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Everything posted by amorymeltzer

  1. Congrats on a great release, Squad! Really looking forward to it. This is the sort of attention to detail I didn't even imagine but is so great that you pulled off. Nice work!
  2. How has nobody mentioned Kerbal Alarm Clock yet? Even in a much simpler format, without all the bells and whistles, KAC is probably the most vital mod I use. Not required, no, but it allows you to have more than a handful of missions at a given time. Throw some of it's functionality into a Tracking Station upgrade, it makes perfect sense.
  3. If this works this is probably your best bet - sandbox games don't save or even report any science in your persistent.sfs, so without changing the game mode the game itself won't even know.
  4. Meh, can't blame 'em. The toroidal fuel tank stood out as an oddball (not that that's a bad thing!) and was a bit OP in my mind. Inline fuel tanks are needed for xenon, so while I'll miss the Round8 it's hard for me to get too worked up about it. ETA: Quote from HarvesteR
  5. Do you like the science archives? I don't! They're clunky, don't resize, and don't filter as well as they could. PLUS, when you're trying to pick a landing spot on the Mun, who the hell wants to: - Jump to the Spaaace Center - Jump to R&D - Click around a bit, decide on a biome - Jump back to your spacecraft - Figure out if you can easily land in any of those biomes ("Wait, crap, was it East, Farside, or East Farside? Bloody hell, back to R&D!") With parseScience.pl you can easily generate: - A full list of all science in the known universe - Excel and CSV formats - Sort by biome, what you have left, or have accomplished - Summary statistics by planet/moon, test, and condition (flyingHigh, etc.) Requires: Perl - Comes bundled with OS X and Linux, Windows users will need Strawberry perl Excel::Writer::XLSX - Only if you want an Excel file output. Install it via "cpan Excel::Writer::XLSX" in the terminal, or get it from CPAN or GitHub You can find a full rundown of features at the Readme on Github, but in short, just run the script with a local copy of ScienceDefs.cfg and persistent.sfs and you're good to go. You can easily set the location of your KSP folder and save file, though, so there's no need for local copies. There are plenty of options, including scansat integration, defining a personal config file, extra data, and more. Project page on GitHub: Amorymeltzer/ksp Latest release: https://github.com/Amorymeltzer/ksp/releases/latest Direct download: Version 0.97.3 License: BSD 2-clause Note - Perl is a hobby and is by no means my profession so I will do my best to fix any bugs or errors you may find, either here or on GitHub. Pull requests welcome! - SCANsat is the only non-stock mod I use, but I am willing to add others if people would like. - I use an old Mac, don't use steam, and my only access to Windows or Linux are VMs of XP and Ubuntu, which is to say the default KSP locations are probably lacking. I have no idea where most people keep their KSP folder, so please tell me and I will update this with those in mind. - There are a few other scripts in the GitHub repository, feel free to have fun with those.
  6. Thanks for bringing this back, it's been super helpful! I haven't really been able to figure out the difference between the two parts, though. Aside from cost I can't seem to get either one to do anything different. Am I missing something?!
  7. Eve, Laythe, and of course Kerbin all have both landable and splashable biomes. It's been well established that, on Kerbin, not only can you get SrfLanded in the Water biome but you can get SrfSplashed for every "land" biome; basically, liquid water is prevalent and spread throughout the planet. Cool. Is that also true for Laythe and Eve? I've confirmed that you can get SrfLanded in the Sagen and Explodium Seas on Laythe and Eve, but what's not clear to me is if every other biome* has at least one spot with an SrfSplash-able area. I've combed through the forums and the wiki and it seems like it's assumed? I can't find a definitive answer and I've spent way too long hacking/unhacking gravity then crashing back onto Eve. * Eve: Poles, Lowlands, Midlands, Highlands, Peaks, ImpactEjecta Laythe: Poles, Shores, Dunes
  8. When the editor first loads, I see a moment or two with a jumble of parts in the sidebar; pretty sure an asteroid is there.
  9. Not sure if this is the best place for this (maybe I should file a bug report?) but I can't find any reference to it in the forums. There's another VAB biome not listed here - VABSouthComplex. As far as I can tell it's only in Level 2 of the VAB. It's the three buildings just south of the VAB; nothing is built there in Level 1 and in Level 3 it's an extension of VABMainBuilding. In Level 2, though, it's clear as day. persistent.sfs even has SpaceCenter/VehicleAssemblyBuilding/Facility/SouthComplex { intact = true }
  10. As an action group 'cause upgrading the VAB is like the last thing I do. RCS just means "open the solar panels" as far as I'm concerned!
  11. Any news on this? I've had the same behavior since forever, but I also recently noticed some FlyingHigh, FlyingLow, and Splashed empty science expts for the Mun. I think there's a small chance it's interacting with another mod (SCANsat? Overlay?) but testing is a pain...
  12. I can imagine Grace Kerman losing large numbers of vessels because she keeps leaving bugs in the machine, or Marie Kerman telling you not to worry too much about the exhaust from the nuclear reactor.
  13. This is a great idea! I'd put in support for an Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, or Vera Rubin reference too! It would be great to add roles rather than take them away.
  14. WOW, a lot more feedback than I expected! I'm glad to see everyone express their opinion. Most, obviously, are in opposition, but I appreciate that. I think zekew11 provides a really good explanation of why I put this forward, and would suggest everyone read it. I won't go repeat the reasons why, but my short rebuttal is that it took me all of five minutes to find these things - it's a gain, perhaps a small gain to some, for a very, very minimal amount of effort. When Valentina enters the game, (at least one of) the female Kerbals is supposed to be "just as bad-ass as Jeb, as ingenious as Bill or as smart as Bob"; it would be nice to see it (and, frankly, just as scared, courageous, and stupid as the others). As far as the "manned" V "crewed" thing goes, yes, we all use "manned" to refer to everyone, but that doesn't make it good and it doesn't make it gender-neutral. "Man" may be the stand in for all humans or all Kerbals, but I'll remind you all that no less an authority than J. R. R. Tolkien saw fit to draw a distinction:
  15. I'm looking forward to seeing Squad integrate Valentina into the starting pantheon, but one thing I think would pair nicely with her introduction would be some slight language changes. Specifically, I'm suggesting changing "crewed" to "crewed" and "robotic" to either "uncrewed" or "robotic". There are also some uses of him/his/he (usually referring to a CEO or "brilliant engineer") that could be changed, either to include a few her/hers/she or to do away entirely with gendered pronouns. The following is a list of parts and tech nodes where I've found gendered language, using a simple grep call. There are definitely more, though - I know "robotic" shows up in contracts, for example. If anyone can pinpoint others or ones I've missed that would be great! Crewed/Robotic Tech Node names: roboticTech advUnmanned TechRequired entries in part.cfgs (refers to above, obv): Mk2DroneCore probeCoreOcto2 probeStackLarge probeStackSmall Part descriptions: probeCoreHex probeCoreOcto GrapplingDevice Him/His/He pronouns Part descriptions: hitchikerStorageContainer Mk3CargoBay/long Mk3CargoBay/medium Mk3CargoBay/short liquidEngineMk55 roverWheelXL3 dockingPortInline
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