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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. There's 2 threads running on this. You should merge them.
  2. Well, they just had two more within the past hour (not Mexico City, San Dionisio del Mar)... the second while I was watching the USGS map no less.
  3. Not happenin... not if we keep broadcasting the kinda music into space that we've been, like you posted a good example of in that other thread..... ...and then there's the tv show lineup for this fall, all the new premiers. It's hopeless.
  4. There's a whole lot of Nibirus out there; Take your pick, like 90377 Sedna. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/90377_Sedna Note down the bottom of that Wiki page, a nice graphic generated by Celestia.
  5. Hurricane Jose is about 360 miles southeast of us right now. The generalized forecast is calling for rain tonight. Overall, the outlook is for rain all week. They're calling for some good surf however... I just might have to see if I can make a run to Spring Lake or Manasquan and check it out. wahoo! Live Beach Cams
  6. Keep in mind these are the same folks who have something to sell you on climate change; Predictions going out 20 years into the future... and you're questionable about the weather tomorrow.
  7. ^ This, beaming out into space, is exactly why aliens have not come to visit us.
  8. Yes, of course, but I'm not proposing an extremist view. A bit of common sense is in order when dealing with these things. For example..... v Common sense. I have my own example to stare at here at the Jersey shore. How many times must we go through this before common sense prevails? In my lifetime alone there's been thousands of homes and businesses and beaches washed away and obliterated... even an entire segment of an island (Long Beach Island, Nor'easter of 1962), which I remember quite well... see links below. Some of the reporting in this link I disagree with; The comment from the 'state climatologist' about sea level rise. Our tide marks are exactly the same since I was a boy age 5. http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2012/03/50_years_later_nj_remembers_wh.html Bunch of pictures here... http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/features/f6/storm-of-long-beach-island/collection_3abe0c84-64b1-11e1-9b6c-0019bb2963f4.html#1 @Just Jim Good to hear that you didn't lose much. Hope you stowed all those nice orchids before the storm hit!
  9. Are you a Brighton Beach crew?
  10. Yes, this is true. The loss of power disabled their A/C system. I don't know the full story, but such a facility should have had a backup generator. Supposedly there was some power restored, but the facility was relying on portable A/C units. I'm sure some wrong-doing will be declared about this, incompetence and mismanagement. In another report I saw (on national news), pure incompetence if not outright neglect, was video of a room full of elderly patients in a nursing home which was flooded out... some of them bed-bound in wet beds, still others just sitting there in wheelchairs in water up to their chests. Where was the facility's staff?!? What idiot would leave disabled elderly unattended as such?!? The 'shake my head' moment of the day was watching home owners returning to their devastated homes in the Keys, crying about their losses while discussing how they'll rebuild. My taxes help pay for this folly. So do yours.
  11. I love it... right from the start (first clip), how he almost dumps the bike, and his front tire is out of round, and he's wearing women's boots instead of riding boots. Awesome. Now I'm going to have to watch a few of these episodes lol!
  12. I am truly at a loss for words..... Actual Fla. Sheriff's Tweet: Do Not Shoot the Hurricane
  13. Good to hear you're doing ok. I know what I'm in for later on this evening... my friend is destined to call me and rant how peeved she is, that she didn't really need to evacuate. I got a $100 right here says I get that call before midnight. LOL!
  14. True. It's just at this point I think they could tone the hype down some, they're carrying on as though it was still a Cat 4 or 5. Already I'm seeing interviews of people admitting "it's not as bad as we thought it would be". That's not to say it's not dangerous or that more damage won't ensue, care still needs to be taken; It appears most on the scene are aware of that.
  15. Watching the news on and off all day... this storm is pretty much done. The news can stop beating this dead horse hurricane now. Really. They should move on at this point. Updates once an hour, I think, will suffice at this point.
  16. This morning I see the storm has finally made it to the keys. My friend, now retreated to the safety of a farm out in western-central North Carolina (I erred earlier, I thought she'd said South Carolina), tells me this morning that they're in a flurry of activity there... all the preparations to secure the horses.
  17. It's the same around many towns here. People want to build out on the water. When it's summer and weather is great, it's really nice, pretty and all that. But it doesn't take much to wash it all away. And no, insurance is not set up as you'd think. First of all flood insurance is pretty much a Federal thing (FEMA), it's not really a state thing (state insurers offer through the Federal program - which, if you follow the money, is broke ... but, of course, the dollar is fungible, so, yea, flood insurance), so we all have to pay for it no matter what. This pretty much means any idiot can build out on the water and be assured his eventual losses will be covered. There are many people in this state who take issue with that; Though the reality of this is that it's pretty much the same situation in every coastal state. Add to that the fact that most of these homes (here in NJ) are "second homes", homes owned by people who have a primary residence elsewhere. These are homes used mainly during the summers, left idle in winter, or are rented out for additional income. This was a very big issue after Sandy, as folks who owned beach homes as their primary residence suffered more-so. It's a long story, also kind of political (sorry mods), but if you want to read more about it you can check out this link (http://www.njspotlight.com/stories/17/03/23/interactive-map-detailing-new-jersey-s-national-flood-insurance-payments/). I've made loose comment about this scenario previously in this thread. It shouldn't be news to anyone living in a coastal state here in the USA. Likewise the Jersey shore. For an example, Rt.70, which runs across the state; Back in the 70's & 80's, the drive from Spring Lake out to Marlton was a single lane highway (one lane each way) with virtually nothing in-between... just forest. Now?... non-stop building, each year a new development going up. Nope, they'll rebuild again, they always do.
  18. My friend finally arrived at her destination; I got the call at 4am this morning. She said the traffic was unreal, and trying to pull into a rest stop or off an exit was unbelievable - so many people all milling around looking for the same things, of which little to none were available.
  19. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to diminish your efforts and reporting. Maybe it's your excitement I'm picking up on and interpreting as a sort of 'sensationalizing'... which is what those 'talking heads' on TV news do. TV news reporters tend to sensationalize, especially ramping-up and expounding anything that's negative... like; what might, what could, etc. Don't mind me, daghlili da pircushi.
  20. My friend, who left Vero Beach early this morning, has still not reached her destination (western South Carolina). I received a message from her, stating that she's hit traffic (St. Augustine area) and, as @Just Jim noted, gas and 'supplies' shortages are a thing. I did try to warn her. @ProtoJeb21, I like the data and images you've been posting, but your speculations are starting to sound like the endless rant of 'talking heads' on tv. Sorry. @Maelstrom Vortex There was a guy named David Nabhan who claimed (still claims) to have an accurate earthquake prediction model. You might find his work interesting. lol... her ears must have been ringing. Just after I submitted my previous post, my friend texted me. She's got 199 more miles to go. Says, because of the traffic, the crawl through Georgia was 3 mph, and now over the border into South Carolina it's 3 to 5 mph.
  21. While there are several real-time sites available on the web, here is the USGS link; It updates like every 30 seconds. https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/
  22. Last I saw, it was reported that all gas stations in the Keys have closed. They're working their way north. The impression I got however, was that they were not running out of gas... just closing and evacuating.
  23. Wha??? This is like saying "Quitting smoking is easy, I've done it several times."
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