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Everything posted by custume

  1. I have been reading the code and there is a lot of stuff that can make problems, I have not read all te code (for the moment) because you have several connections (calls) that I need to read 1º, this two are the problematic. MechJebModuleAscentAutopilot.cs [Persistent(pass = (int)(Pass.Type | Pass.Global))] public bool forceRoll = true; [Persistent(pass = (int)(Pass.Type | Pass.Global))] public EditableDouble verticalRoll = new EditableDouble(0); This is the part that is not working well : //limit the amount of steering to 10 degrees. Furthermore, never steer to a FPA of > 90 (that is, never lean backward) double maxOffset = 10 * UtilMath.Deg2Rad; if (desiredFlightPathAngle > 80) maxOffset = (90 - desiredFlightPathAngle) * UtilMath.Deg2Rad; if (steerOffset.magnitude > maxOffset) steerOffset = maxOffset * steerOffset.normalized; desiredThrustVector += steerOffset; } desiredThrustVector = desiredThrustVector.normalized; MechJebModuleAscentGuidance.cs autopilot.forceRoll = GUILayout.Toggle(autopilot.forceRoll, "Force Roll"); if (autopilot.forceRoll) { GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("climb", autopilot.verticalRoll, "º", 30f); GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox("turn", autopilot.turnRoll, "º", 30f); } Oh here is the image I talk about ( from the damn video ) picture hosting Also here is ( again) the mods that I'm using GameData\ModuleManager.2.8.0.dll GameData\000_AT_Utils\Plugins\000_AT_Utils.dll GameData\000_USITools\MiniAVC.dll GameData\CommunityCategoryKit\CCK.dll GameData\Firespitter\Plugins\Firespitter.dll GameData\GroundConstruction\Plugins\GroundConstruction.dll GameData\KAS\Plugins\KAS.dll GameData\KerbalKonstructs\KerbalKonstructs.dll GameData\KIS\Plugins\KIS.dll GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\MechJeb2.dll GameData\REPOSoftTech\DeepFreeze\MiniAVC.dll GameData\SCANsat\Plugins\SCANsat.dll GameData\TriggerTech\KerbalAlarmClock\KerbalAlarmClock.dll GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\Konstruction\Konstruction.dll Well I did add all I have, if I don't have logs or error dumps , them is not enough information, hehehehe ok ok. Next time is better for you guys to clearly speak the requirements before saying anything more, because people just say that there is no information but clearly there is, might not be the info needed but you can ask for specific info not crucifying the person just because there is no info. PS, going to work but don't worry I will finish reading it later on
  2. are you serious, your problem is that ?!?!?! Did you even see the video, the settings you are asking are in the video, are you blind or what . Pause the video at launch and you can see the setting. Another excuse, I did say anything about the old version just that they work better. This is the last post I answer , you have the video with all the settings you need, if you like to do something , fine, if not I don't care. This is what I don't understand, devs love to have videos with all the information, but for some reason you don't and them complain that there is no information to help., also I add a lot of information that I normally don't. What ?!?! you need me to tell you where in the code you need to change too, is that it.
  3. Well I already say all I can, and please stop with the brick because my last test the ship was A NORMAL 1 ENGINE SHIP. I even create a video to show. so If you guys don't do anything fine, is your problem, I don't care, I will just get another mod and move on. The only thing I see is people giving excuses for the MJ falling, but still don't offer any change or help, I remember the older dev to help more and listen. Best regards to all
  4. Actually, MJ did not fly well, if you see the video the last ship I send was a one engine ship, and MJ wobble by it self. See the complete video, also is not that I cant contra-act MJ and keep it stable, is that why do I have to, I use MJ to not use manual input . So, im sorry but for the moment MJ is creating more problems that it help with small ships, on the big ones just takes more time to start the wobble. For me MJ trying to correct it self all the time is the problem. Best regards to all EDIT: oh, Starwaster is not a big monstrosity (trust me I already send bigger), also is not an old MJ thing because on the last version of KSP 1.2 MJ work great and actually landed stuff way bigger than that. That ship ( lunar outpost ) I already have 2 of them, one on the mun and on minmus , they are farming sci and cash. My record with MJ was something with 1900 parts and several tons of weigh, so for me this is a MJ bug/error/problem, and for some one that uses MJ a longgggg time, longgggg time is so easy to see this type of error , I was one of the 1º to use MJ back in the 0.5x version I think, don't remember to long ago Also im not requesting anything major, just a slider to config the MJ force use in takeoff and landings.
