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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. From this past summer (2024), our flight to the Republic of Georgia... Skirting the Iraq/Iran border at 50,000ft, looking out towards Iran https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/41o6bv51ei36692i4fth7/20240521_093649.jpg?rlkey=mbjbjyaff5hvphwjs39nqzp6b&st=c9wpdfi4&dl=0 Another https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/f68py5xqs6s4q1u847ezn/20240521_094821.jpg?rlkey=fdjajbuhieht12f1xy720zfs2&st=stc4eqgs&dl=0
  2. Been a while..... Wife and I spent the last 6 months in the Republic of Georgia, most of it up in Racha. The day we left to return to the States, that night before - it snowed in Racha. I missed it.
  3. I've also heard it said that; Old age isn't for ------- (what we call little cats). And on that note, don't smoke (anything) or vape. COPD sucks. Not being able to breathe, what it feels like, is nothing any of you will ever want to experience.
  4. In my news feed today... https://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinholdenplatt/2024/07/13/us-plan-to-crash-space-station-is-condemned-by-space-agency-leaders/
  5. This popped up in my news feed this morning. Kudos to this young man, nice work. Enjoy... https://hackaday.com/2024/07/10/model-rocket-nails-vertical-landing-after-three-year-effort/
  6. Ojakhuri, Kachapuri, and home wine. We're in the Republic of Georgia (6 months vacation), and everything is fresh daily!
  7. Sorry, a little late here, been MIA. Yes, the music (I don't care what game it is) is immediately turned off... I want game, not music.
  8. Are you talking about the cloaked Stalker? Normal. Wait until you hit the upper levels (7,8,9)... ha! If you run into cloaked or flying Chargers, that's a glitch.
  9. Arvind Mithal (MIT professor and computer scientist), died June 17th, age 77. His name jumped out at me, remembering him for his work with parallel computing back in the day. RIP. https://news.mit.edu/2024/computer-science-professor-arvind-dies-0618
  10. Edward C. Stone, 1936-2024. RIP https://www.caltech.edu/about/news/edward-stone-1936-2024
  11. Oh no!... Wednesday! Lisa Loring, the actress best known for portraying Wednesday Addams in “The Addams Family,” died of a stroke on Sunday night. She was 64 years old.
  12. I play Squad. I like it. If you're spending a lot of time walking it's likely because of poorly experienced leadership and lack of teamwork and communication. Most squad leaders I've had the misfortune to work under lack any real tactical experience or training. Throw multiple such leaders into the mix, and then allow them to pick a commander between themselves, and it's a recipe for disaster. A scattered few whom I've played with who have some manner of real military training (tactical and/or combat experience), has made for an entirely different round in the game. I should mention, these guys all tend to be over the age of 30. Perhaps that is the difference.
  13. That did not occur to me, so I'll go take a look. It's likely set to '1' as the double caret doesn't expand it further. Thanks!
  14. LordFerret

    Two Juno!

    Cool video. When I Googled "cri cri plane", one of things in the results was 'What is Cri Cri made of?' ... so of course I had to look. Thinking carbon fiber or some such thing, I was a bit surprised at the answer; "...a whole hazelnut covered in dark chocolate and rolled in crunchy bites of sugar!" Ok. I can work with that.
  15. Wow... how did I miss this one? RIP Saw him with Link Wray in a NYC club back in 1983 (Warren Zevon was sitting next to me at the next table, he's gone too). Awesome show, I'll never forget it.
  16. Haven't played in a long time. Updated to KSP v1.12.3, plus Breaking Ground v1.7.1, and added KAC (along with ModuleManager, HullCameraVDS, and ScanSAT)... all of which I rely heavily on. A minor issue I'm having, KAC seems to only want to show me 1 alarm even when I've got multiple set. I have to scroll the window to see the rest, 1 line at a time. I can't find any way to expand the window, unless I'm missing something, I thought it did it by default and only began scrolling after display 10 or more lines (or something like that). No, I do not have it set to just show the current vessel. Any ideas? I know this thread is old. Sorry. Where else to go?
  17. Male or female, one should wash before and after. That's experience, and good parenting.
  18. Well it didn't exactly happen today, but it was funny... so funny that I laughed so hard I almost threw up. While on vacation this past year in the Republic of Georgia, I took my grandsons to the dinosaur display (for kids) at the mountain top Mtatsminda Park. It's a very popular landmark in the capitol city of Tbilisi. Walking through the exhibit, the various dinosaurs (some of them animatronic) have sensors that play a 'dinosaur sound' and make it move when you get close to them. Very low budget Disney thing. We came across one that played a submarine dive alarm as its dinosaur sound (Wikipedia Commons ogg sound file). You had to be there. The grandsons couldn't figure out what was wrong with grandpa.
  19. His facial acne aside, without seeing his back my initial guess would be seborrheic keratosis (which can itch). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seborrheic_keratosis
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