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Everything posted by RayneCloud

  1. I give you the information I have, when I have it. -DR
  2. Game Development and Progress Updates [*=center]Harv is back in action! No more PC woes for the lead dev. [*=center]From C7: "Not much to report at the moment, but I'm hard at work on new part modules as well as finishing odds and ends with rovers." So stay tuned for more! [*=center]Nova's working on part design, nothing new to show at this time. [*=center]Claira is also working on parts and other things, here's a snippet for you; and... [*=center]The rest of the team is working hard on the next update, so stay tuned for more! -DR Yesterdays Dev Live Stream http://www.twitch.tv/kerbalsp/b/388327332 Youtuber Spotlight Community Spotlight http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/34707-Geofley-s-Cove-modules-and-delivery-vehicles-for-a-floating-Laythe-base I think this needs even more of a looksee, Welcome to Geofley's Cove by ginsweater
  3. Game Development and Progress Updates We've got very little news on this front today ladies and gentlemen, the main KSP Development members C7, Mu and Harvester were all present for GDC 2013 last week and most were in transit and returning home earlier this week. Yesterdays Dev live stream had very little to nothing in the way of content but I did rather enjoy hanging out with you guys! We should try it more often! [*=center]Nova is currently prototyping some resource-related parts, like this... "Small Chemical Processor" [*=center]Rom is hard at work with UI related content for the "Knowledge Base" and "Resources systems, stay tuned for more on that front! [*=center]Claira is busy with other obligations, but when she's back to the grinder we'll let ya know! [*=center]No news to report from the rest of team this week. [*=center]Myself and James are busy doing what we do, but stay tuned as we'll be working closely with Squad IT to start doing some serious updates to our community! Community Spotlights Art Time to take a look through our "Way Back" machine to something I found a long time ago, back around sept of last year. It's funny as all get out, and I think could use a little more looksee.. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/22087-Timmon26-s-Art-Thread You Tubers Spotlight PDTV yo! Twitch Peoples you should be looking at: Yargnit - http://www.twitch.tv/yargnit Schmoo - http://www.twitch.tv/schmoogleedorf EJ_SA - http://www.twitch.tv/ej_sa AU - http://www.twitch.tv/au518987077 Syvos - http://www.twitch.tv/syvos 5hoe - http://www.twitch.tv/5hoe *The Above Channels are officially endorsed by the Community Managers, watch them! That's all for today folks! [squad] Damion Rayne Kerbal Space Program Community Manager
  4. We're a little short on content this week folks, but stay tuned as we'll get back into the swing of things soon! -DR KSP CM Game Development and Progress Updates [*=center]C7, Harv and MU are at GDC and we've got a video of them with Mr Scott Manley The rest of the team is still hard at work with their individual projects. We released on steam! http://steamcommunity.com/app/220200 It was a great week and weekend for us as KSP Topped the Charts in several areas with the following being our best, #1 Indie Game #2 Early Access #1 MacOSX #1 Linux #6 Overall Steam Top Seller Scott Manley also did some twitter analysis for us and sent me this bit of info, " '650,000' people saw a KSP tweet within one hour of the steam release." Wow, that's a lot of people! Thanks Scott and topsy.com for the info! Community Spotlight http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/46812-Land-Rover-Porsche-944-VW-Kombi Meticulous Mitch Made some awesome stock cars, take a look! Here's my fave:
  5. As you can see above, it's been a great day for us and here's a nice image of KSP on the front page of Steam. Besides this, I wanted to take a moment and share all these wonderful links about KSP and the other games taking part in Steam's "Early Access" program. http://www.polygon.com/2013/3/20/4128410/steam-early-access-launches-includes-arma-3-prison-architect http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/188923/Steams_Early_Access_puts_your_inprogress_game_in_front_of_players.php http://www.shacknews.com/article/78310/steam-early-access-lets-you-buy-unfinished-games http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-03-20-steam-now-offers-players-early-access-for-upcoming-games http://www.theverge.com/2013/3/20/4128644/steam-early-access-buy-and-play-games-still-in-development http://kotaku.com/5991562/steam-will-now-let-you-play-some-games-before-they-even-come-out http://www.joystiq.com/2013/03/20/steam-introduces-early-access-buy-and-play-games-still-in-dev/ http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/03/21/steam-early-access-debuts-with-arma-3-prison-architect/ We can't thank all of you enough for the support you given us over the last year. This wouldn't be possible with out you! -Team KSP
