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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Yes. Likewise. Mostly because everything new is old, and everything old is new... and no remake ever outdoes the original. Change is good, but change doesn't always mean or turn out good. That's why it's been said that opinions are like (orifices in derrieres)... everybody has one. You dating my ex-girlfriend ???
  2. And she's in college?!?!! I apologize for this. I truly do.
  3. And Cindy still has pink hair! I remember this! Excellent pick! Super campy indeed! I actually laughed out loud when I opened that. Thank you. Here's something not new... but definitely worth it. Dark Star! Theme is 10 minutes into the movie lol. This is a must watch.
  4. Are you sure about that??? There's games still around since the beginning of recorded history, some dug up even before recorded history... many you've likely played at some point or another. They may change format and medium, but truly good games (or at least their concept) never grow old.
  5. ...and here I am, fuming and grumbling over the fact my damned parking brake idiot light on the dash won't go out. Why? WHY?!?!! Cars. Pffft! Give me a horse any day. At least when it's broken, I know how to fix it... shoot it.
  6. Yes; But note the following from the link I posted... Yes!; Rather than use Gimp's Paintbrush tool, use the Pencil tool and select the "1. Pixel" brush... settings: opacity 100, size 1, everything else at 0, and use 'Dynamics Off' for the brush dynamics.
  7. lol... Looks like a demonic Vanoss. Speaking of which...
  8. Paint. Bah. Gave up on Paint years ago. Gimp. And quality free fonts for Gimp abound all over the place on web.
  9. Forget the videos... great bands... great songs... both among my list... The Pretty Reckless - Miss Nothing Garbage - Stupid Girl
  10. Now if you could just fix this, we'll be golden... ...oh and your breadcrumbs are still out of align (indent) for me.
  11. Absolutely. On topic, Maybe it's something having to do with that celestial alignment the recently came to pass... you know, the one they were calling for End Of Days about.
  12. Oh they were "Pufnstuf" alright. LOL! Gads, I completely forgot about Space Nuts. I didn't watch much of it from what I remember, didn't care for it... Denver could only be Gilligan in my eyes, ever. So yea, ya'll have to watch that clip... and you tell me... is that a Wookiee at the end or what!?!?!???
  13. ??? The 1936 Olympics broadcast has finally bounced off of something and is coming back?
  14. Likewise. KAC is the ticket. Not sure what constitutes a 'mission' in your eyes, but I've got 16 ships out there heading different places and/or coming back home. Wait... isn't that standard fair for this game?
  15. I'd heard mention of that a good while back, but I don't remember where or by whom. I'd totally forgotten that until you mentioned it. Fill me in! So, let's continue this sillyness trend with Sid and Marty Krofft's nightmare... ...the stupidist tv show Hanna-Barbera ever managed to come up with.
  16. This is the one I can't get out of my head, 'chemi gogo' (my girl)... https://youtu.be/jXtmAKP5uJY
  17. ? What don't you get? The 'ear popping'? Google it. It can be very annoying, if not painful. TMJ can have a wide range of effects... follow with what I write below..... I've known a number of people who have dealt with TMJ, from slight to severe. The severe case I knew of, she had jaw popping, ear popping, jaw locking, migraine headaches, and even problems when lifting things (arm weakness). You wouldn't imagine that TMJ could affect you in such ways, but it can. The key to her case was bite alignment... a dental issue. Her teeth and jaw were so out of align that it was causing the roof of her hard palate to drop, she was lacking that natural 'arch' you have at the roof of your mouth. One of the telltale signs included scalloping of her tongue. Another was when cotton rolls were put over her molars to bite down on, forcing proper jaw alignment (this also changed all the mechanics of the muscles and tendons in the neck and shoulders as well), the arm weakness disappeared. Braces were in order. She was placed in the care of an osteopath (friend of mine) and (one of) the leading TMJ specialists on the east coast. In about two years time, the doctor(s) changed the geometry of her mouth, and in the process alleviated her TMJ. Talk about a life change.
  18. I can't help but feel that the physics of hockey and knowledge of a certain golden carbonated fuel fit in there somewhere.
  19. Well... wait... in KSP, and I suppose as well real life (although why in heaven's name you'd want to), you CAN go straight up and hang a 90 and go into orbit. Hell-of-a waste of fuel tho.
  20. Is it your ears are popping when you swallow? That could be TMJD (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction). Google it.
  21. Funny... I wanted to hear Valeria sing just for the heck of it, and I no sooner hit play and m'lady is sitting there singing it as well. Oh you're welcome! Any time! Nibble on this for a while... Careful... Imma start pulling out The Tubes.
  22. Duly noted. There's no hatred here however; No more than any other post in-which someone would post unscientific bunk and have the entire community of those who know better come down on them with real science. I still can't see the meme. Quite annoying. Wondering now who the image host is... maybe that's got something to do with it?
  23. Oh ok, I've seen that one before. I don't know why it's not showing up in the OP's post for me; Maybe something glitchy with the forum again. As for Flat-Earthers... If what you claim is true, then I defy you, any one of you, to go the edge and take a picture and show the world. Start walking. Let me know when you get there. I'll be right here waiting.
  24. What meme? Did they take it down? I see nothing.
  25. I prefer to keep my fur on... this is cold!
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