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Everything posted by Norcalplanner

  1. Probably not, but you never know. My thought is to go 3.2x if R&D doesn't make the jump to 1.2, or 64K if it (or something similar using the new upgrade mechanic) does get updated for 1.2. I've never made an SSTO in anything but stock scale, so it might be a challenge worth tackling with a larger Kerbin.
  2. Really enjoyed this. I'm now inspired to add Rald to my 1.2 career when it starts in earnest (hopefully next week). I also hope that R&D or something similar makes the jump to 1.2. Do you know if Rald plays nice with Sigma Dimensions or 64 K? I definitely want to be playing in a larger scale than stock.
  3. Is this still dependent on KIS or any other mod? If so, is there an unofficial 1.2 pre version of KIS anywhere, or do I need to wait? No worries either way. Loving MOLE, btw. I just installed it in my 1.2 pre career.
  4. Contract Configurator plus the Stations and Bases contract pack will result in more logical station contracts.
  5. Plus you get pretty pictures like this if you go backwards. From my Apollo Applications Program challenge entry:
  6. There's an additional benefit to going backwards - actually sort of a backhanded compliment - in that it takes more delta V from LKO to do so. Meaning that not only do you get a free return trajectory, you also get there quicker, which can be important when you're talking about things like life support, whether in game or IRL.
  7. Once 1.2 drops and certain mods have been updated, my plan is to do a new 3.2x scale modded career with 100% funding, 80% rep, and 60% science. With Community Tech Tree to soak up more science, and what I'm sure will be a number of mods featuring the new part upgrade mechanics, I think this should hit the sweet spot for me. I may end up tweaking the funding down a bit, but I enjoy setting up infrastructure so I don't want to start out too low. I'm also going to give KCT another go.
  8. Those configs would be nice - I'm holding off starting a new game until 1.2 and at least a minimal selection of mods are ready, but I'd love to give it a whirl in a week or two.
  9. I'm hoping that it might come out today, but I'll still be happy if it comes out next Tuesday. I take a bit of comfort in that 1540 has been up for almost two days.
  10. Takes me back to my first Duna landing. Well done!
  11. @Nich Welcome back. Are you running 1.2 pre or 1.1.3? If it's the latter, there are some great mods such as Strategia that can help you with funds while accommodating where you want to go.
  12. Agree wholeheartedly. From what I've read, SpaceX uses a single diameter for upper and lower stages both to simplify tooling, and to allow cost-effective transport of the finished rocket. Their rockets are around 3.75m, IIRC, because that is the largest size they can transport by rail. All their adventures with super-chilled fuel and oxidizer are driven in part by their attempt to wring the most possible performance without increasing the diameter. Their factory is inland and surrounded by development, so they're going to need a different facility, likely coastal, to build the BFR for the MCT.
  13. Imgur changed the way it handles albums of pictures, so now the forum doesn't allow for them to be embedded. Old imgur albums put into a post before the change, and not edited since the change, will still show, but they may be truncated in a way that a portion of the mage isn't visible. For any old post with an album that gets edited (such as OPs for mods), the album then goes away. Not much to do at this point, unfortunately.
  14. I commit to the ultimate purpose of these sort of contracts by naming the craft "Throwaway Station" and lofting it as cheaply as I can.
  15. Another handy-dandy mod which would get you out of this particular pickle is Modular Rocket Systems (MRS) also by NecroBones. It has the "quad-nuke" engine, which has precisely four times the weight and thrust of an LV-N in a single 2.5m part.
  16. For me it would be a tie between Kelly Johnson and Burt Rutan. "That damn Swede can see air..."
  17. Might want to check out SMURFF - it makes most parts lighter, including capsules. I ran RSS with SMURFF and no other mods (such as DRE or Real Heat) and things worked just fine. One thing you might consider doing is using up any remaining fuel in your craft to slow down a bit before hitting the atmosphere. Even 500 m/s can make a big difference in reentry heating.
  18. To be more precise, do the following (which assumes either a decent probe core or a level 1 pilot) - Burn orbital retrograde until your orbit line looks like it's coming down at a suitable spot. Lock your craft's orientation to the retrograde marker (left of navball, second row, right button) and change the navball mode to surface by clicking on the velocity readout. Burn your descent motor as needed to slow your descent, keeping in mind that the lower you burn, the more efficient it is. Swing the camera around so that you can see the shadow of your craft to help you gauge your altitude above the terrain. Keep in mind that some terrain on the Mun is thousands of meters above sea level. As you get close to the surface, you should be nearly vertical. Once you're close to the surface, switch to a standard SAS mode from the retrograde hold. If you don't switch, you run the risk of your craft flipping if you thrust just a bit too much. Try to keep the final descent less than 2 or 3 meters per second. Kill the throttle and SAS as soon as you touch down. Then take a screen shot and have a celebratory beverage. :-)
  19. Is your nav ball in surface mode or orbit mode? Sounds like it might be the latter - trying to land while the velocity readout still includes the orbital component is misleading and difficult. And enjoy this. You only land on the Mun for the first time once.
  20. Or, depending on the size and complexity of the station, you could launch it fully assembled into LKO, top it off with a tanker if needed, then fly it to Duna. Different players have different mental pictures when they hear the word "station". Something along the lines of Skylab with the S-II or S-IV stage still attached works great for a mobile station.
  21. I don't know. I've never used Real Fuels outside of a Realism Overhaul game, and I'm away from the computer atm. One of the reasons I went with SMURFF was so I could continue to use the parts I know and love, such as SpaceY and Fuel Tanks Plus, with stats which are closer to real world.
  22. Just added a link in the RSS version pointing to this thread, since some people were wondering about the numbers for stock Kerbin.
  23. OP has been updated with the link to the stock thread, but the embedded imgur album was a casualty since the forum and imgur don't get along well anymore. I added a link to the bottom of the OP pointing at the album.
  24. Good idea. I'm on mobile atm, but I'll link the other thread in the OP tonight.
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