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Everything posted by UnanimousCoward

  1. @jefftimlin Again, thanks for taking this on board. It seems that there's a (minor) error being thrown though. Whenever the ScienceAlert flask icon is being displayed on the toolbar, the log gets spammed with error messages like this: [Toolbar] [ERROR] Cannot find texture to load:C:/Games/ksptest/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/ScienceAlert/textures/flask0056 This is from a test with KSP 1.4.1, with only your updated version for 1.4.1 (Release 1.1) and Toolbar Continued 1.17.5. Full log is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yg18wn0w0if5odl/output_log.txt?dl=0 The actual icon displays just fine, regardless of the error messages, and it doesn't seem to affect playability in any way, so it's no big deal to me. Just thought I'd mention it. I've tried rolling back Toolbar to earlier versions, and it didn't help. I tried renaming the "ScienceAlert-Updated" folder to just "ScienceAlert"; didn't help. I tried placing the "Textures" folder from the github source inside the ScienceAlert folder; the same error message occurs but it displays a purple square instead of the icon. I've tried downloading the source code and compiling it myself; no dice. Like I say, seems harmless and doesn't seem to bog my computer down any, so *shrug*, no biggy. Pinging @linuxgurugamer as this seems to be a disagreement between these two mods, and from previous posts it seems like he was dealing with some icon issues earlier.
  2. If you're running KSP 1.4.x, it won't show up as compatible in CKAN, because it has not been officially updated.
  3. I did a quick test of this mod in KSP 1.4.1, just running mystery goo and temperature experiments in some of the KSC biomes. It seems to still be working OK - the relevant descriptions appear. Of course, that may not be true for all experiments in all biomes on all bodies. *shrug*
  4. There is no "NORMAL RealPlumes". RealPlume is the mod that makes the real plumes work, but it doesn't do anything alone. RealPlume-Stock is the mod that actually applies the plumes to the stock engines. (There are other mods to apply them in Realism Overhaul, for example.) In your GameData folder, you should have a "RealPlume" folder, and a "RealPlume-Stock" folder. You don't need to remove any subfolders from either of these. You also need to install an updated version of SmokeScreen, or I don't think you'll get any effects. RealPlume comes bundled with SmokeScreen v2.7.6.1, but that isn't really compatible with KSP 1.4.x, so you need to update it. RealPlume also comes bundled with ModuleManager 3.0.1, but a newer version is available. So your GameData folder should have these folders in it: SmokeScreen, RealPlume, and RealPlume-Stock. And you should also have ModuleManager.3.0.x.dll in your GameData folder (not in any subfolder). In other words, it's probably worth waiting for the new version that Nhawks seems to be about to drop. It should be compatible.
  5. Cool. Frankly I'll be surprised if they all work. Or any of them really.
  6. Sure thing. The more, the merrier, eh? Seriously, you are doing amazing work keeping so many great mods alive, and I think we all really appreciate it.
  7. You could give these a try: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w35yxlhf8av1g85/MissingHistoryPlumes.zip?dl=0 Drop the contents of the zip file into GameData\RealPlume\RealPlume-Stock. I basically dug out the old configs for Porkjet's part overhaul and edited the filenames and the part names. I haven't tested these extensively (read: at all) due to a lack of time right now, but maybe they'll work.
  8. Oh, go on then. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bgjhkv1qx76t5ln/AACd20ulm53ELlmeXmYhZbq4a?dl=0 All credit and rights remain with the original author, the esteemed HenryBlatbugIII. This is simply a recompile of his code to work under KSP 1.4.1. The source code is available at the link in the original post. Shared under the same CC BY licence. Provided as-is with no guarantees. No support or warranty provided: "It Works For Me™". If it doesn't work for you, I would have no idea how to fix it. If @HenryBlatbugIII wants me to remove it or I'm doing something against forum rules, just say the word and it's gone...
  9. You can do it with an MM patch, at least. This is one I've had kicking around for ages. I hope the code is still valid. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ExWorkshop]] { @MODULE[ExWorkshop] { @ProductivityFactor *= 0.01 } } This will slow it down to 1% of the usual speed; adjust the value "0.01" as appropriate.
  10. Hey, your recompiled shader seems to work great for me, too. Good effort!
  11. Yes, I did. I noticed it in a heavily modded game. Then I tried recreating it in just stock KSP. No issue. Then I added mods a few at a time until the effect occurred, and was able to pin it down to this one. I removed all the other mods, and the problem persists. Also, if I remove this mod from my other, modded game, the problem is gone. Edit: The issue only seems to manifest itself when the sun is shining directly on the part and reflecting off it.