  6. Game Development and Progress Updates We released version 0.19.0 on Saturday and released version 0.19.1 on Monday showcasing our dedication to bug fixing and polish as well as adding new content, parts and features. C7 is currently still working on bug fixing and trying to polish rover wheels as well as prepping to move on to his next set of tasks. N3X15 is busy coding and developing our new patcher and deployment system and it's coming together, stay tuned! Our newest team members claira and rom are busy getting acclimated to the team and our work flow. Mu has shown us some nice back end prototyping for our resource system. Nova's given me some images to show you for upcoming content additions, take a look! First is the new internals for the crew module, looks good to me Nova! Secondly, the WIP model "Seat" for our Kerbal friends to ride in, take a look! Yesterdays Live Stream with Cap and Damion http://www.twitch.tv/kerbalsp/b/379349585 Community Updates and Spotlights Forum Updates [*=center]Fixed the Attachment System! [*=center]New user rank/image system coming, stay tuned for cool! [*=center]We're working on a new theme for the forums. You-tuber Spotlight: Scott Manley You-tuber Spotlight: StreetlampPro Twitch TV Channels for you to watch, http://www.twitch.tv/yargnit/new & http://www.twitch.tv/schmoogleedorf Artwork From the Community http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/38761-Postcards-from-Laythe-UPDATE-3-7-2013-21-21-VISUAL-NOVEL-CANCELLED If you've not seen PfL yet, you should take a look! Great style and composition! That's it for today folks, we'll see you next week! -DR KSP CM
  7. News for the Week of March 5th to March 12th Game Development Progress Update C7 Continues to work hard on developing the Kerbal animation system, and the new launch pad. All these features are expected to see a debut in KSP version 0.19.0 Rovers are still seeing constant development, we'll keep you posted! Harvesters work on Re-Entry continues and makes even more headway, so far the system is only visual but plans for future development are going well! Nova continues work on parts and content, bringing us more and more "Construction" oriented parts, as well as beginning designs for Space Station oriented gear. Stay tuned for more! Dan continues to amaze the team with awesome kerbal animations and other goodness that we can't wait to show off! We've added Romfarer and Claira to the team! Creators of the Lazor and KSPX Parts Expansion packs! Stay tuned to see their contribution to KSP! Damion and Skunky have finished building and pulling together a dedicated QA team to help with nightly build testing and so far this team has been a resounding success! Dev Stream Missed yesterdays Live Stream? No worries, we've got it for you here! <object bgcolor='#000000' data='http://www.twitch.tv/widgets/archive_embed_player.swf' height='378' id='clip_embed_player_flash' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='620'><param name='movie' value='http://www.twitch.tv/widgets/archive_embed_player.swf' /><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always' /><param name='allowNetworking' value='all' /><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true' /><param name='flashvars' value='auto_play=false&channel=kerbalsp&title=Kerbal%2BSpace%2BProgram%2BOfficial%2BTwitch&start_volume=25&archive_id=376545243' /></object><br /><a href="http://www.twitch.tv/kerbalsp" class="trk" style="padding:2px 0px 4px; display:block; width: 320px; font-weight:normal; font-size:10px; text-decoration:underline; text-align:center;">Watch live video from kerbalsp on TwitchTV</a> KSP Media Group Spotlight: Ryan "The Solar Gamer" Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/rslayer9?feature=watch Twitch Group Spotlight: EJ_SA Not followed EJ yet? You should! EJ's Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/ej_sa Images from the CM's Personal Library Curious to see some in-game footage regarding development? Damion's started to share images from his testing, take a look below! Forum Post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/45343-0-19-Test-Screenshots-Damion-Shares-part-Deux Nova Joined in the fun and shared some pics as well! Take a look!
