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Everything posted by amorymeltzer

  1. Have you tried? The whole point of this is that, yes, you can do "splashed down" in every biome on Kerbin, but some are hard to find. It should have given you some waypoints for potential locations - did you check? That's the true genius of this pack.
  2. There's actually even one at the VAB that goes away once you get to level 3. Can CC detect building levels?
  3. FWIW, I pretty regularly tab over to the body in question once I get an encounter. It's really quite easy to change your incoming there, not a major issue. And in the meantime, look no further than blizzy's excellent Precise Node.
  4. This fills a big hole in the science contracts. When Squad introduced "go do thing in area" it was a start, but it wasn't directed or helpful. This pack is both of those, and looks really well done. Three cheers for completionists! I really want to thank Nightingale for this - it's a good example of the creativity and effort that makes this community great. The request was made less than a month ago, and now there is a beautiful mod doing exactly that. What more could you hope for?
  5. I keep going back and forth on this. I really want the large probe core for efficient stations/refueling/mining/etc, so I'd like it to be cheaper. I might even say I've held of expanding some of my operations until I unlocked it as it is so very vital I think. Something that major, which really is, in some sense, the final cog (along with the rockomax node) in the fully-modular world of stations/mining/etc., is worth 1k in my book.
  6. Seconding what Lord Aurelius said (in StockScienceProbeTweaks.cfg), and adding on to that StockScienceTweaks.cfg, which changes the Barometer experiment. Not necessarily bad things, but does feel out of scope. I was certainly surprised to find them here.
  7. This looks fantastic, nightingale, really wonderful. I haven't had much time to play around with it but it looks really solid! My only real issue isn't even really on you, it's from CrowdSourcedScience. Turns out the most recent version added this little file, which I wasn't aware of, and meant this pack gave me some surprising "probe report" tests. Who knew! Anyway, real question: Is there a reason why the KSC science pays out per item while the rest pay out only upon full completion?
  8. Nightingale previously had all the contracts offered by the R&D group. That's boring and impersonal! So now, all the contracts should be offered by the Anomaly Surveyor Group, which has a (badass frickin') logo and everything!
  9. Basically this. I'd skip chatterer and DAI, I think it plays just fine without 'em, but the rest are solid. I'll also throw in: EditorExtensions - Must have QuickScroll - Small, HUGE quality of life. QuickContracts - See above TempGaugeKiller, StockBugFixes, etc. - Small but you gotta have 'em
  10. I like the birds, but when I return to the space center at night it's always a bit jarring to hear 'em still singing. Birds need sleep too!
  11. 10/10 would play that mod! Simpler midstep I suppose would be to spawn a criminal in a random location (Kerbin, orbit) and require you to capture him/her - aka return safely to kerbin.
  12. FWIW, Kerbal Alarm Clock gives you the option to require two-click authorization on the warp-to buttons. It's a lifesaver, and allows the best of both worlds.
  13. For me, yes - I simply can't keep track of where KSC or other points of interest on Kerbin and other spobs are, so a waypoint just helps me find it. I figure it's up to me to aim there and fly/land the bloody thing - that's where Trajectories comes in. I do know that MechJeb's landing assistant let's you pick a spot, so that could be used in conjunction with WPM. Last I heard it didn't work with aero, but perhaps that will be changed soon a la Trajectories.
  14. Thanks everyone! Learned something new today. Those popsicles were awesome.
  15. Here's the real question - What the hell currency is "D"? Is that Denari?
  16. When I started the mod, I didn't think it could give such precise results that you might want to move your target a few meters... But I'm wondering, why do you want your pod to land exactly in the middle of the runway ? In the future, I'd like to add the possibility to target a vessel (or a flag), maybe that could be a solution in your case? (though as usual, no ETA). Give Waypoint Manager a go. It's easy to save a whole mess of places, and combined with Trajectories it's straightforward to land wherever.
  17. That's sorely needed, nicely done. This'll be hugely popular just for that feature! This, and the previous "send back for extra stuff" idea, is great! Awesome thinking.
  18. Well, how zero is zero? mysteryGoo/mobileMaterials done 4x each is ~99.7% complete; it's a drag to do that for every biome but it's still not enough for 100% to register in the archives. You gotta get that floating point real low for some of those punks. ScienceAlert (blessed be its name!) lets you set the cutoff as low as 0.01; I usually figure ~95% is good enough, àla SCANsat.
  19. I guess I was wondering why they wouldn't all allow transmit, since most tests require multiple runs to "finish", even via recovery. Will these missions be one-and-done, a threshold, or completion? I'm a completionist (obviously) but I gather most people here aren't, so one-and-done probably makes the most sense? If so, losses via transmit wouldn't be a big deal. Takes away some novelty for KSC I suppose.
  20. Nightingale, are you swapping between recover and recover/transmit only when transmit would be 100%? Well, Mobile Materials Lab is the name of the actual experiment being performed (in part cfg, ScienceDefs.cfg). One could imagine another part (in another mod) doing the same science experiment, which would be just as valid or, I suppose, doing the experiment, storing it in a command pod, and just collecting that. Admittedly, the names ARE rather confusing, especially when compared to the other experiments and the MPL. Drove me crazy when I first started playing.
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