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Kevin Kyle

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Everything posted by Kevin Kyle

  1. A couple of things actually. 1) Dont be in a hurry to spend your science points or your money. You may really need something later you may not be aware of now. 2) Try to plan ahead, for example. I have a really cheap and small standard probe launch vehicle I use for sat contracts. I always have at least one science gathering device, power, and comms on it. You never know when you might want to use that later. I have one on Duna's moon right now. Every once and a while I get a contract offer to send science data from the surface. So, I switch to that probe , read the temp and send the info via comms. I get the money for that one over and over even though you get no more credit for the science. Dont turn down easy money. I think it cost me around 4000 to launch that thing, so far Ive made nearly 400,000 from it. You got to love that. You can do similar things with other craft in other places. This only works for contracts that dont require you to build a new space craft.
  2. Addictive, isnt it It gets easier as you go and learn. I highly recommend a visit to the tutorial section of the forums. It will accelerate your success a great deal. Dont feel bad about using quicksave or revert. The idea is to get through the learning process so you can truly enjoy it later when you have some better skills. Or perhaps have a career save and a separate sandbox save so you can do all that crash and burn stuff in there and still go for more realistic play in your career save. I can see right now that your hooked, so what part of your life are you going to give away to launch rockets? lol
  3. Last time seen him he was in the Kerbalnaut lounge flirting with Val
  4. We are all living inside a marble hung around a cats neck?
  5. Its been a good long while since I last had an active account. If I ever dig myself out of poverty, I might consider going back again. I had a regular one man mining operation with all that any miner could hope for. I didnt just mine though. I had a good 3 years in or more. You NEVER stop learning there. The vastness of the Eve universe is so great, no one person will ever in normal game play ever visit every system. There is just too many places and not enough time. That would be if you could actually go everywhere without being killed. There is practically no limit as to what you can do. AND most important thing I am going to say in this post, there is no where that is actually safe. Its a dangerous vicious world and it is unforgiving. Just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, even in hisec is no guarantee that you cannot be killed. When you log into Eve, you better have your A game going. B game dont get it. I will never ever forget going to the jumpgate the first time. I sat there for a good long while contemplating if I should click that button and wondering if I would EVER find my way back. Ive been to losec but I never went to 0.0 because going there on your own is just a death wish. Heck, just going to Jita was risky business and thats in the middle of hisec. The sheer vastness of the Eve world is daunting. You will likely never play anything else like it ever. And oh ya, it will suck you in and you might not ever see daylight again. lol I would say that Red Iron's graph is very accurate. rotfl Love that graph man.
  6. I landed one right at the space center in the previous build. Only part I hated about that is you couldnt see it when in the view of the space center. I also wanted to move it over to one of the buildings but I couldnt figure out how to do that on stock parts. I liked the suggestion above about putting it in Munar orbit and building a space station on it. I may have to do that one myself.
  7. I didnt think it was all that big really although it did have a bit of size to it. My first attempt was with a slightly different rocket that actually would have completed the contract but it was luck really as I used all the fuel and still wasnt there yet and I used all the RCS (large tank) that I had to finish the job. When I finally made it, ( I stuck a toothpick in the keyboard to hold the thrust key down because it took so long) I looked at the contract and the eject portion had a green checkmark but the have a newly discovered in tow part didnt. I was pretty bummed about it. So I built a bigger new design and launched that at a new target. This time I made sure that was checked when I captured the asteroid. lol So, this is what happened. Ship didnt have enough fuel after capture. This applies to both attempts. So I brought it into orbit and sent up another ship to refuel it, used the same ship. Where I think things went wrong the first time was after I had captures with the refueling ship, I just transferred the fuel from the first ship to the second ship and ejected the first ship. Used the refuel ship to eject it from the system. I didnt go check the contract until later. I should have kept the first ship and ejected the refuel ship. Doh! Second attempt I did the same thing only I kept the first capture ship and ejected the refuel ship. It completed that time. Lesson learned there. BTW, I didnt make any money on that contract. lol I dont have anyway to attach an image of the ship, sorry.
