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Everything posted by Norcalplanner

  1. So is using KK with an upscale save not possible atm? Things look good for now around GSC, but I haven't visited any of the other launch sites yet.
  2. I had this same problem last night. Clearing out all existing alarms was next on my list of things to try. :-) Also had a problem with GSC KK objects not being in the right location in my 2.5x career after updating to the latest version of Sigma Dimensions and KKtoSD. Rolling back to the previous versions fixed the problem for the moment. Not at my computer atm, so no logs or photos.
  3. @Shadowmage That is a gloriously cluttered UI that makes me giddy with anticipation. It looks like we're well on the way to making an attractive, functional ship using only three parts.
  4. Dangit! I was all set to continue playing my current GPP install until a version for 1.4.1 dropped. Now I have to update again in 1.3.1. ;-) Seriously, this looks awesome.
  5. @Sethy Kerman What is it you're trying to do? What do you not feel clear on? Do you feel comfortable using all the different diameter parts available? Maybe posting some pictures would help - one of the sort of rocket you typically build now, and then one that you admire and wish you knew how to build well.
  6. Once all the parachute probes are safely landed, the only rational use left for the mothership is to attempt a close Lili flyby. I look forward to seeing just how much science I can grab during the 10 seconds I'll be transiting it's SOI. :-)
  7. I realized that being in a 1,130 km polar orbit above 2.5x Tellumo can mean that you're playing chicken with Lili twice on every orbit:
  8. Did some serious hill climbing and descending on Iota: Ended up making it safely down to the bottom with a nice view of Gael: And yes, it's still classified as a plane because of a bases and stations contract where once I designate it as a rover, that becomes the preferred site for my surface base. As you may have guessed, this terrain isn't particularly base-friendly....
  9. It's been a few years and a few versions since I used KSPI, but I have fond memories of that career. I found lots of success by having ground-based power transmitters a few kilometers north and south of the launch pad, on the island runway, on the island to the NE of KSC, and on one of the larger islands across the sea to the east of KSC. When combined with the constellation of power relays I had in orbit, launches with thermal nozzle craft became practical and reliable, with at least one emitter or relay always at a good angle to a thermal receiver on the craft.
  10. I played this game stock and had a wonderful time for two months. Then I discovered mods. That was three and a half years ago. I'm still playing the game several times per week, but haven't played a bone stock game since I loaded my first mod.
  11. The atmosphere in 2.5x ends around 91 km. The indicator isn't accurate, and the music will start playing at 70 km while you're still in atmosphere. Best way to determine is to try and timewarp, or use a mod such as KER or MJ that tells you your current situation (e.g., flying high above Kerbin's water).
  12. On upgrading... I generally don't upgrade while a career is in progress, at least for those mods which I categorize as "universe-defining". These would include GPP and any other planet packs, Kopernicus, Sigma Dimensions, SD rescale, Module Manager, Custom Barn Kit, Community Tech Tree, Contract Configurator, or anything which establishes new mechanics such as life support or colonization. Instead, I'll create a new install from scratch, paying close attention to version numbers of dependencies and making sure that the new install contains all the previous mods. Once it's confirmed to be working (which can take awhile) I'll then copy over my save from the old install. Assuming things work correctly, the old install will then be moved off the SSD and onto the spinning data drive, joining the two dozen versions already there. On those occasions when planets are being added or changing their topography, I'll bring all personnel back home to wait out the upgrade. I may lose some craft, but everyone survives and all funds, rep, and tech tree unlocks are retained.
  13. The MFT-A tank is very much a procedural tank.
  14. I've had the same problem the last few days, ever since I got to Thalia - sorry I didn't report it earlier. South Pole biome is here, there, and everywhere.
  15. No table, but I've watched a bunch of F9 launches. RTLS launches generally stage at 6,000 km/h. ASDS launches (typically used when the payload is going to GTO) stage at 8,000 km/h. During the FH launch on Tuesday, the center core separated from the upper stage around 9,500 km/h.
  16. I used to be annoyed by this as well. One solution is to add the MJ and KER for all mod, which adds partless MJ functionality to every probe core and capsule.
  17. It's also a will problem. The need to persevere over a long time in the face of challenges and setbacks is something better suited to a nongovernmental entity in the current political climate. Mr. Musk has shown a great deal of will in this arena.
  18. A heck of a lot more important than that sporting event a few days ago...
  19. It's 2.5x GPP and GEP, and a Hohman transfer to Grannus generally takes somewhere around 70 years. I've been able to get that down to 10 years with a high energy transfer, but the idea of sending a jump beacon to aid follow-on exploration and colonization efforts seems interesting. I'll let you know of any thoughts regarding balance once I get to that point in my career.
  20. The die has been cast - I'm adding this to my "Nodens or Bust" GPP/GEP career save. I already have an established relationship with Karborundum, so it'll be nice to have something else to use it for.
  21. And if you do it right, the trajectory should look like this when your view is focused on the Mun... https://m.imgur.com/gallery/MCcbm Edit - on mobile and can't do things well, but it's the ninth or so image in that album
  22. Currently 52, but the career is young. Scansat probes and comm sats tend to increase the number quite a bit. I try to never have more than 2 or 3 manned missions going at the same time, since I play with USI-LS.
  23. I am a moderate train enthusiast, having had both O and HO layouts when I was younger. In the last decade, I've only done a few things on the computer, mainly Sid Meiers Railroads. (Side bar rant - where are the freaking tenders?!?) However, I pale in comparison to my father, who is now in his 70s. I give you five words.... Customized G Scale Live Steam.
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