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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. @Wavechaser Is SRBThrustControl module stock nowadays? I didn't find any plugins in the archive, OP says ThrottleController is included...
  2. That's so awesome! @BahamutoD you really are one of my favorite modders!
  3. I find it amusing how @regex tries to change KSP for everyone according to his own feeling and perceptions. A true evangelist of realism But bigger means prettier. Remember those scaled sunsets and full moons in movies. Cinematographists do this because it makes the picture better. The current size of the sun in KSP feels just right in all the KSP cinematics I've seen so far. Take a look at this picture from ISS: The sun with its corona looks probably even bigger in reality than in KSP.
  4. @Overengineer1 Thank you for the mod I really love every bit of it. As it was mentioned above my Miravlix GravityTurn has a habbit of throwing an NRE spam when RCS is turned on. I noticed this bug cause I tend to play with the Exception Detector mod, but I didn't bother reporting it for quite a while, sorry for that. I'm not sure if it interacts with any mods to produce NREs. Would you please test the mod for NRE spam. Screenshot: P.S. A small feature request, I really love the Delta-V loss calculations done by the mod, it would be awesome if we could turn the calculations on while flying manually.
  5. Looks like it was some kind of system issue. I copied the entire install to my laptop and the game ran with no crashes. But I encountered another type of problem which I didn't have on my desktop PC. In the Tracking Station every vessel including Kerbin itself shifted to the side, orbit lines are on their own and vessels hang in space quite a distance from the orbit line.
  6. Tried analysing the crash dump file does anyone understand what it says?
  7. Another strange crash while going between KSC buildings. Went into Tracking Station two times and crashed on the third. https://www.dropbox.com/s/srscm2pnuf0yyp6/output_log3.rar?dl=0
  8. I'd love to see your models textured. That was always the hard part for me.
  9. The Kerbal Construction Time mod has a built-in simulation feature for bodies you have reached.
  10. Yeah, I meant the whole Stock-Alike texturing style. Everything is painted onto the texture, shadows and glints as if you were painting a picture with brushes. Realistic texturing requires a whole different approach using texture maps to breathe life into the material. With x64 KSP and probably procedural loading of the assets we might have a chance to bring photorealistic look into the game. There's certainly much demand for that. P.S. I resized almost a third of the stock textures on my install, cause some as you have said just don't need those sizes. Take a look at mobility enhancers, heh.
  11. It's always a pleasure seeing artistic people Welcome to the community, Da_Pedro! I believe the modding community will explode with new high res textures when KSP 1.1 comes out. The original game will always stick to its "Stock-Alike" type of textures, we can't change that. They're kinda toonish, simplistic, matte, not RAM heavy and something many people grew to love. I personally love deep textures with all the maps you can get (gloss, metalness, specular, diffuse... you name it). They really brings the feel of the material you're looking at. Current KSP supports only 3 maps: bump map, diffuse or diffuse + specular in the alpha channel. There were several texture revamps done to the stock parts. Probably the most favored by the community are Ven's Stock Revamp and Renaissance Compilation. There is quite a bunch of extra part mods which look very realistic. Textures for Kerbals have been worked on the Texure Replacer thread, this mod gave an opportunity to customize each Kerbal's skin and suit to your own liking, includes dependency from the Kerbal's profession. Buildings type mods currently include KerbinSide for placing buildings (assets included) and CustomBarnKit for tweaking the buildings (hopefully the planned feature of replacing meshes and textures of the current KSC buildings will be realized). There are many endeavors in the revamping the atmosphere an looks of the planets (one such example): As for the game start if you feel KSP jumps to rockets too quickly you can try the Better Than Starting Manned and SETI Unmanned Before Manned mods, each gives a different start to the game. They don't go as far back as to water rockets, but hey that's not impossible to make ) There are Sounding Rockets by Roverdude and other early start mods. Just filling you in, Cheers
  12. I was glued to the screen the whole last episode of Alexandria. Bob, thank you so much for such a tremendous amount of work you're putting into these episodes. Those Soyuz separators :3
  13. Yeah, I'm still having this problem. Maybe it's a C type asteroid issue... I'll try running the hammer on smaller ones.
  14. I have troubles using the Impact Hammer on asteroids. It doesn't detect asteroid surface no matter the position. Originally the Hammer was attached to one of the arms as the Laser Scanner is on the picture. After a number of failed attempts I attached it to a cubic strut on the surface of the asteroid. The Hammer sinks into the asteroid but still can't detect the surface.
  15. Realchute mod is your friend. It allows you to configure your chute in-editor and in-flight. It calculates aerodynamic stress on the chutes letting you deploy them at higher altitudes before thermal heating kicks in. It also correctly displays if it's risky or not to deploy your parachute at the moment. Drogue chute configuration before the main chute is your savior, cause often the weight and the geometry of a craft is not enough to slow down before the main chute deployment. Also you can take a look into the Inline Ballutes option.
  16. Sometimes it feels like landing a shuttle on the runway is not enough for immersion. We still can take out the Kerbals and walk them somewhere to celebrate the return. But there's actually nowhere we can walk them to. It will still be that "Recover Vessel" button which ends the mission. It would be great if the doors of the KSC buildings had a trigger on them with an "End mission" function. So we could walk Kerbonauts to the doors of administration or Kerbal ground engineers to the doors of VAB or SHP and the doors acted like a hatch but would end in Kerbal recovery instead. KSC buildings already have those climbable ladders on them. I think it's not that hard to add a trigger to the doors with "Recover Vessel" functionality for Kerbals.
  17. We need a contrasting background between posts so they don't blend together, don't you agree guys?
  18. The forums definitely look too white for me. Kinda hard on eyes.
  19. Found another one! X-Rebirth devs love KSP ;D
  20. X Rebirth also has the building and trading section. I love building new stations and colonize new systems in X-R, the strategy section of the game is quite deep and challenging. Stations can have many extensions and upgrades to efficiency, storage, defence/firepower. Station manager oversees trading and mining ships. You can open your stations to free trading and adjust prices. Gazing how your empire breathes and works feels very enchanting. Unfortunately you can't change your main ship, you can only dock to a bigger one in your fleet and order it around, it's just you don't have a direct control over it, only captain orders.
  21. It was a crashed hypetrain, I had to run 25 mods to get all the features I needed, but over two years it received significant updates which fixed and added everything players were complaining about. I'm playing completely unmodded and it's like a new game to me now.
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