  8. What is KSP Weekly? Glad you asked! KSP Weekly is our means of making sure you get all the KSP Related weekly content you can handle from all kinds of sources. KSP Weekly will be an on-going article series written by Damion Rayne and Capt_Skunky, your Community Mangers, with a focus on giving you a single one-stop-shop location to find all of the following, KSP Related News and updates Testing Screenshots Dev Blog overviews Community Contests and Challenges (In Connection with our friends at Reddit!) Updates on Development Progress Where can I read KSP Weekly? Right here on the forums of course! What better place than the true home of the KSP Community on the internet than the place it all started? KSP Weekly will be an article, just like this one, right here on the forums. Will you post links to KSP Weekly on other sites? You betcha! We'll make sure to have links posted on all our Social Media including Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter to the weeks current article, as well as the articles appearing in the main forum sidebar! You'll always have a way to find out what's been going on with KSP during the week, pretty cool eh? We think so, Oh and we'll even post a link to it on Reddit. Why start this now? Ah, good question yet again. Well, to be honest, we're not doing the best job we can at making sure that our loyal fans and customers are updated on all the goings on with the team. While we do post something new almost daily from screenshots of the test builds, to live streams, to dev blogs (when the guys have things to talk about of course) we've not been great at making sure you've got access to all this information. We understand for example some of you don't have the time to sit through our live streams, or work and other RL issues get in the way. So we thought it was best to sit down each week, write something of a news post up and make sure it's always in the same location at the same time, and has all the news from all the sources. When will you post KSP Weekly? Tuesday. Why Tuesday? Well, if Tuesday's good enough for Starfleet... No but seriously, it's right after the Weekly Dev Stream so we thought that'd be the best time to post it up. As for what time? Well, sometime Tuesday but always on Tuesday! So there you have it folks, our commitment to you, our awesome fans to make sure you've got all the news you could ever want from us from now till Tuesday. Wait, still thinking about Star Trek! Anyway you get my point, so stay tuned! -Damion "Anthony" Rayne Kerbal Space Program Community Manager
  9. So here's the trailers we were missing. They're finally up. -DR Here's Chicken Keepers, This one is by HOC Gaming,
  10. Some time ago, I sat down and decided to start contacting those YouTuber's of sufficient quality who were producing great KSP Videos. The idea was to bring them all together, in to one place and to have them work together, learn from one another, help one another and grow together. The other side to this coin was also a group of people whose sole task it was, to help us promote KSP. Over the last few weeks, I sat down and asked these guys to make trailers and gameplay videos to show the internet that KSP is amazing. Well, they did not disappoint and one person in particular got his video used by us as an Official Trailer. That First Video is here: Now, we had to make cuts for our own uses and Ryan gladly helped us by shortning and re-building his long from trailer into a quicker one for us located below, Now, the rest of the group also strove to achieve their best work for us and those videos are below, Below is Streetlamps work, This one is by our good friend Scott Manley, Below is PLeb's Trailer, http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zGIfLPTgvK0 This one was done by PD, We're missing a few, but stay tuned as we'll get them out soon. -DR KSP CM
  11. Hello everyone! Damion Rayne here, KSP CM. Capt Skunky and I along with the Dev team have spoken a lot recently about the state of the community and wanted to thank you all for being such a great group of gamers and dedicated fans. As a note, we're undergoing some changes over the following week. Test Team - The Test team will be wiped this coming week, and rebuilt from the ground up. As well as increased from 60 members to 100. Stay tuned for more information! QA Team - We're building a 15 man top notch NDA QA team, this will require an in-depth interview and application process, stay tuned for more! Wiki Team - We're going to be moving the wiki to an official server! As well as building a moderation team just for the wiki to keep it up to date! Stay tuned for more information! Media Group - The KSP Media group will receive some special assistance from the community management team to help them better co-ordinate "Media Releases" And more! -New Dev blogs to come! -New KSP TV stream schedule and content line up! -More contests over the coming months! -DR KSP CM