  5. I cant, some of the mods don't work on the old version or is hard to find an older version that works well together. I have no logs, the game do not crash or anything, unless he needs the system default log, but that don't have anything about the mod/s. Yes its a brick, but a brick with style hehheheheheh About the test rover, is balance and center so I can launch it and control it by hand with no problem. Also I don't think is a MJ problem, not directly but something to do with is sensitivity, it keeps trying to correct it self to much. To fix this I think it only needs a sensibility bar/nº like the "corrective steering" , that way player can set the max force that MJ can use, also a way to permanently disable the roll in the start. I made another video with different type of crafts, with 3 ships ... One massive, another massive but smaller, and for last a basic one engine ship with MJ on and after that off. The 1º one you will notice a small wobble (real small) because is really heavy, the 2º one you will see it more clear, and on the final one is very visible. Oh, and one note, I only use MJ on massive ships (the smaller ones I don't need) and for landing because it spares a lot of fuel, so if the ship wobbles them defeats purpose. Thank you all for the comments and best regards
  6. Hello sarbian, I´m sorry, was something I say Hello Nightside, Yes is true, this ship is a strange designed craft but is stable, I don't need to correct it on takeoff, just the normal corrections, but with MJ is just crazy. Also I made this ship/rover to show the effect, is more pronounce in this ship, I have the same problem with "traditional" ships, even ships with only one rocket. I can make a video to show how it handles a normal ship, but is basically the same, it start wobbling and some time even turn the ship up side down. On heavy ships tends to do the same but takes more time, landing with this problem is also terrible, even in no atmosphere. I don't think is MJ it self, because I don't see this if I use only MJ and remove all the mods, but have to be one of the mods that is making MJ more sensitive. For more I have another video on my channel , an old one with the version 1.2 ( I think ) and I use a similar rover style but larger and more heavy, also similar mods with MJ and it works great, MJ is capable of handling the craft with no problem. I will add the video later on of another test with a "normal" craft Thank you and best regards to all PS, the old video is not HD, but you can see + or - well
  7. Video is done and here is a pic of the test rover. The video is of good quality , you can see in youtube http://www.image-share.com/ijpg-3651-45.html Best regards
  8. Video still uploading, slow internet, give it a couple of min. Best regards PS, I will let you know when is done EDIT: oh, and no, its not a RCS problem, I don't even use them, but you will see
  9. Here is more information and a video for you to see how bad it is, is better that words. I made this new ship/rover just to show you the problem, with larger ships the problem is expediency greater. The video is 3 launch with and without mechjeb the extra info: GameData\ModuleManager.2.8.0.dll GameData\000_AT_Utils\Plugins\000_AT_Utils.dll GameData\000_USITools\MiniAVC.dll GameData\CommunityCategoryKit\CCK.dll GameData\Firespitter\Plugins\Firespitter.dll GameData\GroundConstruction\Plugins\GroundConstruction.dll GameData\KAS\Plugins\KAS.dll GameData\KerbalKonstructs\KerbalKonstructs.dll GameData\KIS\Plugins\KIS.dll GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\MechJeb2.dll GameData\REPOSoftTech\DeepFreeze\MiniAVC.dll GameData\SCANsat\Plugins\SCANsat.dll GameData\TriggerTech\KerbalAlarmClock\KerbalAlarmClock.dll GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\Konstruction\Konstruction.dll The Video : (is uploading, will be ready in 10 min) Best regards
  10. Hello to all, I have the same problem with wobble ship like some in this post. MJ is just making the ship wobble, is trying to over compensate and start wobbling, I have to manual correct it to stop, after some sec´s its start again. I try with only one engine but is the same, take longer to start the wobble but as it starts is all over. I have 1 stage perfect balance ship, it can go with no intervention to space, but if I use MJ it will wobble all the way to orbit, is like its overcorrecting it self all the time. If I turn off the force roll it will stops rolling to the sides, but keeps correcting up/down and after some sec´s it start the swinging hard from side to side. I don't even want to try a VTOL Best regards
  11. Hello @JPLRepo Found a strange clone bug with CRY 13000. Goes like this, I freeze a kerbal then after the thaw I have 2 of them heheheheheh. If I load the ship the extra one disappears but show up after some mins, them if I freeze that kerbal again the extra one (or) extras ones disappear, if I decouple that ship the extras ones show up again. The only fix I found is to freeze one of them again and the extras ones go away. If you like a save or something please let me know, is not a error so no logs (unless you like me to dump the logs but I don't see anything on them. Best regards
