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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. I remember that well. It was hot. We had some great days up on the beach. We also had a hurricane that year. Do I think it was bad? Yes, in the sense that some people suffered because they couldn't escape the heat, or didn't use common sense while out in it. But overall, no, not really, because it was a somewhat rare weather anomaly... it doesn't happen year after year after year. Nor'easters do. Consider that event against the Dust Bowl, that's something I'd consider bad. I almost forgot, I have pictures from hurricane Irene of that year. I was out in it. I was also out in hurricane Floyd. To be honest, I think Floyd was harder to deal with... for me anyway, work and all that. Irene brought some good surf; I was out with fins on a boogie board while my buddy surfed outright. Fun stuff. I wasn't around for Sandy, I was out of state. Spring Lake NJ, 2nd floor of the north-end pavilion, looking north; This is right after Irene passed us. Minor damage to the boardwalk, a section is missing, and the sand berm plowed into place is gone (washed away entirely), although the volleyball net survives. Go figure. Same day / place, looking south.
  2. Ha. Allow me to introduce you to the Nor'easter. This doesn't sound promising. For what it's worth, back in the day, folks used to use the cast iron bathtub for shelter... if you've got a cast iron tub that is. How many rabbits are we talking here? How are you going to protect them, their hutch(s)?
  3. Oh this is perfect. Totally sums it all up for me. Thx. My thoughts as well. We need to keep in mind, of the ramped-up hype "the most powerful storm in history", so many of the folks we're dealing with here (not necessarily meaning the folks in these forums specifically) aren't old enough to have lived through enough to know better enough. That said, my friend in Vero Beach has just informed me this evening that she already has plans in place, if need be, to get out of Dodge. I too have already made the call and put plans in place in case it makes a coastal run; However, unless it's over a Cat 3, I'm not going anywhere.
  4. Reminds me of 2010, the movie, where it's noted (and point made) that the Leonov was originally slated to be named the Titov... people and things fall in and out of favor.
  5. Not exactly. IBM dumped all of its interest in drive manufacturing and sold that division to Hitachi. Hitachi then ran the game with its own ball... their drives are superior hands down.
  6. Not a bad idea. So where's the mod stepping in declaring no political discussion?
  7. My personal concern is mainly longevity of the media; All formats at this point (save for the M-disc) seem to have an average life-span of around 10 to 25 years. Things haven't changed much in this respect since the 70's. It appears that lately the SSD is winning out, at least as far as those looking for solutions under 1 or 2 TB; SSD's start getting really pricey after that.
  8. It's not Spaceflight, but surely it's Science; SanDisk announced (yesterday) its "World’s Highest-Capacity microSD™ Card" ... 400gb. https://www.sandisk.com/about/media-center/press-releases/2017/western-digital-breaks-boundaries-with-worlds-highest-capacity-microsd-card Terabyte cards next?
  9. Scientists need to be scoffed at, it keeps them in line, but more-so it keeps things in healthy perspective. Remember; they laughed at Galileo, they laughed at Copernicus, and they believed Lysenko. Who am I? I'm nobody; I'm a skeptic. I was just trying to give you new insight. You read the journals, and that's fine. I (we) watch the money. PS - I've three family members who are published. Who knows, you may have read their work and scoffed at it. My news from TX; Family is fine. Austin (northern) saw no real rain, just a lot of wind and trees down. No damage to the house, although the neighbors tree decided to take revenge on its owner's house. The other family members in Houston (Humble), are fine also. No water, no damage, however they can't leave their home via car because the surrounding neighborhoods are flooded... but the water is receding. We're counting ourselves as lucky.
  10. I'm still waiting on an update from Austin. I'm not worried though; As the saying goes: No news is good news. And for things unrelated..... Climate models; None of them work backwards. That is to say, none of them can be run in reverse, taking present conditions, and been able to accurately show what's occurred. Antarctic melting; When has the temperature anywhere in the Antarctic risen above freezing? Do you think maybe the ice is breaking off because the caps are getting so big, spreading out so far over open ocean? Greenland had the coldest recorded temperature ever anywhere in the northern hemisphere this past July. Those poor drowning Polar Bears; Canada will not put Polar Bears on the endangered species list because it turns out there's twice as many of them hanging around as were predicted by the "scientists". It's stuff like this that gets me *Sadly shaking the head*
  11. Interesting point. One of the new investments we're considering here is an indoor 'garden' center, which grows everything inside. The entire plant, several floors, is completely controlled in every aspect - light, humidity, temperature, water, you name it. The roof could (or would, or should) be covered in foliage as well. Google "Aerofarms". Precisely. In fact, the tide table for the day of landfall (if I recall correctly) was calling for a higher than typical high tide... the moon and all that. Some around here question the state of the beach itself being part of the reason certain conditions for damage existed. Our beaches have been rebuilt and reinforced so many times over the decades, man replacing what nature has stripped away by natural process... as if they know what they're doing. You didn't start this. Trust me. Personally, I question anything that comes out of Rutgers.
