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Everything posted by RayneCloud

  1. Very glad to hear this Dakota, thank you. Though, this does seem like quite the oversight. May I ask why the forums are an afterthought requiring a "re think in strategy" when they've been the major focal point of community interaction since the start of KSP 1? I understand the need to focus on content generation platforms like twitter, facebook, insta, tik tok, etc... and to focus on real time community engagement in discord, but the forums (as old as forum tech is) are integral to the KSP Community Experience. That's why I pushed for VB5 Connect upgrades back in the day moving away from PHPBB and why Invision Community seems to be an industry leader in community focused software and why no doubt it was the chosen platform for the forums we have now. My love and respect to you and the team. Keep up the good work and the open lines of communication.
  2. I just tested it, and there's like no character limit at all... try it Bej, it's awesome. I agree Welsh.
  3. 1. Select a vehicle 2. CTRL + C 3. CTRL + V or Paste in to a text editor 4. Save the fiel and share it 5. Copy the text, ctrl+v the text in to an empty VAB and the vehicle shows up.. THIS IS AMAZING
  4. It's all subjective. So, in short, "That's like, your opinion man" I think the new planets are amazing and I have put nearly 600 hours in to elite, and many many 100's of hours in to SC.
  5. I was there for KSP 1 as well, I remember. I have faith in this team. I believei n them. I do not however trust or have any faith in T2 and PD.
  6. That's one single game, go look at the whole of steam EA and you'll see what I mean. Also, respectfully, pointing out one game's success versus the 100's of other failures is not a good data point. I already pointed out FFXIV, NMS, and Cyberpunk as exceptions, but they are just that, exceptions. Not the rule.
  7. I am glad it does and it should It shows the community the team is doing what we want them to do. They're working hard. Let's cheer that on and support them!
  8. Also, I am begging you all not to look at steamDB as any indication of any incoming build and hype yourselves up only to be disappointed and then get angry at the dev team. I posted this on reddit, All this tells us, is that they are working. Hard. Multiple branches, multiple updates, two Release Test branch updates, tell me the team is focused and working. Which is good.
  9. Usually? Yeah... and very unfortunately so... steam has hit nearly 60,000 games (if not more) and the average indie EA sales rate is anywhere from 30,000 copies to 50,000 copies at best. Most games on steam don't ever sell above a 1,000 units..
  10. The primary thing my experience in this industry has taught me is that you don't get second chances and you don't get a second "Release". There are some exceptions, NMS, FFXIV, and the rebound of Cyberpunk, but the average game doesn't get a second chance. I only hope that the release cadence steps up to at least bi-weekly updates and that the project strives towards the goal no matter what with fixes, optimizations, content and features. I want to see KSP 2 succeed. I also agree that this first patch will set the stage, hence we're more than likely not going to see it this week. (That's just a guess, I could be dead wrong.)
  11. Not a mod, might wanna poke one of them like @James KermanI was just interested in the craft and noticed it was KSP 1
  12. I tried out GPP Secondary + GEP + OPM together to see what having a YUGE trinary star system would be like and I loved it.
  13. Hey all, just curious what everyone else has seen in terms of the future of moded star systems and planets. I was working on a KSP 1 planet pack some months back and had to step away, but if it's going to be easier in KSP 2 I'd like to come back to it.
  14. I've enjoyed it myself so far. I tried re creating a few of your KSp 1 designs yesterday but I'm not anywhere near as good at is at you are lol
  15. Then I am at an absolute loss Xl, sorry,
  16. So, the panels look like this, I made them as white as I could.
  17. Try that? It might work. Let me go take a look myself.
  18. OH, that's what you meant... I got confused. Yeah, a panel of some sort would be nice, I agree.
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