  12. & Win a chance at Space with Kerbal Space Program! Contest Information Team KSP is partnering with IDREAMOFSPACE (www.idreamofspace.com) to bring you a chance to win a suborbital flight! Contest Rules 1. Take a screenshot in KSP 2. Upload that image to your favorite image hosting location, such as imgur.com and others. 3. Make a thread in this forum, with the title "[myname] dreams of space", example if I was doing it, "Damion Rayne Dreams of Space" 4. You get ONE thread per user, and ONE screenshot PER thread. Duplicates will be deleted. 5. Embed your image in your thread, like this, First make sure you're using the "Advanced Editor" Step 1: Go into your user control panel located under "Settings" in the top right corner of the forums, Step 2: Select "General Settings" and then scroll down to "Misc Settings" and make sure " Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing; is selected. Step 3: Insert your image using the image insert function, this icon, Step 4: Make sure your pop-up box looks like this, *BE SURE TO MAKE SURE "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" is NOT selected!* Step 5: Insert your image URL into the text field and hit OK, boom your image is up! The real big rules! 1. You will be disqualified for any screenshots that showcase something that can not be duplicated in-side KSP! This means no pics of your ship orbiting the real planet Earth! 2. Your image must be capable of being replicated in the game! 3. Post Processing is allowed. 4. Hyper-Edit is ok, we don't care how you got it there, as long as anyone else can as well. 5. Any cheating will be caught and you will be disqualified as well as face other punishment such as removal from the forums for good! Everyone deserves a fair chance yeah? How to vote! Use the thread rating system, it looks like this, *You get one vote per thread! Use it wisely! And remember, a vote of 1 star is still a vote!* How long do we have? 2 Weeks from 17th! On the 31st of January, we will shut this forum down and tally up everyone votes and announce the winners! What's the terms and Conditions from IDOS's side? https://www.idreamofspace.com/faq What about if I'm under 18? The ticket will go to your parent or legal guardian until you're old enough to use it, sorry, but this isn't our deal it's all the space guys stuff. We suggest using BOSS http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/27592 Good luck from Team KSP!
  13. Over the last week I've been working on a way to bring KSP Community members together outside KSP, and give a place for fans of KSP to enjoy other games together. I've found a few options and I'd like to share them with you! First, Jebs' House KSP Steam Community! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/JebsHouse - Feel free to join at your whim! As a note, Team KSP might join some games with you! Space games are awesome! I'll be making groups in-game for Eve Online and Dust 514! Eve Online - http://www.eveonline.com/ Stay tuned for more information regarding these groups as well as Eve Online and Dust 514! Community Related Content Updates KSP Social Media Network contains several websites, Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kerbal-Space-Program/240760572609841?ref=ts&fref=ts Twitter: https://twitter.com/KerbalSpaceP YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/KerbalSPOfficial Tumblr Dev Blog: http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/ Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/KerbalSP/new Content Udpates: Space, Space Related, Gaming, and Space game related content on all these areas to make sure you've always got something fun to do with your fellow KSP Fans! Community Gaming Events We intend to have community gaming events as well! -DR KSP Community Manager PS: Welcome to Jebs' house!
  14. Do you remember this cartoon from your childhood days? We do, and we remember how it made us laugh... So what are we getting at? Starting tonight and lasting until KerbalKon tomorrow you've got time to make a KSP video with the Good Idea/Bad Idea theme, upload it to YouTube and send it to us @ kerbalkon@kerbalspaceprogram.com The top 10 videos to make the KSP Team laugh their socks off will get an honorable mention, The Top Video will win something very special. What is that something? Come to KerbalKon and Find out! -DR Community Manager
  15. Wanna look like a Kerbal for KerbalKon and beyond? No problem we've got you covered! Below are some examples of the Kerbal Mask the dev team has made, take a look, So how do you make one of these? Simple, First, download the .zip file from one of the link below, Squad Server Direct Download: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/files/KerbalMask.zip Second, open the .zip and then open the file named "Instructions for Assembling a 3D Kerbal Head." Follow the instructions, and be sure to place the .pdo file into Pepakura viewer located here, http://www.tamasoft.co.jp/pepakura-en/download/viewer.html Those of you who manage to pull this off and share it on Facebook and Twitter with us, will win a prize during KerbalKon tomorrow! -DR Community Manager
