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Everything posted by FleshJeb

  1. He didn't. Some weird strut interaction is doing it. Triop, ya shoulda used a docking port somewhere! On his request, I switched it from rotor-driven to piston-driven. I only knew the value of the extension at the 6 o'clock position (1.97m). I couldn't disassemble it, because the root part of the craft is the flywheel rotor. First, I measured components using the piston extension value and my eyeball. The largest piston, when closed, is 2.21m. The radius of the attachment point was 0.83m (not shown). Then I drafted it in AutoCAD and found the extension lengths at eight points around the circle. It's not just a simple sine wave because of the geometry. Then I plugged the values into the KAL while holding the rotation speed as a constant, so the 8 points are evenly separated in time. It runs fairly well after the first few seconds. The RPMs vary between 55 and 65 (goal 60). You might choose to run your reciprocating engine with connecting rods that are BG pistons affixed to hinges on the cylinder head. They can drive the crankshaft. If you do, you'll need to use my method above to get the timing right.
  2. AWESOME I was hoping it would. Who are you, and what have you done with Tri0p?!? :rofl: The Panther is 3 EC/s dry and 5 EC/s wet. The Whiplash is 5. You could run the wheel at half-throttle. I was wrong about it being a perfect sine wave. I forgot about the geometry of the piston. The piston at the 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock positions will be longer than just the average of the 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock. You can temporarily drive the wheel with a servo to read the piston extensions at 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees. I made up some dimensions and drafted it in AutoCAD. The keyframe graph will more closely resemble the below. Note that the dots in the middle (38.5649) are slightly above the midpont (37.5).
  3. For the most part. I think I've run into a few exceptions (Wheesley?). I read somewhere that eyeballing the visual centroid of the model is the best bet. Mostly consistent. The experiment I did with that Claw above was originally in a straight-sided 1.25m fairing. I had it very clearly inside, and it was still dragging. What I've read elsewhere is that at least 50% of the visual model should be in (the Claw is rather fat). I suspect it's not quite that complex, but there might be a bit of a fudge-factor for size. I suppose the real test would be trying to obscure an orange tank in a 1.25m fairing. (I have a Work In Progress that's four Mk3 fuselages that I want to obscure with a 3.75+m fairing, so I'll find out soon.)
  4. Your keyframes should look exactly like a sine wave. You probably want to find the longest and shortest extensions of the piston and extrapolate from there. Just run the flywheel rotor at a really slow speed while having the right-click menu for the piston open. You probably want at least 4 keyframes: mid, long, mid, short. I think your flywheel is relatively light. Perhaps a second layer of gold plate, or some ore tanks on the inner circumference? Note that mine has the piston driving horizontally, with an additional hinge and connecting rod going to the wheel. Mine has a counterweight on the back side of the flywheel (white arc over window) to balance the weight of the piston attachment point. You might want to rip the wheel off and balance the CoM right through the rotation axis. That Whiplash in the firebox is an inspired choice. Are you also running a Juno in the smokestack? Put together, that's 6 EC/s, and I think the piston only uses 8 EC/s max. That's because you're a filthy spammer.
  5. Steam engine, secretly powered by fuel cells. It looks really good, and I love how you did the pipe. The fact that you're powering the flywheel and not the piston makes my eye twitch though. If you need another reference, I've sat and stared at this for many hours in real life. Photo is linked to some dude's Flickr, with history and specifications listed.
  6. Only if they retract into a cargo bay, service bay, or fairing. You only have to get them about halfway in though. For instance:
  7. I spun this testbed up, hit the brakes, and flung 0.145 tons at an average of 58 m/s. I'm not yet up to flinging Kerbals into Minmus orbit, but I'm getting there. This kind of clutch-based flinger isn't really the way to go, but it sure is fun.
  8. I love the cab on that thing. Mine always end up looking like crap. Have you considered mounting the Claw on a piston?
  9. I'd get all the parts into the controller, get one sequence correct, give it a unique name, close the craft, and then go edit the craft file. Search for "controller1000" in the craft file. Below code is for a hinge. The first value looks like (time / sequenceLength), the second is angle. The last two are probably the tangents, which should remain the same if you're just time-shifting. timeValueCurve { key = 0 90 450 0 key = 0.25 90 0 360 key = 0.5 180 360 0 key = 1 180 0 0 } Not the best answer, but it's an answer.
