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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. I've been out of the loop for quite a while, so perhaps others will provide better answers; But... I understand Nvidia has a "twinview" option on some of its GFX cards, so you might want to Google 'twinview linux nvidia' and see if that gets you anywhere. Also, I'm not positive, but I think you'll need to define two (2) device sections in your config, one section for each set of outputs (each card - you're using 2 yes?) to be addressed by each monitor. (?)
  2. LOL!... I've seen more than one cracked skull from those things! No thanks!
  3. In v0.24.2 I had 3 asteroids in such permanent orbits... highly ellipitical, and nowhere close the planes of Mun or Minmus. So I'd say 'yes', very possible.
  4. I've noticed a number of times when doing orbital plane alignment that "NaN" will appear rather than 0.0 degrees. Do I take it that internally it's trying to tell me I'm at -0.0 degees and "NaN" is "Not a Number"? I've also seen mention of the 'NaN Kraken'... is there some manner of risk or bug related to this? If so, I've not run across it yet. Just curious.
  5. You'll need a polar orbit to map the whole planet. Launch and head north (or south).
  6. There is another thread running here just recently discussing Linux options and KSP. My suggestion regarding Windows 8, is to go with Win8.1 ... I have the same, and I bypass the fancy smartphone look of its new desktop to the old familiar look and feel of the 'normal' desktop. That should be available to you on your new PC. If it isn't, (I think) you can get 8.1 free from Microsoft. As for going with Linux, as I mentioned in the other recent thread; There are several Debian based distros out there. Nearly all of them offer an option of downloading (free) a live disk (DVD). Before making a 'permanent' selection and going through all the motions of installation, I would suggest trying some of the live disks ... various desktops and such ... see which works for you and what tickles your fancy.
  7. Yes, thank you. I've found benefit from them as well. I'm using the EVA and Decoupler fixes, solved all the issues I was having with such. Is there anything in the works regarding the undocking of the Clamp-o-tron Sr? I hit a snag with that yesterday and today (mentioned in the 'What did you do today?' thread)... I couldn't get them to undock, and I'm not wanting to use the suggestions posted regarding exiting out and editing the files.
  8. Bought it on the official site also... $30..... worth every damn penny!
  9. As the OP of this thread, I was hesitant to start it, because I wondered exactly that. My intention was to point out a terrible situation, and to stress to all those here to not become party to it. I personally see nothing wrong with discussion of anything provided all those expressing opinions and asking questions do so with respect and a civil tongue. Dialog is essential, it is what is needed here - it is needed everywhere. Believe me when I tell you: If I do see this thread turn sour, hostile and disrespectful - never mind the moderators, I'll delete it myself. I'm glad to see that so far it has not done that... so please, let us keep it that way.
  10. Bigbootie, that's a cool buggy! Today I resumed putting my Ion ship back together in orbit. Two sections up so far, the engine block and fuel module ... 37.63 tons and 28.31 tons respectively. It took over 30 minutes though for the magnetics of the Clamp-o-tron Sr's to pull it together. I may add one more fuel module, then again maybe not. Not sure how far I want to cruise around in it - or if it's even going to be capable of moving itself of its own weight lol. Next will be the science/crew section, followed and finished by the solar power module. I'll post some pics when I'm done.
  11. So was I. Sorry to disappoint folks... it was as I said though - "... something completely different.". I thought it was funny, and kinda cool. I used to build and launch model rockets. I had one (a kit) called "CamRoc", which had a 110 film format camera built into it. I launched it in a park and it took pictures of the center of town from 1400+ feet up. How about you?
  12. I've found this fix to be a big help, you should look into it. There's also been recent discussion/mention on the subject regarding items mounted too close to (or on) the hatch/hatch area... and that it can also be a cause for your pilot to be thrown quite a way out - as I myself have experienced with one of my capsules.
  13. One of the more interesting things I find of people, is that of all the efforts to desegregate us (in the hopes we'll all get along, fairness and equality and all that), in the end we all end up segregating ourselves back into our respective groups (be it race, religion, whatever). Perhaps the answer is segregation. Like everything else under the sun in nature, birds of a feather flock together, fish in schools, buffalo in herds, etc etc etc, while at the same time (for the most part) can intermingle out on the playground (for commerce/trade). No, sorry, I have no definitive perfect answer - nor am I going to pretend to. Edit: The one thing I will preach, or wish of everyone, is self-respect, respect for others, morals. You are nowhere without them.
  14. Correct. Someone else's agenda. Sad, misguided, desperate.
  15. This is the 21st century... video.
  16. And now for something completely different - Lambchop In Space
  17. It's not so much what I did today, but more of what I wasn't able to do... damn Clamp-o-tron Sr. not wanting to undock. I've been building up in orbit, launching modules which ultimately will dock together - my Ion ship "Algernon". I should have stuck with my original plan, specific stages one after another. But I strayed from plan and launched one of the later segments up early. After docking, bringing up the segment which was supposed to go before it, I couldn't get anything to undock so I could reassemble as intended. Grrrrr. I tried everything; Switching back and forth between ships, exiting back to the Space Center, exiting out of the game, etc. Nada. I just recently had read about others having problems with such too. I'm not wanting to exit out of the game to edit and fiddle with config or persist files - cheating in my book. So I had no alternative but to deorbit the whole damn thing and start over again. I hope they come up with a patch for this, and soon. Chalking it up as more 'docking practice'.
  18. Is that what Jeb's been smoking!?!!!
  19. I remember Lunar Lander! Asteroids too. lol
  20. People forget this entire thing started with a young man stealing from a store. Ripples in a pond. Respect for others, self-respect. Morals.
  21. Based on some of my hard landings?... I'd say 'turf'.
  22. I would pretty much say the same thing... between Celestia and KSP, I've been waiting and dreaming about 40 years for such. I must say, and admit, that nothing in life has disappointed me more than the fact that (life portrayed in) 2001 - A Space Odyssey did not come to be.
  23. There was (a spoof) on this a good number of years back by the Opie & Anthony radio show in NYC... something about dropping a turkey off a building to see if it could fly. I don't know if they actually did it, but no question: equally stupid and funny.
  24. Hey Whackjob... thank you for your service Sir~ (Did I miss anybody?)
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