  12. Thank you so much for the answers Fair enough, you got good points, I can open on GitHub but do I use the MKS one or the other ones, is that you have several projects. Thank you so much and keep up the wonderful job Best regards Thank you so much for the details I´m sorry but I did not use any tone, well normally I talk like this and this is not the 1º time I ask stuff in the forum. English is not my natural language and if I did sound like bad them I am sorry, not my intention. I use the "curseword" has a joke not anything else. Best regards to all
  13. Dear RoverDude How are you, long time don't see ( or long time I don't complain heheheheh) Don't know where can I add this because is so generic and cover some different mods. 1º stupid question.. Where the hell can I use rocks ?? 2º stupid question ... How can I make a full eco system that refresh it self on supplies without and mining ( like in TAC we have recycles ) but in life support mod there is nothing that can do the same ?? 3º stupid question... ok, is nice to have a mini drill but its take to F. long to mine anything, why don't you make the other drill access sooner ?? Now some request: 1º can you please set the .625 nuclear reactor to be next to the nuclear engine, they can discover the rest later on using the advance science but makes sense they having the mini reactor with the LV-N. 2º The DERP inflatable escape pod needs more mass, please set that thing to 0.35, right now looks unbelievable. 3º can you please set the recycle unit to also recycle fertilizer. Love your mods and congrats for the parts on the squad folder. Best regards
  14. Hello Voicey99 and TheRagingIrishman @Voicey99, true, but that's why I'm asking RoverDude and not TAC because is harder for them to adapt parts they don't know, is faster to do it from Rover side. @TheRagingIrishman, well I can do that, sure, no problem. Yes I know I can mod the files and change the outputs and even create new parts using the same scripts to control the conversion but that spoils the fun, and besides is best for immersion to have to deal with the parts you have and not create/cheat to add stuff. Any way its a idea and I will check out github, best regards to all EDIT: I change this part (see below), the outputs are a bit off but I will change them to more realistic values
  15. Hello RoverDude, I have to say that I love your mod since a long time, When will squad add it to the main folder ?!?!?! and I love the game right now, looks really good, but I digress... I like to add a change to your resource production, has many people I like to use TAC and the mod right now don't fully support the mod, and they finally fix it (it work good now heheheheh ) I can see only 1 production base production model ( the pioneer ) is the only one that have something for TAC ( resource converter USI ) that will create oxygen, water and food, also creates recycles, before we had more modules with TAC converters. I know I´m asking to much because TAC is not your mod and you already have the "supplies" one, but ear me out. Keep the Pioneer mod has It is (maybe remove the recycles) but change the agriculture mod, here is my idea for it (I let the quantities to you ). In the agro mod change the ... the [ resource converter USI - agriculture ] will produce O2, mulch and organics from dirt, water, trash and carbon D. The [ resource converter USI - cultivate ] will produce fertilizer and water from substrate and mulch with a bit of organics. The [ resource converter USI - Agroponics ] will produce some food from the fertilizer, organics and substrate. Another way to do this is to convert the supplies and mulch to there parts in TAC, the conversion don't need to be visible and that way you can still use your life support mod, in the resources processing just simply change the resources from TAC to USI internally and output the conversion after is done, that way you don't need to use the raw materials in the conversion and create 2 sets of instructions, just create and master set and convert all resources to your master set. Like if there is the TAC mod then convert values: supplies = O2, food and water Mulch = carbon, waste, dirty water and then convert it back to the separated resources after the processing is done Any way, the mod looks really good and I know there is the USI life support but I prefer to see it has separated resources and not all in one for the supplies and one for the trash, some people might like the supplies better but for me the TAC will give more immersion to the game. Thank you and best regards
  16. Working, only had time now... Thank you for the help/info/fix I will use it on some old designs , I will started making planes with liquid only and not bad (still lack the power has before on LFO but still good ( wen in doubt use more rockets heheheheh ) My point is, if is a new idea its ok, just makes us make better machines, and besides thinking about it you are right, (the engines don't really need the oxidizer and makes more heat) so don't you worry. Thank you and best regards
  17. So is a feature and not a error, hmmm... well they use LFO before, (I'm talking about the old interstellar mod) and give a lot of power, so its a new thing , got it, I prefer the LFO mix and not only liquid but its ok I can work around that. Thank you for the info EDIT : by the way my old plane (the one in the "land on duna" event) use that engine and on LFO.
