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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. Where can I get a heads pack with the heads from this picture?
  2. @linuxgurugamer Sorry, I'm not sure what kind of license is appropriate for the file. It's a derivative work which has stock mesh and textures inside. In the end I consider this file obsolete, it was made before the "view internals" option was added to the stock game. This internal clips out of the cabin with the option enabled.
  3. Making History needs to get an expansion. Being just a challenge maker is too niche, it could've been a maker for full fledged story mode campaigns or an indepth editor for contracts... it is neither.
  4. @mystik If Take Two ever decides to do an engine switch they are going to make KSP 2 from scratch. And, your post doesn't make impression of an informed person about KSP development (how many mods became stock) and game development in general (how many resources certain tasks require). It is just scratching the surface by oversimplifying the look on a very complex task.
  5. @Red Iron Crown I still think my model is ideal, no sync issues, no waiting :3 Links are to my discussions, not single posts. Basically it's a model similar to the one proposed in the OP, but with some depth.
  6. Why was this thread removed from stickies? This is the most comprehensive compilation of links to modding stuff which is still useful today. Edit: ok, just saw it in the sticky of "stickies compilation".
  7. @Friznit Thank you very much for checking it out.
  8. @Friznit @SPEKTRE I actually got a fixed config from the KIS maintainer, but never got around to test and post it. Would you guys please test this one out on new Kerbals? https://www.dropbox.com/s/nc22t0xvycygul2/KerbalHacksKSP1.5.zip?dl=0
  9. Spent all my play time to create a Decal Placer config. Style comes first :3
  10. @Castille7 The F5 save is always there, it's not gone. The game loads the persistent.sfs file by default, just go to the Esc menu and load your quicksave file from there or press Alt+F9 for a quickload menu. You can also create named quicksaves with Alt+F5 at any time.
  11. I really hope that TakeTwo bought KSP not just to pump out DLCs but to develop KSP 2 on a new engine, just like Valve did with Dota 2.
  12. I love Allista's anisotropic resizer. It was a hardcoded part of his Hangar mod at first, I was really glad when agreed to separate it into a standalone plugin for modders. What I like the most is the ability to scale a part in different directions independently. Here's one of the parts I made with it: https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/IncompatibleCompleteConey
  13. You're a hardworker sir. I took a little different approach for my decal placer. The only hard dependency is Firespitter, I use it for mesh switching and I use stock texture switcher in my model. Added freeform TweakScale as well. https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/PleasingFastCorydorascatfish To remove the part from atmospheric physics calculations the DRAG_CUBE attribute is set to "none" and PhysicsSignificance to zero: PhysicsSignificance = 0 DRAG_CUBE { none = True } And I also removed the collider in flight with a help of one plugin, which the KIS/KAS maintainer has written for me.
  14. Had a lot of free time during my university years, now I'm visiting, but I do it often
  15. Nice to see my models online again. Thank you @linuxgurugamer for your ❤︎ P.S. Wish someone could make a stockalike texture for the casing...
  16. Being back to KSP never felt so good! What a mod! We talked with ShotgunNinja about Kerbal fatigue and perks, it was on a drawing board for Kerbalism, but never got implemented. Will give it a try in my new Galileo play.
  17. Gonna try I'm a sucker for longterm habitation and all things reusable. And now I can see the flight log of my workhorses :3
  18. @Galileo Hullo master! Is there a way to safely scale up the solar system? I'd like to add some challenge to my new game.
  19. What makes this mod better than Infernal robotics for me is the strength of joint connection. Robotic arms in IR is are too wobbly, robotic arms made with this mod are much stronger, the sliders make it easy to move the joints to the desired position. The cons is the absence of a UI which consolidates all deployable parts. I have to click on all joints, pin and align them every time I want to use a robotic arm.
  20. We had some modder musings about rain last year, but it stopped there: I personally would really like to see weather in KSP. Static planets are not fun to explore.
  21. @HansonKerman The collar is a part of the same body mesh and is not removable. Nobody traced all the faces of the collar model to make them invisible. My advice is to try the Kerbal model which comes with the Making History DLC, it doesn't have that bothersome collar. I haven't tried latest versions of TR and KIS, but one of them should be able to remove the helmet from the new Kerbal model.
  22. Oh man, that would be such a cool feature. I'd even buy a DLC which offered just this function.
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