  16. As many of you may know, KSP Version 0.18 is still in "Release Candidate" testing, but we've picked 10 KSP Youtubers and given them access to the most recent "Release Candidate" version of KSP, and given them permission to Review and Showcase this version. As a note the release date is still TBD. Stay tuned to this posting, as videos will be added as our "Media Group" makes them, thank you and Fly Safe! OperationDX - https://www.youtube.com/user/OperationDx1?feature=watch xPDxTV - http://www.youtube.com/user/xPDxTV?feature=watch Scott Manley - http://www.youtube.com/user/szyzyg?feature=watch StreetlampPro - https://www.youtube.com/user/StreetlampPro?feature=watch Chickenkeeper - http://www.youtube.com/user/Chickenkeeper24?feature=watch HOC Gaming
  17. Announcing Kerbalkon 2012 and Kerbal Space Programs 2nd Anniversary Event! Come and Join us on November 30th 2012 at 0800/8AM CST (0900/AM EST) (1400/2PM GMT) What can you expect? 16 hours of awesome plus more! 16 Hours of Dedicated Team KSP/Squad Content [*=center]Announcements! [*=center]Contests! [*=center]Dev Talks! [*=center]Special Previews of upcoming services! [*=center]Special Youtuber Guests such as KurtJMac, Scott Manley and The Winter Owl plus others! Master of Ceremonies: Team KSP Community Manger - Damion Rayne Assitant MOC: Team KSP Community Manager - Capt_Skunky Team KSP Lead Game Developer: Felipe Falanghe (a.k.a HarvesteR) Game & Server Developers: Alejandro Mora Rob Nelson (a.k.a N3X15) Game & Tools Developer: Mike Geelan Technical Artist: Chad Jenkins (a.k.a. C7) 3D Artist: Daniel Rosas Content Design: Jeff C. (a.k.a. NovaSilisko) Jacobo Rosas Ean Moody Sound & Music Design: Edú Castillo Programming: Mario Maqueo Marco Salcedo Additional Art: Juan Carlos Demeneghi Iván Vázquez Community Manager: Anthony Keeton (a.k.a Damion Rayne) James Kupperian (a.k.a. Skunky) Executive Producers: Ezequiel Ayarza Adrián Goya
  18. Community Spotlight As a game designer, sometimes it's hard to let go of your game and let it out into the world for people to play it, and tell you what they think of it. Even harder still, is opening your game and allowing someone else to add their own content to it. Well, KSP has been designed from the start for this very thing, we love seeing what you create and what you can make the game do with the tools we give you, while we strive to grow our game even more. Today, I'd like to take some time to spotlight and mention a very prominent figure in the KSP Modding Community, R4mon. Who is R4mon? Let me tell you... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/12384-PLUGIN-PART-0-17-Anatid-Robotics-MuMech-MechJeb-Autopilot-v1-9-3 If you follow think above, you'll find yourself in a thread for one of the most popular mods KSP has to offer it's player base, "MechJeb." This mod's been a huge success and proved what a patient mod maker with tools and time could do. MechJeb has been in development for a good while now and continues to grow and adapt to the changes in KSP, and we can't wait to see what he does with it next. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/9270-0-17-Multiversal-Mechatronics-Munolith-Research-Division-1-3 The link above is to yet more work, showing r4mon's continued commitment to building mods that play to what we're doing in the main game, and when the "munolith" came out he built a mod designed to hunt them down. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/12329-0-17-Multiversal-Mechatronics-Fixed-Camera-1-2 Last but not least, is the fixed camera mod for KSP. Not a lot to discuss here, but a fun little mod to check out nonetheless, we suggest you give it a try. So, in closing, we want to say thank you to the mod community for showing us your talent, sharing with us your creations and letting us know people are passionate about KSP enough to spend time developing something else for the community to enjoy together. Damion Rayne Community Manager
  19. As you may or may not be aware of, we've just recently bought two brand new servers to handle a change in services, and to help with load spreading. But the great news, is that KSP has gone to the cloud! We'll be using Amazon CloudFront (I think) to handle release days. -DR
  20. On another note, the forums will go down today for a migraiton.
  21. As you may or may not be aware of, we've just recently bought two brand new servers to handle a change in services, and to help with load spreading. But the great news, is that KSP has gone to the cloud! We'll be using Amazon CloudFront (I think) to handle release days. -DR
  22. Please follow the channel rules! <iframe src="http://webchat.esper.net/?nick=INeedANick&channels=kspofficial&prompt=1" width="647" height="400"></iframe>
  23. I'm glad to have him back as well. I can go back to focusing on the back of house stuff, we all know I'm not exactly great with people...lol! Anywho, welcome back old friend. -DR
  24. Heh, KSP is addicting that's for sure. Welcome! -DR
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