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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. Ok, I reloaded my backup save and accepted the contract, launched, took a screen then Alt+F4. My output_log.txt here. I didn't quit the game, just replaced the save file and reloaded. You'll find another load instance in the log. Magico13 made a log cleaning and organizing application, just in case: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/132254 This time the monolith appeared at a different angle:
  2. Forgot to attach a rover into the cargo bay of my SSTO before rolling it out.
  3. Yeah, it didn't have any colliders. After a scence change it disappeared. I didn't find anything peculiar in the log. I might have a chance to reproduce it and give you logs. I'm running S.A.V.E. and have a copy before accepting the final AS contract.
  4. I was browsing through contracts accepting some of them one of which was the "anomaly surveyor" sending me to Jool. I launched a plane from the launchpad and was casually driving it towards the runway when I noticed that something was casting a huge shadow over the launchpad and half of the rail road. When I reached the end of the shadow, I turned my view back and saw that I have just driven out of an enormous black wall. When I zoomed out the unidentified object took shape of a gigantic black rectangle. Never seen this before... since it was casting shadows I assume it was a physical object and not a bug of any sort. Any speculations what it actually might be? Surprise from the anomaly surveyor contract pack or "something" else...
  5. Follow the white rabbit, "here" is the key word Try experimenting, it's always fun.
  6. Stock fuel lines and struts can't be attached to two parts via KIS. You'll have to use KAS CC-R2 Connector port,​ place one on the main tank and one on the secondary and link them. Then select the port on your main tank and push the "Pump here" button, this will give the fuel line effect to your pipe.
  7. The easiest way to launch three sats into geostationary is: 1) launch them all on a single rocket (give some dV to the upper stage which will do all the hauling) engineering-wise is the hardest part 2) Make a maneuver node and use fixed body mode of the Trajectories addon to calculate a perfect burn to 2868km over KSC. (Move the maneuver node and watch the white loop which you'd want to position visually above KSC) 3) Circularize to 6h orbit after reaching the 2868km altitude and deploy the first satellite. 4) Burn retro with your hauler to get an exact 4h orbit, this will give you perfect 120° separation between your sats. 5) Repeat from step 3 until all satellites are deployed and dispose of your hauler in any way you desire.
  8. Negative torque worked like a charm, thank you lo-fi, who knew we can do that. I didn't notice before, but Critter Crawler has 6 wheel modules. Effect becomes noticeable when I change values in all of them.
  9. Thank you very much for your explanation. I was tweaking the Critter Crawler by BahamutoD to be more agile while still stable and not jumpy. I'll take a look at your vid. Edit: since the beginning the Critter Crawler is walking backwards while I press the Forward (W) button, what's wrong in the default config which does that? Steering direction is ok. controlAxisType = Up (if I make this Forward, then steering becomes inversed) steeringModeType = ManualSteer brakeTorque = 8 brakeSpeed = 1.5 impactTolerance = 200 overSpeedDamage = 60 WHEEL { wheelName = wheel wheelColliderName = wheelCollider suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint //damagedObjectName = bustedwheel rotateX = 0 rotateY = 0 rotateZ = 0 }
  10. Don't the key numbers in steeringCurve represent the speed and the wheel angle? What kinds of units represent the X axis and the Y axis of this curve?
  11. Hi lo-fi, would you please explain the meaning of numbers in the steeringCurve section of ModuleWheel.
  12. Crashes from NRE spam don't come instantly. Your game will crash when the size of your output_log.txt reaches some magical number around 85Mb.
  13. Hi Magico, I really love the option to recover vessel for refueling, but unfortunately "Fill Tanks" button doesn't work on parts with switchable resources (e.g. InterstellarFuelSwitch, FStextureSwitch2, TankContentSwitcher from ProceduralParts). I could fill them manually, but the production time rockets up in the process. Do you think you'll be able to add support for the popular fuel switching modules?
  14. Hi MOARdV, would you please include the revamped cockpit IVAs into the "Projects using RPM" section of your OP.
  15. Does it say "Too heavy"? Are you trying to stuff the docking port in a Kerbal's pocket?
  16. Many forums already support Gfycat HTML5 videos. They're very lightweight and of much higher quality than GIF animated pictures + iOS friendly. Extremely useful for mod creators who want to demonstrate all the features of their mod visually in their OP. I really like how the Starbound news blog posts these short looping vids hosted on Gfycat to show new implementations.
  17. Take a look at the "Mods using KIS" in the OP. You might find the parts you need in those mods.
  18. Stock fairings are cool, there are mods which make them clamshell, make their texture switchable and tweak the number of shells. The only feature they seemingly lack is a presence of interstage fairings with a node ontop, which doesn't require building a pillar inside.
  19. Well, that's an idea for Allista's mod. But I'm looking to make these wraparound fuel tanks procedural. Extra parts like "saddle tank" truss and fuel hangar are still parts that add extra weight. We're min-maxing output here. I think wrap around tanks have a very neat shape both for lifters and for interplanetary transfer stages. They have a fairing friendly shape, which was the main problem if I wanted to have jetisonnable tanks on my probes, cause every fuel tank out there is round. Extra inline stages add an extra engine weight and increase the length of the spacecraft. Still trying to find somebody who would extract that part resizing MODULE described in the OP.
  20. @riocrokite that's a very Kerbal way you are suggesting I,ve never seen an idea of jetisonning inline tanks before.
  21. Could you please explain it a bit. I didn't quite get what I should do )
  22. I'm currently looking for a modder to make the part procedural. I already have a working module which comes from the "Hangar" mod. It allows unproportional scaling of complex shapes and procedurally generates their contents. However I need this module extracted from the "Hangar" mod before I can publish the addon. If any knowledgeable modder can help me in this endeavor, here's the link with more details: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131358
  23. Interesting tank design, it was suggested in the addon affairs thread so I decided to give it a go. How do I reduce the drag of a part in current aerodynamics? In FAR they are good, in stock aerodynamics every additional radial part induces extra drag even if it's occluded from the airstream.
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