  18. Hello, thx for the info, but I have all the updates and can use even water but not LFO, and I have the NERVA, and I not using thermal nozzle but thermal turbojet and rocket. That's why is strange, I can use metal ox, h2 , o2, liquid fuel, ammonia etc etc, but not LFO Thank you for the help
  19. Hello all, Have a strange one, the ThermalRocket and the Thermaljet don't show up the LFO option, don't know why, even not attach to the part it show the option to use LFO, it shows all other fuel types but not LFO. Any ideas ?? thank you, best regards
  20. Hello all, Yes there is another mod that can do this but not in the same way, and there is a lot of crafts that look like a mass relay but will not function. So the idea is to create something similar but that really works. And my idea is not a warp drive or similar, the idea is a mass effect field that can be use not only for travel but for construction of bases (anti gravity or mass reduction of the base item before landing). Hey im not a scientist and my collage day are long gone. For what I understand the Higgs can alter mass on the quarks lvl , or can increase or decrees the force between particles, and we can make this type of particle, and this particle can alter the weak force or weak nuclear force between quarks and maybe leptons. So in theory we can alter mass in the sub atomic lvl in quantum mechanics, and according to CERM we can make this particle right now, don't have any use for it but we can make them. So if the Higgs can remove mass to a particle basically works like the mass relay in negative charge, and if we remove all the higgs from the particles we can restore the mass to a particle or add more (good for gravity systems). Okay is not perfect but have more scientific background that a lot of parts, and can really work (in theory) in real life. Thx all, and thank you Sumghai for changing location. Best regards to all
  21. Hi all, Is it possible to create a mod to manage a Mass effect relay engine???? Something that can remove mass from a ship, and them use other engine to send the ship to there destiny. OffCorse we don't have Eezo ( Element Zero ) but we have the Higgs boson that can alter mass or the way the forces between mass´s work. So if we create a mass accelerator that can create a lot of Higgs particles and the use them to create a Higgs field that in turn can reduce mass or boost the forces of attraction between mass. I´m talking about a big (like a big ark reactor) that can accelerate particles to create Higgs ones, that will consume a lot of power (talking about Giga watts) and probably some type of fuel (any type can be use right ?!?!?) so H2 can be use or even H2o, we just need particles (any type will do). In game mechanics, use a dll to alter ship mass or add more power to it ( one way or another can do the job ), create the fusion and acceleration of particles, and consume fuel and create a small or various sizes bubble (like the warp plugin from umbra) and its done. For textures maybe use the ships that exist in KSP made like the ships from ME. I have no time to do this (RL Busy), but its a nice idea for a mod ( and its possible that Kerman´s invented mass effect field's ), and not so hard to do. Best regards to all
  22. Nice, nice, we need a better interstellar, the classic is the best, its not the new version is bad but I don't like it too. Im a coder but not that good and the mod is really big, and way to busy to grab that (RL busy), and most of the people have that problem, so its great that some one grab that mod and advance it. cant wait to try that :D:D:D:D
  23. I have check the other mods, they are working ok, some are fresh and there are a couple of errors but no crash´s, the only one crashing the game at the moment is this. And is only after reentry, the game slows down a lot them crash, looks like a bad texture or something, the only thing that made me look at this mod was the abrasive stuff not lowering, if I don't resize it shows the correct use. Best regards PS, im only using squad parts in the ship, the only extras ones (lest call it that) are the heat shield, the parachute, the MJ and nothing more all other parts are squad stock. PS,S : and another thing strange is the heat shield looks likes is separated from the rest of the ship during reentry, the Ablator stuff is not use and the fire trail burns all in the protective side of the heat shield (so not doing anything), if I use the deadly reentry heat shield they do the same, is like the game don't know what to do with it. I think is related with the size of the part (more the attachment point that the part it self) if a resize a part, then load the ship back and grab the part the attachment point is in the same position that the original part, maybe that's the problem no !?!?!?.
  24. Hello all, Got a problem with heat shields, if I resize a heat shield the game crash after reentry (after the burn stops), if I don't resize them all ok. Here is the data: KSP: 1.0.2 (Win32) OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit Filter Extensions - 2.1.2 USI Tools - 0.4.1 Chatterer - Community Resource Pack - 0.4.2 Deadly Reentry - 7.0.1 Firespitter - 7.1.2 Interstellar Fuel Switch - 1.2 KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5 Infernal Robots - 0.21.2 ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.0 RealChute - SCANsat - 1.1.2 TAC Fuel Balancer - TAC Self Destruct - TAC Life Support - Alternate Resource Panel - 2.7.1 TweakScale - 2.1 USI Exploration Pack - 0.4.1 Karbonite - 0.6.2 MKS - 0.30.1 USI Alcubierre Drive - 0.2.1 KSP Interstellar Extended - 1.1.5 Here is the log if you like to see http://www.custume-server.com/up/uploads/2015-05-17_094656.7z Best regards
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