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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Well if they were 'orange', it was more than likely Snookie and the cast and crew of the tv show "Jersey Shore". I've run into Snookie on the boardwalk... she's not a Kerbal, she's a Toad.
  2. No reruns here. Watched it brand-spankin-new. With today's media, a two-part episode can be pulled up back to back... but back then, you wait. Picture it... you're a kid... waiting. LOL! "Tune in tomorrow ... same Bat-time ... same Bat-channel"
  3. No underestimation at all with respect to that (chaos of Saturn's system). I stand by my original statement.
  4. There's no reason for it to crash into anything. They could just leave it in a stable orbit... to be retrieved at a much later date.
  5. Holy sad news Batman. RIP Batgirl beat him to it... breast cancer.
  6. This ^ What we know of Saturn is a thimble-full in comparison to what we know of our own oceans... and that is a thumble-full in comparison to what we know of life on land of our own planet. Meaning: We know next to nothing. Who knows what Saturn might harbor... yet it's ok to dump that RTG and 'spare germs' there? That does not sit well with me; I find it a poor choice and makes me question the rationale of those in charge.
  7. This is Hollywood trying way way waaaaaay too hard.
  8. Only thought here is that, once again, we're leaving our trash behind... even if it's burned up in the atmosphere. tsk tsk tsk
  9. You say a 'fly-by', but that you're not in orbit around Mun? Are you within Mun's SOI? If not, no, you won't get any science (related to Mun). Don't know what's up with your antenna, sounds like a different issue. How about a picture of your craft, or the craft file?
  10. Poor kid. Probably now off cowering in a corner somewhere in her safe space.
  11. Docking cameras have been an issue and wish since before I even started playing. Mods including such have come and gone. You would think Squad would finally get with the program and make them stock.
  12. I have a picture but I'm too tired to go hunt for it now... My Mun / Minmus rover. It's matured since the first build (v0.23.5), but it's basically the same design and pretty much all stock parts - except for the BTDT scanner from the SCANsat mod, and cameras from the Hullcam VDS Continued mod. The design was inspired by (literally) half a dozen different rovers developed by others, pictures of which I saw right here on the forums. Edit...
  13. In my experience with KSP, historically, updates tend to break saves/games and require some manner of adjustment/rewrite of nearly every mod out there. Backward compatibility will be an issue TTWO will have to face if they're to keep the masses from picking up their pitchforks and torches. A moderator moderating himself... everything in moderation, including moderation. I give you points for this. lol
  14. TTWO is an American company (multinational publisher), traded publicly on the NASDAQ. Squad is a Mexican entity. Any American company which buys a foreign interest must divulge the amount, among other things. This will be made known in the near future - it's the law.
  15. Take Two publishes Rockstar (GTA), and their history and track record is publicly available to those watching the market (Sym: TTWO). I'd be interested in knowing the offering, but that's not being disclosed... not just yet anyway. Gotta keep digging.
  16. My big leap is Eeloo. The mission is currently under way. It's been 2 months so far... I'm not using time warp, I'm doing other things in-between and the bits of time-warp here and there are what is moving the mission along at other than snail's pace. There are no saves. There are no backups. The reverts at launch are very very rare. This is make or break. While I'm sure we'll get there... er... if the capture goes well... it's the trip back home that's worrying me. That, and I'm hoping I didn't miscalculate my lander's abilities. This is where you find out if you have 'the right stuff'. So hit that Spacebar and launch that baby and get going... it's the only way to find out. Good luck!
  17. Yes... although the word you were looking for there was "deeds". Understood none-the-less. Yet history has decidedly considered it to be so, classifying it as a 'cruise missile', which is in essence a low altitude rocket. To look at the thing, it sure looks like a rocket to me.
  18. Time-wise, the ISS closest approach was about a minute earlier than what I have in that picture. They should be able to get some nice pictures though. They're moving too fast however to actually record the shadow's track. Maybe one of the GOES geostationary satellites can cover that, east and/or west conus (visible), near real-time.
  19. Celestia. I'll have to fire up my other machine later on and see where the ISS will be during all of this. Done. The answer: No. The red line is the moon's orbit... the black blotch in the middle of the USA (just above the ISS label) is the shadow. One of the gray lines is the ISS orbit (as marked), and the other is the Hubble. The fuzzy white galaxy-looking thing on the far right is just that, galaxy Sagittarius dSph.
  20. You're going to want to post in this section of the forums. There, depending on whether or not you're playing with mods, you'll find instructions on how to post a help request and what files you'll want to include with that request.
  21. I feel the same about a certain someone who is to be honored in a certain parade coming up in NYC, but, hey, people are screwed in the head. So, yea, ya know... Given all the notoriety and accolades and honors a certain Wernher von Braun has received, why not?
  22. While she didn't make it to space, it was Hanna Reitsch who was the first woman to fly a rocket plane, the V-1. Take a look at the V-1, and you tell me where they put the seat for her to ride in! Very Kerbal!!! (one of these) So if you get a Hanna Kerman, make sure you build her a rocket plane to fly.
  23. No, I had Celestia open and was looking at the eclipse finder... Like I said, I'm not wide awake yet. Coffee required.
  24. Yup... I realized that at the last second. Too early, not enough coffee.
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