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Everything posted by LitaAlto

  1. I'll try that, thanks. BTW, I'm running into ModuleManager errors I hadn't caught before with the ECLSS cfg. Hold off on using that just now, please.
  2. Paul Kingtiger is a gentleman and a saint. He got me all the information I needed for ECLSS and then some. I've added ECLSS to the cfg bundle. You can get it here. I was able to verify the values for the parts, but I ran into a complication that only happens with ECLSS, and only the parts with actual modules and resources: If anyone who uses ECLSS wants to test this out, and see if they also get exploding parts in the VAB, please do.
  3. Happy to oblige! I wish you could fly pants on the flagpole too.
  4. I'll double-check my install tonight, but I'm pretty sure I'm using version 2.0, but Kerbals are still sparking on EVA. I'll post video tonight after checking I have the correct version installed.
  5. I may have to get involved in this, if only because I keep coming up with Kerbal-flavored funny bits of text that could be put to use. I also have a few screenshots but I didn't get a chance to upload them anywhere yet. I'll post a couple tonight if I can.
  6. I didn't know about this mod until now--but last night I started a brand new save called "Start Small Dream Big". WHAT IS THIS ZEITGEIST THINGY. Also, these sounding rockets sound awesome and I'm looking forward to trying them out!
  7. OOH. Thanks for the heads-up, nli2work--I'll check it out tonight!
  8. Update: Shashol has clarified that his ECLSS rebalancing will be using figures from Paul Kingtiger's rebalancing mod. I'm asking Paul about his numbers, but it sounds like I'll be able to get an ECLSS config out this weekend.
  9. FYI Astronomer is attempting to re-release the latest AVP with reduced textures. He's having problems with Curse accepting his file, but it should be a matter of time before an official reduction is available.
  10. Maybe I'm confused--but by platform you mean "graphics APIs," right? As in, not dependent on DirectX or OpenGL? Someone on Google+ asked if ATM only worked on Windows, and I replied yes since DLL files are Windows resources, but your comment has me wondering if there's something I missed.
  11. Leaving the fireballs would be OK, I think--if they could be scaled to thrust. Then it looks like the ignition flame is welling back up after hitting the ground.
  12. This thread is for any headcanons observations about the KSP Universe you may have to share. For example: The first Kerbal parachutes were in fact giant umbrellas. But the umbrellas would not handle strain well, so researchers added struts. Then they found that the struts alone could handle the load. Finally, and to their surprise, they discovered the struts didn't even need to be rigid, and the first packable parachute was born. Not so surprisingly, they also discovered parachutes made awful pants.
  13. I have a memory monitor and defrag utility which I often run alongside KSP just to help keep things running smoothly. I just started the new ATM. My PC has crawled to an expected near-standstill. But I'm watching the memory utilization drop. And this is actually cool enough that I'm OK with just watching the load screen eke along. I'm such a geek.
  14. Apparently a few of us think launches look a bit more realistic when there are clouds of smoke and balls of fire welling under the rocket during the first few moments of launch. I know the first time it happened I was blown away by how it looked, and then felt my heart sink as I realized I trashed the launchpad. Is there maybe a way to trigger the launchpad explosions, without actually destroying the launchpad? Perhaps even a way to scale non-destructive launchpad explosions based on thrust on launch?
  15. Thank you for splitting the threads. This is actually the first time I've got a clear idea of what exactly LLL does.
  16. I'm dropping out. I'm struggling in RL with some personal stuff and don't have it together enough to fly. Sorry. Congrats, greydragon70. That was a good run of yours.
  17. As I mentioned previously (here, here, and here) ECLSS is expected to be updated soon with completely rebalanced life support resources. I've requested those numbers from Shashol, who's doing the updates, and they said they'd try to get me the new numbers this weekend. So far, though, real life seems to be interfering with that. Thank you for the rep. I'm not sure what I did to deserve it, but thank you.
  18. OK, I'm done with Snacks!, IFI, and TAC. Still no word as of yet about new ECLSS resource numbers, so I'll have to touch on that later on. Also, some of these mods have their own MM configs, some of which are too generous, others too sparing, and all of which are fairly aggressive. I wound up having to abandon the define-once-then-make-exceptions tactic for a clean slate and individual definitions. It works--not the way I would prefer, but it works. Download the cfg files here. And I'm done. Until ECLSS has updated resource numbers, I'm going to take a break from staring at Notepad.
  19. I also like the idea of a greenscreen mod. I'm not sure how it'd work as a part though--is this meant to be deployable like a solar panel array? I'm guessing so from your Firespitter comment but it's not clear. Or is this just for use in the Editor, like in your image?
  20. You could just ask for more RAM, you know. No need to have it thrown at you, that might hurt.
  21. Brief update: Kinda wish I had a versioning system at this point--what started as a code update turned into a bug hunt. But I think I managed to squash the last of the bugs this morning. Tonight I'll retest and if they pass muster I'll upload.
  22. Thank you both! Admittedly I rely too much on samples and not enough on a careful reading of text. :/
  23. I dunno, should it? Seriously, sarbian's example doesn't show empty curly braces after the name of the RESOURCE I'm deleting. I can certainly try that though. Can we better document that requirement then? As I mentioned the example I was going by doesn't use them. Thanks for the pointer, very appreciated!
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