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Everything posted by amarius1

  1. YEp... that ....er pissed be off! Did I reealy needed to explain him like he's 5? Jeez!
  2. Congraats! Realy! ;( Well, now hyped to mess with my new gas giant's cloud animations... I only need to fix the configs... hey doesn anyone have a good basic planet example? - - - Updated - - - Also, could you add a Volcano plugin? It was a reeeeal pain in the ass to figure out how to make the volcano in kerbol plus, but it was just too hacky! And we couldn't even choose where to out it! Cheers and I hope volcanoes and criovolcanoes get implemented!
  3. Uh, well, yeah... I realy need to fix it along woth the other atmospheric planets since I've fixed the non atmospheric ones... actualy we've begun revamping Keelon's moons! Womp will be replaced by lava ringed ocean planet Manai.
  4. Awesome! Good to hear, and I'm very hyped. I am most interested for the lava ocean moon testing. Remember, test the required planets, like the forst time! Cheers!
  5. Well, currently the bug still exists, but you still, with the bug can land on bodies. The bug was that the ships were counted as flying low instead of landed and that prevented returning to space center or contract completion. Also kerbals had EVA problems interacting with the planets. I've fixed these bugs in the last tester build, where Project Pluto tested one of the new fixed configs and even shown some pictures! Also, releasing multiple parts of a simple hotfix seems rather unprofessional and my reputation would crack down to nothing (as it might already happened) so people would no longer like the mod seeing how disscorganised the releases would be. But tehnicaly, there would be no other problem if I would release my part of the hotfix today, but I would be ignorant not waiting for the rest of the team that, remember has irl things to do! Cheers, never pest! That's why we still have the bug in 2.3.8! Pesting!
  6. Good to hear from you! Well, ok... i understand how real life is... I'm stuck with this weak win 10 low end laptop that can't even run KSP, sk all I can do is write configs, create terrains in unity... etc. that's why I even need you to test things out... If I had my REAL computer, the big PC, the hotfix would've been done by now... unforcenately everyone is kind of bussy with it... well, after school starts I'll have more than 2 hours in the morning to code and test things properly, on the good PC... it will be so awesome... Not to mention I haven't even played ksp sin e 2 months ago, and actualy... I REALY ....I MISS IT!!! Also, have you received the email? You should take a peak at the Ocean planet's textures to see how it looks... On the other hand, I've found out how to create awesome handmade errain usin Unity's terrain creator. After you pain the terrain using regular brushes, you can export everything as a heightmap which can be used in KSP! God it'll be so cool one I export my first handmade height map...
  7. Well... First: why do you mimic my username? U fan (very very improbable since everyone hates me except Olympic and some moderators), or hater? Second: The complete hotfix will come in at least a week. So far I've fixed the terrain glitches part of the hotfix, which is right now tested along with the new Keelon orbiting ocean planet, Manai, by the teste Project Pluto! It is also being checked by Kill Ashley that will also atemps to fix atmo (and maybe learn me how to make my own). The rest of the hotfix is in the form of proper .dds conversion, made by Olympic1. Stay tuned, because terrain fix and lava ocean planet test reports may appear any time. Here's a poll for everyone: Should I release the atmosphere and terrain final hotfix when they are out from testing and retesting? Should I release along with Olympic the dds conversion in 2.4.0 aka the "Keelon Revamped" major update? Should I include custom ground scatter in the hotfix, or in 2.4.0? Should I include the ocean planet (will also have rings and impenetrable clouds) in the hofix or in 2.4.0? Even trough Manai (lava planet) orbits Keelon, it should be included in Keelon Revamped update... Cheers everyone.
  8. Well, NathanKell has joined the team, and he is a Plugin expert, including planets so... - - - Updated - - - Well, if they'd make changes to planet altitudes, landed ships would have a reeealy tiny chance do explode into what once was the surface, and a big chance to just pop up to where the new ground is, with minor problems. (Tested with planet pack). - - - Updated - - - Well, I'm working on a WIP kopernicus based plugin that will add easter egg scatters: Farms on kerbin, abandoned space centers (very very rare), more types of trees, rare cristals on Eve, salt boulders on Laythe, snow piles on Eeloo. All of thiese have collision andnare randomly generated per save. - - - Updated - - - Not true, Kopernicus is an amazingly stable plugin and most of the related crashes are ONLY caused by something wrong in Planet .cfg, or your ksb being an unique one that doesn't like kopernicus! For example back in 0.24 EVE wasn't working for me but after 0.25 everything worked nice. Cheers everyone! I'm looking forward to restarting this community move after 1.1 hits so be prepared to protest! (even trough its their game and I know hoe it feels when people are rushing you to make things you kind of need to dqueze from your free time).
  9. Well, I tought light offset is already solved by making the normal map 50% transparent!
  10. I'm to bussy fixing my mod and I anyway don't have enough time.
  11. Awesome, thank you! Actualy If I find time I may finish the terrain hotfix to be then redirect to Q&A and then I'll release it... Also, your software seems overely complicated, but I will see if i can do the steps automaticaly as you said. Good night, now going to sleep after 5 hours ago i returned from the airport and read half of The Martian. Cheers!
  12. Awesome! Thank you! For file sharing I have to figure out how to create a dev branch In github. It should be easy trought. Are u ok with Mega trough? Also, I may be able to help you with .dds because i've just installed Paint.net (supports .dds). Just tell me what are the automated steps your program did that I have to do by hand!
  13. Ohhh yes!!!!!!! I ....in' found the problem!!! Thank you CaptRobau! So today I've sent to ProjectPluto (official tester) a new planet config that contained a fix only for Daphy. The config fix was just adding a Gilly template stripping it from all of its PQS mods. CaptRobau had some bugs in OPM's Tal before doing the same thing, even trough his issues were even bigger. Back to testing, one hour today I have received Q&A's test report and EVERYTHING WORKS FINE!!! No glitches regarding the status of Landed ships, no issues with kerbals, they are performing normaly at last! THE BIG HOTFIX will come in 2 days depending on Olympic's work. BTW experimental purple giant crystals on Faz are awesome but still need polishing. Today I've also tested my new idea, to randomly generate buildings like farms, houses and abandoned bases, all randomly generated per save, like ground scatter. However, I'll not release them until Kopernicus released its Ground Scatter collision system. Cheers and I am happy to be back from vacantion to my normal work cycle! PS: Love you all for your support, especialy Ashley, who endured a lot of my shenanigans when we were partners, Olympic1 who was my friend since my first times of modding, Project Pluto who is an incredibely quick and precise tester, and of course CaptRobau, who shared with me the sollution to a problem he also had on Tal! Also, Olympic, please take a break from working on this for at least 3 days! You deserve it man! Can't wait till update because we'll have a lot of cool, unique, fun, revamped and never tried again stuff! Wish us luck.
  14. Yeah, does anyone know about any relatively stable build for 1.0?
  15. Not you. I'M officialy ignoring you. - - - Updated - - - Ok send me a PM for the contact info so I can tell you how to access the bugfix.
  16. Well I will just try. It shouldn't take more than 4 days to make something for the testers before releasing it... now, who wants to participate to testing?
  17. Ok guys... i think i found the problem... it also lappened on Tal from OPM and the fix was to add a Gilly Templanet to all planet configs and strip it from gilly's pqs mods. CaptRobau also said that the configs don't realy look suspecious. Maybe that would fix the issues, but for now you won't her from me like a week since my England vacantion starts today in 6 hours and I feel like i won't have free wifi in the hotel for my tablet... cheers! Miss everyone... - - - Updated - - - It's a bug we're hoping to fix (well, more me because Olympic has no experience with configs).
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