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Brainlord Mesomorph

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Everything posted by Brainlord Mesomorph

  1. As soon as Steam started installing 1.1, I thought "Damn I should have backed up 1.05"
  2. What they've released is unplayable. I like the new wheel physics, but with all the problems. I can't understand why they did this, We had a playable 1.05, and now an unplayable 1.1. Thanks guys. (There was just no reason for it.) They should have called it 1.1 An Upgrade Too Far.
  3. I actually have a long list of real suggestions for this game, but all of them take a back seat to this. I was deliberately waiting for the RELEASE of 1.1 because I wanted it to be right. WHY ON EARTH DID YOU ROLL THIS OUT? I'm a software developer myself, so I understand. You needed to call something 1.0 and get out of the prerelease section on Steam. I got that. But we're passed that now. And there is NO reason to release this stuff until its SOLID. You have *users* out there now (not beta testers) and you're ... (self-censorship) ... aggravating us. Just stop. Go attend a 12-step program for people that can't stop releasing buggy apps. Let the next two (or 4) builds be nothing but bug fixes. PLEASE.
  4. I can turn on/off the "traction control", I can turn on/off the suspension, BUT I CAN'T TURN OFF THE MOTOR???? (are they nuts?) When you have a joystick, throttle applies to wheels, those things take a lot of of power. Am I missing something??
  5. 2010 The Year we make Kontact. (it writes itself)
  6. Dres is Mother Dres is Father (or, is that PsyCorps) /Have bots on the way to Dres now, The big manned interplanetary cruiser wasn't ready by the launch window)
  7. I have a six page tutorial on high-speed rovers - unfinished. I started to make a :"company" and I have a webpage and half a dozen sandbox designs 95% done. (I even have volunteers for beta testing) but never got done w/ that. (and then I had envisioned cinematic aerospace company TV commercials) Currently I have career game year-one manned mission to Eve AND Duna I'm about to launch. (That's what I'm actually doing) (Part of the problem is Squad pulling the rug out from under us w/ new builds.) EDIT: And about 8 threads I've wanted to start on these forums, that I never got to...
  8. In order to get to level 3 you have to just step out of Kerbin's SOI, I'm planning a training flight to just past Minmus and back.
  9. Find and fix (or remove) broken struts and fuel lines. find and Replace parts while keeping what's attached. re-rooting displaying (and fixing) fuel flow . look for file corruption! (I think we build the Kraken into our own ships)
  10. You could (more accurately I could) definitely write a .craft READER. An out-of-game app that turns the file into a collapsible tree-view. There are more complex CGI apps that store files similarly and THEY have out-of-app readers. Once in there you could do *some* things. Finding and removing broken struts is what I had in mind. You MIGHT be able to write a simple one.
  11. I see. to max out the Xp you should flyby the moon, go home, orbit the mun go home, land on the mun go home, plant a flag, go home. And then make those same FOUR flights to Minmus?! That's silly.
  12. Jeb and crew seems to have topped off at 2.75, we haven't been interplanetary yet. Does an Engineer really need to go to another planet (and back) before he knows how to change a tire?
  13. It ALMOST seems that way, right? But I can't imagine the game is THAT buggy. I'm watching the test flight through beer goggles? "That plane seemed prettier last night" LOL Oh And FYI everybody: My problem seemed to be drag. I had added lights, RCS blocks, antennae, like 3 ladders, and it was the drag that broke the camel's back, costing about 175 m/s in dV. Adding 10% more fuel to the 1st stage and she was good to go.
  14. It seems to me that If I use a Claw, clamp down, and then free the pivot and "lift" up on it (pulling) with RCS thust, shouldn't it just find a line opposite the CoM?? (then lock)
  15. Given this: http://www.nasa.gov/feature/reconstituting-asteroids-into-mechanical-automata and my current contract to capture a class D asteroid, Anyone think I can turn it into a ship? and mine fuel my way across the solar system?
  16. If I have time for gaming its KSP, So much so, I don't have to tell people what game I'm playing, I'm just playing "my game." / I'm not addicted. // I can stop any time i want. ///but why would I want to?
  17. I use tri-couplers with Mk1 tanks, On the second end it only connects to one of them, so I use struts to staple them together
  18. 10.75 along the "beach" of the Greater Flats. (thanks I'v been wondering if that was good or not)
  19. As a computer programmer, I try not to ever use mods. I want to play a game the way the original programmers intended. So Stock.
  20. Karbon Steel. oh, and the Launch Pad is made of Explodium.
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