  12. I'm almost certain you get that "Crew Hatch" tooltip message from the wrong side of the pod even in stock KSP. I was having what sounds like an identical issue. In my case, I narrowed it down to JSI Advanced Transparent Pods, but you say you don't have that installed? (It's in a nested folder, in case you weren't aware, under "JSI".)
  13. Hi Thanks for this great mod. I use almost all your mods. I've got a little bug to report about this one, though, which I haven't seen mentioned in the thread. (Apologies if it's a known issue.) From certain angles, this mod seems to make parts slightly transparent. It took me a while to narrow it down, but I've been able to reproduce it with only your mod. This is KSP 1.4.1 (with the DLC), Windows 64-bit, running under DirectX 9, with only JSI Advanced Transparent Pods V0.1.16.0 and Module Manger 3.0.6 installed. No other mods at all. Here's a video to help illustrate the problem: You can see the horizon and the planet through the pod from certain angles. At about 12 seconds in, you can see that this issue also affects the highlights on the RCS thrusters. Output log is here if it's any use. (Also, your instructions for getting support are a little out of date: the link to the mod page with instructions about it is broken, and on my Windows install at least, output_log.txt now resides in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\.)
  14. Version - same version it's been for about a year and a half.
  15. I don't get those entries in my log. Perhaps they're caused by another mod?
  16. I'm going to assume it was not your intention, but your post comes across as entitled and demanding, I'm afraid. Modders are under no obligation to update their mods. They create and maintain them for free. Perhaps real life got in the way, or perhaps the creator of this mod simply got bored with KSP and moved on to other things, as they're perfectly free to do. As others have reported in previous recent posts, this mod appears to continue to work just fine in KSP 1.4.1, so there's no real need to update it at all.
  17. First, thanks for this wonderful mod. I really like the concept. The latest version throws an exception. Seems to be relatively harmless, but I thought I'd mention it anyway: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at SEPScience.SEP_UI.Windows.SEP_AppLauncher.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Tested in Windows 64-bit version of KSP 1.4.1 with only SEP 2.6, KIS 1.10, KAS 0.6.4 and Module Manager 3.06 installed. Full output log is available here. Edit: I posted the wrong output log file. Now I can't recreate the issue. How peculiar. -- Edit 2: I managed to recreate the issue. Output log is here. My guess is that it occurs when reverting a flight, but I'm not sure.
  18. As far as I'm aware, as long as the licence allows it, you can post your own version here, either linking to your fork or in its own release thread. Science Alert is released under the GPL licence, so as long as your version sticks to that licence, credits the original author(s), and provides at least a link to the source code, I think it should be fine. However, I'm no expert and this particular case doesn't seem to be covered in the "Add-on posting rules". Maybe @Snark or another mod would be able to clarify? Edit: I compiled your version of this great mod and it works great, so I'm definitely in favour of making it more widely available.
  19. Just popping in to report that, from a very quick test, Crew R&R 1.1.6 appears to work just fine in KSP 1.4.1.
  20. It also appears to be true for Community Tech Tree and Strategia, to offer two more examples.
  21. Two points: 1. You shouldn't come on to threads asking for mods to be updated - it's considered poor etiquette, and you'll likely be ignored or shot down (often less politely than this). 2. Before asking, you could try it yourself to see if it works or not. I just did a very quick test, and it seems to work just fine in 1.4.1, at least for the stock Kerbal 1 rocket.
  22. Personally, I much preferred the old effects. If you have some way to improve on the new effects, I'm all for it. There are people who prefer the new effects? Really? Well, I suppose there's always some contrarians...
  23. It's an "easy find and replace" when you know what to look for... I wanted it to pop up the button if I had collected less than 90% of the available science. I wasn't sure what to replace "Filter = Unresearched" with in profiles.cfg. (I'm still not, having deleted my earlier copy of ScienceAlert.) So I made the changes in the GUI. Plus, you have to make the change to every type of science experiment, and I'm fairly sure that ScienceAlert populates the list of experiments on startup. So you'd have to run the game at least once to fill the profile with the right experiments, and change at least one experiment through the in-game GUI to figure out what to put in the "Filter" line for each experiment. Once you've done that, yes, a simple find/replace would work. (And in fact that's what I plan to do this time, only without all the batch file shenanigans.)
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