  8. There are contracts for asteroids with the FinePrint addon. I just completed a contract to eject a class B asteroid from the Kerbol system, no small feat I might add. At least it wasnt for me.
  9. I had to so this once when I first started playing. It helps if you can position the ship in such a way as to have a nice flat or as flat as it can be, surface to push against. Reminded me of pushing a Pinto to the gas station down the street.
  10. Oh my, I guess I should really be scared then. Thanks for pointing that out.
  11. Thank you for your efforts, really looking forward to the next release and the next, and the next....!
  12. It was mentioned in the iRacing forums.
  13. lol Dude, thats just scary there. How much does that hurt performance? How about loading times? Or do you have so many addons that you cant tell? Has anything ever hit anything else that you know of? Your answers may convince me to not delete anything from here on. I wonder if any asteriods ever took anything in orbit out or not. As often as they hit, I would be surprised or maybe since its all on rails, that dont happen. Pretty impressive in any case.
  14. SAS wont even keep a ship in orbit and not under power from spinning now. Stacking on more doesnt fix a thing nor does AltX. Seems to be something isnt quite right with it to me. Not sure what to think about it. Why does a motionless ship in space start rotating no matter the effort you go through to stop it?
  15. I usually just delete it so as not to hurt performance but in the future when the program is closer to being finished, I hope to deal with that in a more realistic way. Sometimes I do de-orbit stuff. As often as I start a new save, it honestly makes little difference at this point. But, if I could recover stuff more realistically, I would do things a bit different. The program has a ways to go yet so I hope for more in the future.
  16. Twice (once in the previous build and again this weekend) I have taken this ship, Kassandra in this thread right here a few post down from the top. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76858-The-Stock-Craft-Repository-%28v0-24%29 It has a pdf that comes with it an explains most of the mission details. Its a great first trip to Duna ship. Do an aerobrake when you arrive at Duna. It seems with the recent build that I used more fuel than the first time and I dont think I would of had enough without aerobraking but I did make it. Has lots of science on board and a nice little rover. I also used the calculator here http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ to help figure out the launch times to and from Duna. Kassandra is a well thought out design and pdf and much kudos to H2O for the work he done on this ship. I have also used the Eve comet http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78852-Want-to-go-to-Eve-and-back-Try-this and LaytheX which I cant find a link for but both were in the last build, not this one. Just a FYI. BTW, Kassandra is an awesome ship as well as the others I mentioned.
  17. I started a new career with the new build (contracts) and I have used Jeb for every flight so far. He is currently awaiting a new assignment. Just started and I have been to the Mun and Minmus so far as well as a number of other flights. Actually he just returned from Minmus at about Midnight my time. At some point I will call another to duty when I think it might be a bit too dangerous for a world hero such as Jeb.
  18. lol @ that.....reminds me of that too.
  19. Thanks man, I guess I didnt see that in the VAB before I took off. Doh!
  20. BTW, add a ladder on the bottom of the lander so you can easily get back in it from the water. I had to stand on the nose of the boat to get back in. It was a challenge to say the least.
  21. I want to mention just in case anyone else finds this minor problem. You want to add some solar panels on the UMB module and maybe on one or 2 of the others. I think I might have read somewhere that it needed that. So, just in case you didnt see that. I had to send a rescue mission to my UMB because it was running out of juice. I just used another OPSEC Airlock, added some more solar panels and sent it out. Also, on the airlock module, there is a docking port under the nose. Just manually release the nose after your on orbit. Just click near the bottom of the nose and it will popup. You can then later release the propulsion unit after you dock.
  22. Thanks for posting that info and Thank Dan for me also.
  23. Thanks for your effort in this. Im assembling mine around the Mun for science and exploration there. Going to add a science section and some reusable landers. Got 2 parts assembled in orbit and the rest on the way. Really appreciate all you builders do for the community. Thanks so much. BTW, this station is in the Stock Craft Repository for anyone thats interested. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76858-Stock-Repository-Version-0-23-x?p=1108338&viewfull=1#post1108338
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