  10. @Nivee~ Basically what satnet said (and Carl on the prior page). Although if the edges are all supposed to be constant temperature, I think you can avoid testing for mathematical boundary conditions and just run your problem domain from 1 to 98 instead of 0 to 99. I think you mentioned this somewhere above. The other thing that confuses me: Does the single alpha variable account for all methods and rates of heat transfer in the system? One of Carls early posts said: Programming-wise, I'd add some global variables to make changing the parameters easier. int X_BOUND = 99; // Maximum X index. Or you could scanf. int Y_BOUND = 99; // Maximum Y index. Or you could scanf. // Comment your code, jerk. int main() { double T_old[X_BOUND+1][Y_BOUND+1]; double T_new[X_BOUND+1][Y_BOUND+1]; double Tin; int x = 0; int y = 0; printf("\nEnter the Initial Temperature: "); scanf("%d",Tin); for (x = 1; x <= X_BOUND-1; x++){ for (y = 1; y <= Y_BOUND-1; y++){ Be a good scientist: y = Y_BOUND; for (x = 0; x <= X_BOUND; x++){ T_old[x][y] = 30.00; // deg C }//TopWall double alpha = 0.000137; // How was this calculated, what are the units? double cellSize = 0.01; // m^2 double timeStep = 0.0001; // seconds Changing your output slightly will make it easier to cut and paste into a spreadsheet, or write to a CSV file. for (x = 0; x <= X_BOUND; x++){ for (y = 0; y <= Y_BOUND; y++){ printf("%d,",T_new[x][y]); } printf("\n"); }
  11. See the white minus symbol on the one you have highlighted? Another gripe to go on the list is that if you accidentally edit a part name, you can't get back to the default name without manually typing it in. That said, last night I animated the deployment of a MASSIVE set of fixed solar panels (for a submarine!), and it was FUN.
  12. I've taken to setting my Roll authority to uncomfortably low values. It eventually gets to feeling graceful instead of sluggish, and it's much easier to point the plane exactly where you want it. If I get too close to the ground in a hard, flat turn, I use the rudder to get my nose above the horizon instead of trying to roll out of it and pull up.
  13. Heyo LGG, Is it possible to get Making History and Breaking Ground split up into separate filters? Right now they're both covered under SquadExpansion. Not a huge deal, but it would be a nice addition. Thank you.
  14. Was I correct about the top and bottom walls? Per her diagram at the top, they're insulated, not actively cooled or heated. Do they basically have no effect on the environment (just calc the neighbors that are NOT out of bounds), or is there some weird reflection effect that has to be taken into account? Doh! I can't believe I missed calculating the neighbors.
  15. Code view helps ^^^^ This is just from a brief glance, I could be misunderstanding: The hot and cold wall resets aren't inside the loop? Shouldn't they be inputting continuously? I don't think the top and bottom walls have to be set more than once, since they're insulators. Just consider 1,0 to 3,0 and 1,4 to 3,4 to be interior nodes. It should be T_old = T_new, yours is backwards. The [y-1] index goes out of bounds when y=0.
  16. He's now the eponym of the Crunchy Frog skit?
  17. (4500kNm * 200% braking) * X gyros = X gyros you can fling things off moons with. EDIT, just realized a CMG is a different thing.
  18. I was trying to think of fun stuff to do with storing potential electrical energy in flywheels, when I remembered that pumping fuel doesn't respect conservation of momentum or energy. Spin a wheel up when fuel tanks attached to it are empty; pump fuel over. The angular velocity will remain the same, but the angular momentum and energy will go way up. I know this has been done already (does it count as Kraken-tech?), but it's fun to think about. How strong are the brakes on the rotors? I want to fling things off of Minmus using a flywheel and a very long lever arm. EDITS (just bought BG): Looks like the Brake Torque on the big rotor is 4500kNm (double that for 200% brakes?). So that's the max flinging torque you can squeeze out of one rotor. @GoldForest, check the config files. The rotors have an Output Resource line. It just needs to be uncommented. EDIT2: Need counter-rotating wheels for the flinger to brake after the throw so it doesn't flip over. EDIT3: That arm is going to have to be one hell of a truss, given the breaking torque on the structural parts.
  19. For impurities, would you just have a grid of alphas that you reference by index? (Impurities have a different alpha). You can scatter those randomly (or in whatever proportion) after setting the alpha array uniformly. You can do the same trick for any other relevant physical property. How in the hell do you deal with the liquid state, where the impurities would shift cells? (After googling a bit: https://www.cc.gatech.edu/~turk/my_papers/melt.pdf)
  20. You guys probably know the answer to this: What's the optimum blade pitch for cruising? 3 to 5 degrees above the vector sum of the tangential and the forward velocity? (Same as the optimum lift-to-drag ratio for a plane wing) If that's true, the max power should be +25?
  21. I think you're running into the autostrut bug/feature that's been documented in a few threads. Grats on 5 years!
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