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Everything posted by viktor19

  1. Have to agree with you. Still, 30 is a crowd...if you know what I mean.
  2. Can't wait for the mod releases thread, this stuff is amazing. Those views, and that terrain detail (I'm watching you, Squad!) is really one-of-a-kind! Also, I've prepared some suggestions for names of giants. Uranus equivalent combined with your rules was the toughest. Hope you like them GP2 - Sudal [sOO-dahl], backwards of (Ence)ladus GP3 - Urion [YUri-on], Uranus + Oberon GP4 - Novus, honoring NovaSilisko for his vision & contribution to KSP "Kluto" - Pemoh [PAM-oh], acronym of Pluto, Eris, Makemake, (2007)OR1and Haumea, biggest Trans-Neptunian objects discovered PM me if you find any of them good enough for your plugin.
  3. I also have laptop, but with 6 gigs. I am very excited for 1.1 but this...worries me... If you don't know if 8 GB can be reached, you haven't seen EVE mod. *offers crying shoulder*
  4. Expecting reliability from KSP made rockets is like betting that N1 will make it to orbit. SpaceX staff must have forgotten to install newest version of Kerbal Joint Reinforcement after updating Real Solar System Just kidding, Elon knows we are the future.
  5. Just did a fresh install of shiny new RO 10.2 and found out that most of the engines are listed as not supported by RO. Also, they don't have their names and characteristics changed. Is it my mistake in installing? I did everything the same like before: mods first, RO last.
  6. That one time my IPV 3.0 visited Dres with the Original Three, I found it interesting: not because of the canyon, or ore(.90), or Dresteroids (.90, again). Simply, it was interesting in it's lack of features. Everyone who plays KSP and takes part in this discussion should go and see for itself. It's not a planet, but a planetoid with no striking features, just that canyon (like that white things on Ceres). Don't ignore it, and give it some love. Don't make it the Pluto of Kerbol system.
  7. After some shower thoughts I did a small research into KSP's folders and found out that some of them (5/14) are empty. As I started playing KSP in the fall of 2011 (and rediscovered it in the summer of 2013), I remember the horror known as Parts folder and all the files from mods dumped there. Story is now little different but my question remains: Squad, why are there empty folders? No bad thoughts, just curious:D
  8. Hey, that paint won't pay for it's ride! Just kidding I hope it will be, if not big, at least small publicity stunt. What other game community sent a satellite to space?
  9. I find yaw the bane of my planes existence under nuFAR. However, under Stock Aeroâ„¢ it's perfectly okay. Just don't overdo it, like LordFerret said.
  10. Ekipa s News Bara također nije podbacila http://news-bar.rtl.hr/vijesti/zanimljivosti/karamarko-ismijao-nasa-u-oni-su-na-pluton-poslali-sondu-a-hdz-e-poslati-bro?
  11. I had this effect on numerous EVE - AVP version, and I think it's intentional, like surface being blown away by that gigantic star just nearby. This is Wikipedia's two cents on this
  12. Even though I visited almost all planets, my saves never went too far, few years at most. Consider that I don't really like playing career and I finished the science tree only once, in 1.0. Once I found this thread which debates the max number of years in KSP before the game starts to break down - sort of KSP's Millenium Bug. There are some pretty varying answers, from 233 to millions of years. See for yourself!
  13. Scientific discoveries from recent manned expeditions to Jool made construction (and flying) of one-piece space stations. New material has an ability to include any module: from solar panels to landing gears. Test flights reveal that new ISS performs usually well while going two kilometres per second at 21,000 metres, unlike old capsules. Kerbalkind shall, for this, be eternally grateful to the inventor, dr. Bonkers Kerman.
  14. That's going straight into my GameData! Good job. Wow, this is the first time I'm a first commenter. Yay!
  15. And nothing beats 1.0.4 reentry heat in that department
  16. Galileo flew by Venus once, and by Earth twice before it got on the Jupiter trajectory, saving significant fuel on orbital insertion. Actual numbers you can find here under the Galileo paragraph.
  17. I've been tracking progress of this amazing mod for some time. Now in 1.0.4 I tried to install it albeit with little result. Can someone write precise instructions what files to download and how to install them. GitHub is overwhelming. Pingopete, you are awesome, but please, adjust instructions in the readme so I don't have to think through every sentence for 15 minutes.
  18. If I had a fund everytime I killed him, I could make a fully fledged Moho colony... Parachute torn off because of time warp, crashing into the Mun at 500m/s, Rapid Unplanned Disassemblyâ„¢ of Duna rocket, SNC Dream Chaser replica burning up in RO, Space Shuttle replica burning up in RO, SNC Dream Chaser replica burning up in 64K, Kraken... The list is endless, you really want to hear all of them? Well on the pun side, you could say that he was fired many times by reading my list.
  19. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner of 2015 Kulp Fiction Awards!
  20. Two words: Realism Overhaul That freeze-dried ice cream has got to come from somewhere
  21. Hi there! I've downloaded and installed this great mod. However, my phone can't connect to the Telemachus "server". Both devices are on the same Wi-Fi network. Also, there is no IP addresses written by Telemachus in debug. I have tried to connect to various IP addresses (like my pc's IP), but Chrome returns "connection refused" message. Do I need to mess with port forwarding? Is there something trivial tht I've overlooked? Thanks in advance!
  22. *posts picture of Giorgio A. Tsoukalos*
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