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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Thanks. It was quite the shock. Way too soon. Yes, it's Georgian, Orthodox, the 'Our Father' (მამაო ჩვენო)... 'The Lord's Prayer' in song. Baroque and Classical are common in my house, as well as traditional Georgian folk / polyphonic... and a few other flavors thrown in there as well. Rock & Roll and everything else emanates from the car radio.
  2. It's music so I'll put it here. I got bad, sad news last night. For Nodar. RIP my friend. მამაო ჩვენო
  3. Is it best, or favorite? Favorite would have to be the F-16, for many reasons. Best, the latest, or the next one up and coming... as is the way with such things.
  4. Flying out and playing around at Old KSC, I put some runway marker flags up. I decided, maybe runway lights would be in order; So, I built a bunch of little rovers that would be used for runway lights - red, green, blue. I built a big cargo plane, Goliath powered, flies great, good for heavy loads. I parked off the end of the runway at KSC and dropped the ramp and proceeded to load its belly up with runway-light rovers. I parked them neatly, putting their parking brakes on. 2 hours later, I spun up the Goliaths and taxied the jet around back up onto the runway proper, and I proceeded to take off. Takeoff was no problem, flies just like any other heavy, but as I retracted the gear the mayhem ensued. Someone lit off some fireworks or something in the cargo hold... lots of explosions. I promptly turned around and landed, only to discover my cargo hold now held parts and rubble. Damn. Now where did I put that drawing board?
  5. My grandmother for one. Born in the 1880's, she thought the moon landings were pretty amazing. Then again, she said the sinking of the Titanic and Lusitania were a big deal at the time too... and all the wars, including the Spanish-American War, WWI, and WWII. She used to say mankind's greatest achievement was the electric light, and that its worst was the automobile... not because of pollution, but because it permitted and facilitated families in moving away and drifting apart. And while she thought telephones were good, she believed handwritten letters better (because one puts more careful thought into their statement when writing... a thing now all but a lost art), and face to face the best. I can tell you this... I know she'd have no appreciation for today's cellphones, or the internet.
  6. Built and flew the Albatross to Old KSC... at night. A Nightvision camera mounted on the cockpit belly helped with landing. I'm going to set a few flags to mark an optimal runway for future use.
  7. True. Although, some looked to 2-meter packet radio to get around that... but the FCC got liquidy and kind of nipped that in the bud, as I recall. Indeed. Security is an issue however, and convince people to not password protect their routers... and forget about asking them to set up 'guest' access, they can't walk around the block without getting lost. Besides, looking to liquidoff the powers that be are we? lol Edit: This bloody word filter is getting on my nerves. 'liquidy'? 'liquidoff'? Substitute another word for urine please.
  8. Now that's funny. We had a citizen's internet, before there was an internet. It was called BBS.
  9. Looking for something else, I ran across this awesome gem...
  10. I play a science game, have been since day one I started playing. Completing the tech tree is just the start of the game. It's that finished tree that allows me to more or less play as though it were sandbox mode... or in setting my own goals, a kind of career mode. Because of 'updates', I've completed the tree 4 or 5 times now... plus having added SCANsat to the mix. I do what would be done in real life; I start with probes, doing science, mapping, scouting out, then sending Kerbals, then on to bases and space stations and such. But, that's just me. You can go anywhere with it. Take / make your pick.
  11. Finally got a 'shuttle' (MK3 parts) to work in my favor. Unconventional launch, I put it on the top of a rocket - but it works. I hoisted a 'Hubble' into orbit. Deorbit (tests empty & full) went just fine... plopped it down on the KSC runway. Finally, one which glides.
  12. Glad you enjoyed it. I'll suggest you give a listen to some of the works of Sylvius Leopold Weiss as well.
  13. Slow drift in orbit, coming out from the dark side, and almost exactly has Kerbol rose over the horizon - this came on. Timing. Oliver Holzenburg's rendition of Bach's Lute Suite in G minor. Beautiful.
  14. What a great resource! I've spent many hours using Simbad and Vizier.
  15. *sigh* It's no fun posting in here when you can't include Imgur images... a thing I still can't do. Built another shuttle, full size. Was able to launch and get up to my space station, with much effort and stick management, and dock, although docking wasn't as easy as with my Zebra-Shuttle. The return trip was disappointing. For all my efforts to build a ship which could glide in, which all indications pointed to it being able to do so, it glided about as well as a dog turd. A cow flop would have soared better. I also overshot KSC by more than 20km, and ditched in the sea. The crew survived, barely. PSA for new players building space stations: Keep in mind that action key assignments carry over (so to speak) to the station you're docking to, and that pressing keys you think will cause actions on that ship you just docked can also trigger assignments to station sections and/or other docked vessels that are using those same keys - but assigned to other actions. Case example: I hit key 3 thinking it would open the cargo bay doors on my shuttle... which it did... but it also jettisoned the heat shielding on the escape pods I had docked to the station. *facepalm*
  16. Oh my; Have I got stories about bands and adventures in the 70's and 80's and beyond. Maybe another time, they're too telling... could reveal the true identity of LordFerret (for some anyway), and I'm not ready for that just yet. Anyway. It's that kind of day. Wintry, cold, leaves fallen down all round, bright sky and brilliant sun streaming in my window... I sit here and fire up KSP to Vivaldi and friends. Enjoy.
  17. A while back, messing around with Celestia, an idea I used for creating rings for planets... be it fictitious systems or for newly found planets where the body 'might' have a ring system... was taking the spectrum of the parent star and using it to create the ring banding pattern. Celestia reference on the subject.
  18. Been having issues with Imgur. Can't upload images, again. So I emailed support, describing my plight. I got a reply!... and... the support guy informs me he's a fellow Kerbanaut! I'm assured they're working on finding a solution. Hoping for everyone's sake they do.
  19. If you have, then you've surely seen these guys as well too lol.
  20. Get that mutt off my lawn... and clean up that mess.
  21. I've found that, once I put my 'Hubble' up, I turn off the reaction wheel (SAS) I'd added and used the ever so slight one incorporated into the telescope - with CapsLock enabled for very fine movements. Otherwise, zoomed all the way in on something, trying to track is nearly impossible.
  22. Ding-blasted Imgur is blocking me from uploading images - again. No idea why... likely they feel the domain is the source of abuse - again. So, use your imaginations. I sent two Zebra-Shuttles up to my station (Ice Station Zebra). One was empty, a remote controlled flight. The other had crew, two pilots, four engineers and four scientists. I had both docked at the station. Docking went better this time... I found it easier and more intuitive to dock in 3rd-person view rather via the docking camera - the docking port on 'top' of the craft makes the translations wonky without more practice and familiarity. For the record though, I prefer the docking camera view. The reentry tests on both flights went excellent. I've got the mark / timing down for the retro-burn, and it puts me right in place for landing at KSC. The flight in was nearly entirely via glide... and touchdown was all glide. The landing at KSC with crew all standing around a smoking still hot-from-reentry ship would be posted here for you to view right now IF IMGUR WASN'T BEING SUCH A DINK!
  23. Because I'm waiting for several missions to arrive, about a month's time from now (game time), I've been flying about on Kerbin and testing out reentry with my new Zebra-Shuttle... successfully landing at KSC no less (yea!). So, anyway, a lot of water to look at. Naturally.......... Telemann's 'Water Music', "Wassermusik" Ouverture in C major TWV 55:C3
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