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Everything posted by Vaporo

  1. Not necessarily. There could be an extra line of code in the description of a part on a saved ship that goes something like: AdditionalAttachments = @(insert 3D coordinates) to (part#)@(other 3D coordinates) Essentially, tell the system to make an additional connection point between the parts when the ship is created in the flight scene. I don't know a thing about Unity though, so tell me if this is impossible.
  2. Vaporo

    Salty Spitoon

    Ω=∞ Welcome to the Salty Spitoon. How tough are you?
  3. Being that other rules have already been broken: ∞
  4. Uluru. World's largest boulder. Gonna need something a bit bigger than a generic dirt mover to get rid of this thing.
  5. Vaporo

    Salty Spitoon

    I'm a necromancer. You don't get tougher than that. Welcome to the NaCl spitoon. How tough are you?
  6. [COLOR=#800080]private class[/COLOR] SurviveThatAttack { [COLOR=#008000]// YourDefense is my defense, and YourHealth is my health [/COLOR] [COLOR=#800080]private static int [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000FF]YourHealth[/COLOR] = 200; [COLOR=#800080]private static int [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000FF]YourDefense [/COLOR]= 50; [COLOR=#800080]private static int [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000FF]enemyHealth[/COLOR] = 200; [COLOR=#800080]private static int [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000FF]enemyDefense[/COLOR]; [COLOR=#800080]public static void[/COLOR] main (String[] [COLOR=#FF8C00]args[/COLOR]) { [I]defend[/I](30); [I]attack[/I](2000); [COLOR=#008000]// Next poster, fill in this line here.[/COLOR] } [COLOR=#800080]public static void[/COLOR] defend ([COLOR=#800080]int[/COLOR] [COLOR=#FF8C00]x[/COLOR]) { [COLOR=#800080]if[/COLOR] ([COLOR=#FF8C00]x[/COLOR] > [COLOR=#0000FF]YourDefense[/COLOR]) { [COLOR=#0000FF]YourHealth[/COLOR] = [COLOR=#FF8C00]x[/COLOR] - [COLOR=#0000FF]YourDefense[/COLOR]; } } [COLOR=#800080]public static void [/COLOR]attack ([COLOR=#800080]int[/COLOR] [COLOR=#FF8C00]x[/COLOR]) { [COLOR=#800080]if [/COLOR]([COLOR=#FF8C00]x[/COLOR] > [COLOR=#0000FF]enemyDefense[/COLOR]) { [COLOR=#0000FF]enemyHealth [/COLOR]= [COLOR=#FF8C00]x[/COLOR] - [COLOR=#0000FF]enemyDefense[/COLOR]; } } } You forgot to give an initial value to enemyDefense, so it becomes an arbitrary interger that happens to be greater than 2000. (This happens in c++, but I'm not sure if this happens with c# or not.) NextPosterHealth=0; EvilLaugh=true; EvilLaughDuration=10000;
  7. It's a glitch, yes, but it's kind of low-priority compared with things like .
  8. Wait... You're allowing Hyperedit?????? You do realize that essentially means that people can just Hyperedit a probe core right to Dres and the asteroid and complete the challenge in about ten seconds?
  9. Rules Updated! I removed rules 3.5 and 3.6. (formerly 3.7 and 3.8 are now 3.5 and 3.6) and added a new 3.7: The mothership must reunite with its lander before landing on Kerbin, and must land on Kerbin with the lander on board. (You can still drop the used up lander on Kerbin's surface, if you want). The intention here is to make the rules a bit less restrictive in mission design and clarify the rules a little bit.
  10. I have the best one. I time warped (not physics warp, actual 50-100x time warp)... And physics kept going. Yes, I had full physics during time warp. I have no idea how, but it happened.
  11. Oh yes. So much yes. I want this for all of the reasons stated above.
  12. You think you are having a bad day? I ran out of bacon and had to eat sausage instead!
  13. The goat ate cheese, then rode a train to Hogwarts.
  14. What about an option to FAR aerodynamics instead of NEAR? It's more realistic, and if anything makes the challenge harder for those of us who choose to use it.
  15. I think that it's planned that we will won't even know about any of the planets' existence until we discover them. I think something like this is planned as well, but if it's not, I think some kind of mapping mechanic should be included in the game.
  16. I simply apply non-hype physical laws, causing the train to lose its grip on the tracks and derail before hitting me. The next poster is trapped in a Wile E. Coyote cartoon where the only source of food is roadrunner.
  17. 4/10 Seen you before. Not much, but seen you.
  18. Ok, my arm is really starting to get tired from holding this gun. Can you please take the picture already so I can go home?
  19. Green is now blue. I wish for the ability to change the weather to my personal preferences.
  20. But where's the fun in that? Seriously, I could probably easily reduce the weight to a quarter and the part count by a half if I tried, and I know for a fact that there is waaaaaay too much fuel in the launch stage. I end up having to drop the last three of those KW tanks because the engines on them are too uncontrollable to use for circularization.
  21. I know. I'm not a fan of punishing time warp either. Still, it's something to think about.
  22. Well, this certainly won't make it into 0.25 (The devs are almost certainly within two weeks of release). However, for a future update, it is certainly something to consider. And you shouldn't just lose reputation. You should be given some other penalty that is associated with the fact that your staff will just get up and leave when they realize that they're not going to get paid. Also a very good point. Maybe it could be automatic, where the funds are instantly subtracted when needed.
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