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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. While looking for something else, I just ran across the news that Ann Gillis, who played Dr. Frank Poole's mother in the Kubrik / Clarke film 2001: A Space Odyssey, had recently died... without any fanfare in the press apparently, not that I saw. She passed away on January 31, 2018. RIP Alan Gifford (John Lennox), who played the role as Poole's father, passed years earlier on March 20, 1989.
  2. Having them all powered for long burns was the miracle. The 'power module', nestled between the two fuel pods, is what made it all happen.
  3. 349 parts 207 tons Headed to Jool. The lander is designed to handle Bop & Pol, two places I've not been to yet. Window is in 4 days... they're going to beat the Eeloo-Colony. Oh yea, Ion powered... ...reminds me of a burner on a gas stove.
  4. Welcome to the world of today. You guys all need to work harder so I can have more free stuff. I'm entitled to it. You, Sir, have far more patience than I do. I'd have told them all to go ..... ...well, you know. The timing seems right, so here goes...
  5. All fine and well that the 'vehicle' naming scheme carries, but do the staging orders for each 'vehicle' carry as well?
  6. I get the same thing. When I run across this kind of stuff (block/censure), I remember the name ... because in the future I know I'm sure to run into them again, at which time they'll be told to liquid off.
  7. I'm still playing v1.2.2 ... I have all the newer releases, but I've not installed them ... and at this point, I may never.
  8. Someone here mentioned v1.2.2 being the end of the line for them. I kind of agree. Same. All good things come to an end. You're witnessing it.
  9. Is this in the new v1.4.0??? If it is, how disappointing they've still not fixed that! I'm still playing v1.2.2 and have to deal with that, and it's been around since before v1.2.2. Are you using a heat shield?
  10. I wouldn't give up the ship just yet. There was another article I breezed through that I'd found, mentioned something about saving the images to a local drive. Keep looking, Google is your friend.
  11. Today while testing out a lander for a future Jool mission, I landed up atop the VAB. First time I've done that. That's not the big deal however; I discovered that I can climb up to / down from the top of the VAB. I didn't know that was possible. lol
  12. ? Does that mean 'X-Box' ? Maybe look here... https://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-one/console/capture-game-clips-and-screenshots If you can, maybe upload the screenshot to something like Imgur, which is what likely 90% of the folks here use to host their images. Good luck.
  13. Came in here, read through the previous page or two, went to hand out some likes, and zippo... no more likes to give out. That's the first time that ever happened to me. Sorry. Next time around. Ok. My day. I finished constructing the Eeloo-Colony in orbit. All the modules were docked into place, as planned. The final phase was to bring crew up (15 including pilot), and that's now done. Without using RCS, it takes SAS a minute to a minute and a half to rotate the ship around, which is not bad - better than what I thought it would be. I did a test firing of the engines, increasing the orbit to just out beyond the Mun, 15000km. The test went perfect. Even the frame rate is manageable. No shimmy, no jiggle, no wobble... rock solid. We're going to Eeloo... 4 commsats, 1 lander, 1 sci pod with rover, 1 hab unit. The other 3 ships floating around brought the crew up. They've all since been deorbited. Now we just wait and loll around in orbit for the next Eeloo transfer window, which is 1yr 25days away.
  14. I'm writing that one down.
  15. That is clever, especially putting the additional modules under the shields. At first, I was wondering about the weight/(cost) differences between a winged 'drag plate' vs the shields... until you revealed beneath. I'm going to have to explore both ideas.
  16. @Kerbart My point was not about the DLC upgrade itself, the new content; but the fact it seems the update will be bundled with it. Does that help clarify my point? @linuxgurugamer Being I'm just a hop-skip-and-a-jump away, I'll bring coffee and donuts over if it will help expedite. j/k
  17. I dumped Steam back in 2002 (I think it was, or maybe 2000? I forget.), when they decided to no longer support the version of Half-Life Day of Defeat (mod) I played. The block/lock they put on it even prevented me from playing offline with Sturmbots. Tens of thousands of people were hit with the same thing, plenty of protest, and not a single voice was paid attention to. This was when 'Sauce' came out, and the Direct-X update, which literally forced people to go out and buy new PCs in order to play Steam dished-out games. So, to hell with Steam. The real problem here, is that people think they 'own' the software they're paying for, which isn't true. Read any licensing that comes with any software, your OSs included, and you'll find you've merely paid for the right to use, revocable at any time. KSP is no different. And as for any software company or forums 'owning' (claiming ownership of) whatever content one might post... they really need to think that one over carefully, because that then absolves one of any serious liability in statements one might make. Say for example, something which would have the NSA or FBI or appropriate whomever, showing up at your door. That's now all on you buddy. The worst one would suffer in consequence of that (the OP), is a deleted post and perm-ban... which, also, if you think about it realistically, is not something able to be enforced these days in this brave new electronic world. Money, power, control.
  18. It's because you're sitting on a flat-Earth chair. You need one of those chairs that shape-fits the butt... with a cushion.
  19. Humm... this would work for me. And, like the heat shield, I could jettison the plate after the fiery re-entry is over. Great idea, thank you. Eve, here we come.
  20. Pretty neat, although I've always found it dangerous to drive about with solar panels extended. Your luck must be better than mine.
  21. So... turning KSP into GTA. If true, that is very discouraging. Somewhere down along this road I see an all new KSP2. I'll give it a year. My guess is that will be when the latest greatest version of Unity will be adapted, (/sarcasm on) solving all problems (/sarcasm off).
  22. Whew! I put the Eeloo-Colony ship into orbit, just inside the orbit of Mun (8.5m km). There, I assembled all of its modules. I diverted a bit from the original intended plan of two landers to using one. Other than that, it is as I envisioned. Tonight, the last two components, the fuel pods, were added. One more thing to add remains, crew. That's tomorrows game plan. Then we wait for a window. 721 parts 598.21 tons Picture to follow.
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