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Everything posted by amorymeltzer

  1. Oops! Ya caught me. It's this: https://github.com/panicsteve/cloud-to-butt I've got a lot of these things installed, I just sort of forget about it sometimes...
  2. Ditto. I always forget how beautiful the game actually looks... And congrats Fraggle, well done! Onward to the Mun!! (or Minmus)
  3. First thing I did was edit my savefile so Val is first in the pecking order and Jeb is fourth. He got bumped down a notch, but is now the leader of the second-string crew. Lucky for him though, Val, Bob, and Bill are currently on a long trip to Minmus, so Jeb is wrackin' up flight time.
  4. Not to promote myself, but if you can handle perl I made a script that should report everything for you: parseScience.pl. Ignoring asteroids, there's something like 500 each for Landed and Splashed and around 300 for FlyingLow and FlyingHigh, give or take a few dozen. And that's not even counting the KSC "biomes," although it IS for every science experiment known to Kerbalkind.
  5. Any chance for the ability to resize the HUDs, or at least shorten the words and spaces between them and their values? The HUDs are simple gorgeous but with my small screen I can't help but overlap on something else. Thanks for all the hard work on this bad boy!
  6. Wouldn't mind this either - I have no idea what that stuff even means!
  7. Not 100% sure this is MechJeb, but (using v2.5-455) I just got a weird LIFTOFF flight event. I entered the atmosphere and was burning up some extra fuel, and forgot that I had MJ's autostage on, so after I ran out of fuel it kicked off the decoupler, which apparently gave me the liftoff event. Don't think I've seen this before but I don't usually check. Link to KSP.log The relevant part of the log is around 17:52, roughly line 10,300.
  8. Rover wheels, so I can get all that sweet sweet KSC science!
  9. Awesome plugin! Minor note: On KerbalStuff, the Website link directs to [removed link to defunct website] which is clearly meant to just be the forum link. Thanks for the mod!
  10. I used to do multistage planes because landing is hard anyway, it's easier to explore Kerbin in a plane, it's easier than landing, and you don't have to save half your fuel to get home. Plus, you don't have to deal with the hassle of landing!
  11. That's intentional. The 1.0 update introduced new behavior for SAS which automatically puts it in hold when your movement or the target is likely to change rapidly. The perfect example of this is when landing on the Mun or Minmus. You'd have your SAS set to retrograde, but if you accidentally overshot by 0.1 m/s your rocket would flip over to point down, then back up again as gravity caught you. Same for when you land and aren't moving - weird things happen there. Because your relative speed to your target is almost 0 it's flipping off, but you appear to be hugging the line between on and off. If you get it up to 0.3 or something I bet it'll stop. Honestly, I'm surprised you even had the option - I didn't think it'd give it to you at 0.1 m/s. Maybe because the ships are large?
  12. I'm seeing this. Orbiting Kerbin and planting a flag on the Mun gives you 7 XP total, just shy of enough for level 2, but my crew on return registered 2 and even 3 stars. So far I think it's mostly only when jumping to a ship via Kerbal Alarm Clock, so not huge. I still think this is the greatest thing, thanks so much for it.
  13. Check out Stage Recovery. It's pretty simple to comprehend and really easy to use, and the mechanics (higher speed and/or further from KSC = less $$) are just enough to make you thick about it. ETA: The new version has some cool calculations to make re-entry heating relevant, which I haven't tried yet (workworkwork) but seems pretty nifty.
  14. From the wiki: Level 0: N/A Level 1: Repack parachutes Level 2: Repair wheels Level 3: Repair lander legs Plus they help with heat. Underpowered IMO, but there's good integration with some mods (KER, etc.) that I kind of like.
  15. To your initial (rhetorical) question, I really like the following quote from the PC Gamer review. I find it captures the essence of KSP quite well.
  16. Thanks for the quick reply you two! I must have really read the release notes wrong. Is there no in-game way to tell how draggy certain parts will feel? Or am I just not getting it?
  17. I swear I'm losing my mind! I saw them there in 1.0.0, but now (1.0.2) I never see the drag values. Did I misclick an option in the settings? It's teh same for any game option (sand, science, career), various difficulties, and all levels of buildings.
  18. Maybe I'm misreading you, but shouldn't it move from red to white to blue? Blackbody radiation is opposite the shower handles: hot parts glow red, hotter parts glow white, and really really hot things glow blue.
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