interstellar-Extended-0-7-1
  23. Fair enough - it's entirely up to you. Just hoping... I'm toying with dropping Interstellar anyway, for many of the reasons you mention. Getting it to play nicely with everything else I use is getting harder and harder. For some reason, I'm really reluctant to lose the waste heat mechanic, though.
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