  12. Re-posting because the original got squashed during the forums update... Nah... Their suits have a small portal on the cuffs, much like an injection bottle, which allows the claw to extend out. The portal self-heals when it retracts.
  13. And on that note, back to the weather in TX: Just now heard on the news the first reports of receding waters; In one area anyway, other areas the problems are only now just starting.
  14. Yes yes yes. And while one side of the Antarctic is melting, the other is accumulating ice... why is this not discussed. Same with the Arctic, Greenland's ice cap is growing at a record rate. We're not moving away from an ice age, we're moving towards one. NASA got caught in a lie, as did NOAA, fudged sea data pertaining to 'global warming'. It's politics. This all depends on who's bunk you want to buy into. Believe what you want... just don't preach it to me.
  15. Yes, as pointed out by Green Baron above. Be wary of this bunk; There is nothing new or unusual about the weather patterns.
  16. This is the thing which always leaves me scratching my head; The allowed expansion (or rebuilding) in areas you know are going to be a problem again. With Sandy, that issue was a topic ad nauseam, even still today... and look where we are, again, with beaches rebuilt, property set-backs increased (as if that's going to prevent anything come next disaster), and new homes rebuilt placed on stilts (as if that's going to prevent anything come next disaster). As for Houston this is a major hit that most aren't even aware of yet; The federal flood insurance program is some 30+ billion in losses already as I type this, and Houston (alone) has the projection at around 50+ billion. You have to wonder where the funding is going to come from. I feel for the Texans who are going to have to wrangle with the Fed in receiving aid; Lessons learned from Sandy. Sandy was about a Cat 1 when it made landfall. Coming in about 50 miles south of me, I'm about 20 miles inland from the ocean proper... relatively safe (yea, right). I got lucky, minimal damage. Many people I know, friends and such, living right up on the beaches, were not so lucky; Some of them, it took years to recover and rebuild. They did so knowing it will happen again at some point. Living on the beach; it's a thing you know will happen, hope that it won't happen, and just deal with it when it does.
  17. I have family in Austin and Houston. They're all fine. It's unfortunate, but we've been here many many times before... and this won't be the last. The only thing that's really irking me is how the media is presenting it... "unprecedented". Bull. Maybe people should be reminded of how Galveston got hit in 1900 (or so many other places / events of the past); There was no news or forewarning, no NWS or satellites, no FEMA, no nothing. Over 5000 people died (closer to 10,000). Still Galveston rebuilt, and, excepting some help from the Army with temporary shelters, they did it without federal funds and insurance payouts.
  18. This is an ongoing issue, all this guessing, because none of you have ever seen a Kerbal out of his/her spacesuit... woohoo! They have what amounts to a very sharp, strong, dew claw which retracts laterally into the heel of the palm; The act of making a fist extends this claw out and downward, and, much as one would holding a awl in their hand, they can inscribe things with it... like plaques. They also use it to tear open snack packages, and to pop open cans of fizzy golden colored liquids they imbibe, and even for desperate useless attempts of self-defense against the Kraken. There's a few other things they've been known to do with it, but I'm not allowed to go there as per the forum posting rules. So there you have it.
  19. Ha! This positively is the definitive of summer days of my youth... perfect. I actually remember when cars had 5-digit odometers. The roll-over meant your car became brand new again!... my first Chevy for instance... pay no mind to those dents and dings and rust. "For Sale: Very Low Mileage"
  20. Long before there were 'video games', there was PinBall. I grew up on PinBall. I spent my second childhood playing video games however. Asteroids, Defender, and Centipede. I was truly good at those three. It wasn't about score; It was about game play duration. How many minutes of play could you get off of 1 quarter? How many hours? I'd been booted out of many an arcade for 'hogging the machine', play all night on a dollar's worth of quarters. They (the owners / managers) hated me, because they didn't make any money off of me. If you ever get to visit Asbury Park in NJ, make sure you take a trip up to the boardwalk and visit the Silverball Museum! There, you can check out and even play vintage pinball games of every kind imaginable. Some of them date back to the 1930's and earlier.
  21. That image is so very cool, I'm impressed. I'm also amazed that it was taken at pretty much the same moment as the image I posted from Celestia a while back (in @GoSlash27's original thread).
  22. One more I took that I was going to post but forgot... And this one, from my sister down in TX; No question, she's innovative, a spaghetti strainer (colander) provides a whole slew of eclipses...
  23. No fancy equipment here (NJ USA). I used the clouds, which allowed a few quick glimpses here and there, to filter the few shots I got; Nature's version of a pin-hole viewer, trees; My own pin-hole viewer, a piece of paper with a hole poked in it with a pen. Worked just fine; Back in the day (60's), I would use 3 B&W negatives, (2-1/4 square) fully exposed to light and then developed, to view and photograph eclipses. Works fine.
  24. Hummm... the first disk based OS was CP/M. Unix ("Unics") proper didn't appear until the late 60's. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_operating_systems
  25. You'll want to go and post that information in the appropriate section found here. In both sections there's a sticky labeled "How To Get Support (READ FIRST)"... you'll want to do that.
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