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Everything posted by RayneCloud

  1. Welcome aboard mate, and yes, 18 is more than worth the many many hours of fun you'll get from KSP! -DR
  2. Ah, I see you got helped, well welcome!
  3. Welcome! I see everyone else has taken care of you, so happy explosions! -DR
  4. Well, welcome board Ohm! We're glad to have you here! If you need anything the mod team will be happy to help. Be warned that your first 5 posts are moderated and watched, just a precaution we've put in place to stop spamming and problem posting. -DR
  5. Thanks all, we have what we need.
  6. Decent means...well..decent...not super high end, and low end is fine.
  7. We need more Testers! Though there's a catch, and it's something we just can't change...we're in desperate need of Mac testers! So in short, I need at least 10 new people with the following, 18 and Up Mac user Decent Mac's Willing to and capable of testing and reporting bugs There is an NDA! Anyway, send me some PM's! Name Age Previous Experience Explanation of your Current System
  8. We'll not go into details, but Cap is my Friend and My Mentor and he deserves all the praise you can give him for the years worth of work he's put into this project we all love. I'm going to close this now, so be sure to thank him in PM for all his hard work, he deserves it. -DR
  9. RayneCloud

    Past 50k!

    We've passed 50,000 registered users! With an average of 6,500 unique active users per week! Our little community has grown and keeps growing! -DR
  10. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Glad to see you hit the ground running! -DR
  11. Welcome aboard, buying the game helps the dev team eat and keep building the game so save up! -DR
  12. Alright, this went off topic and went south. Locked.
  13. Wrong location, please post in suggestions. Locked.
  14. Please post pics from now on. Thread locked before it turns bad. -DR
  15. There's nothing wrong with staging, it locks on launch. There is a 4x Off-Rails Physical Time warp, you can use that. The Nuclear Engine is designed for interplanetary space....try using it for that? The warp clamp mod is separating your ship and causing the issues, there is no kraken mark 2. Anything else?
  16. Yeah, let's not do this speculation thing ok?
  17. That jump up was for a reason, and it was tied to some back end with the web server that was because of a change of where we locate attachments.
  18. We've moved all the attachments out of the database and into the file storage system on the web-server, this may have caused some issues with ID updates. Please check all your attachments.
  19. Ok, there's been a misunderstanding I think... I'm not quitting, I'm not leaving and never coming back, or any of that. I'm just taking a much needed break, and some time off to get back into the swing of things over at TG.
  20. I wanted to take a moment to put some thoughts down and inform everyone that I'll be taking a Leave of Absence from the forums and the community for the time being. As it stands my duties at www.tacticalgamer.com have been neglected for far too long, and with changes in leadership and new promotions I've been requested to return to my old officer positions and I'm going to do just that. I've been a part of this community for almost a full year now and my entire time here has been spent trying to keep this a fun, safe place for everyone to share in their love for what is an amazing project. In my time here we've grown from an 11000 member forum to an almost 50,000 member forum. We've grown the mod team and rebuilt it, I wrote a new handbook for the mod team, wrote new forum rules, assisted in the move to a new set of forum software, the migration to a new IRC channel, and much more. There's been growing pains, and I've made my share of mistakes and screw ups and for those I am sorry. But rest assured everything I've done has been for you, for the dev team and for this great game. Now I'll still be remaining the Assistant Community Manager and I'll still be assisting Alex and N3X15 with the web server and forum back-end, I'll be in and out to handle forum issues, do admin duties, and help the mod team when they need it but my overall participation and activity in and around the community itself will be reduced a great deal. I have the utmost trust and confidence in the Community Team and Capt_Skunky, these guys all do this for the same reasons I do. -Damion Rayne KSP ACM
  21. Entirely the wrong place for this, don't post this kind of stuff in the suggestions forum.
  22. *sighs* You guys just can't quit can you? Stop bringing up docking, it's not coming anytime soon. Thread Locked.
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