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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. wait what? so the rings break only if the moons are coplanar? that makes no sense
  2. OPM does not use a tilt I made a little mod back in the days to alter the Urlumean (Urlumian?) system to be at a 90 deg tilt That's the mod you need to look for Go to my github ant it's listed between my repos (Sigma-OPMTilt) I would link it but I'm on mobile
  3. I can't remember if I already suggested this, but have you tried using the same options I use in OPM tilt? Urlum rings stay at 90 deg tilt and their orientation is consistent through time Ot at least it was the last time I checked it, which admittedly is a loooong time ago
  4. I need a bit more context than that As far as I know it should work on Mac but I have no way to test it If you click the nyan cat in my sig you will find a list of files that could help me find your issue
  5. Nice, I didn't realize this feature was added Thanks @Drew Kerman
  6. is it possible using a plugin (or even just cfg) to tell TR which stock textures replace with wich custom ones, and keeping those custom textures inside my mod folder instead of having to distribute a copy of the TR folder?
  7. right now the terrain can only have 1 altitude value for a given coordinate (LON/LAT) a cave would require 3 (cave ground, cave ceiling, outdoor ground) the only solution "readily" available would be to design a "building" that looks like a cave and load that on the planet using KK
  8. yup, that is what my derp was about at first I didn't realize what you were saying, then (after replying) I realized what you just said and went back to edit my comment if you look at the PR it has now your suggestion
  9. you could try by disabling the loadondemand feature from kopernicus not sure if GPP uses that it was supposed to be a feature that saves ram, but I suspect it adds work to the cpu (I'm not sure about this) @Koperncus:FINAL { %useOnDemand = false }
  10. @CaptRobau found another one: SarnusInSpaceLowPolarHexagon = What could cause generate such an perfect shape to generate naturally? if you set up a github repo that would help reporting this kind of issues, if you are interested but are not sure how to do that feel free to pm me, I can help you set it up
  11. a key beginning with defalut (but not == default) would have no effect on the game for some weird reason explained earlier in the thread, only 1 default gets displayed, and if no key called "default" are found the report fails directly (without checking for alternatives) and prints out the standard [experiment has been collected] or whatever it is edit: derp, nevermind, I should avoid posting before having my morning coffee
  12. I have no idea but I bet some people know for sure, there is a formula you can use, I just don't remember it right now
  13. this was already asked and answered in the past let me see if I can find it
  14. if the new release uses the new shader for the rings with a vertical texture, this might be why you cannot see the rings:
  15. Ideas under consideration ( * = from SASS, listed for completion) ( between parenthesis is explained the reason why the feature is under consideration ) Features that have been proposed but are not listed are not out of consideration
  16. Sigma SciDefRenamer v0.3.0 This release adds a new function called Text, to find and replace strings inside the text of science definitions. It also adds automatic export of science defs. all the links are available in the OP If you want to follow the development of my mods: If you want to buy me a cup of coffee: Changelog: v0.3.0 - Added automatic export of science definitions - Added new function: Text
  17. haha I didn't notice, thanks, this thread is still on the discussion phase tho, so there is no download for SASSx yet PS: it's fixed now
  18. @CaptRobau I found a typo in one of the science defs: DresSrfLanded = It is exactly as brown and duty as expected. Not a bit of brown less, not a bit of dust more.
  19. that was easier than I expected I was able to repurpose all the science definitions already found in the required mods (mostly OPM) I'll push a release later today, so people can start experiment with the science and notify me id there are weird descriptions
  20. yes I am thinking to setup a crowdsourced file to decide the names of all biomes if you know how the science multipliers should be applied then feel free to post about it
  21. the career/science part is still in flux I don't play KSP so I have little idea how to balance all of that. the first step towards having science in SASS was developing Sigma SciDefRenamer it will take a while to get the science stuff done
  22. you should try a clean install on a new save, planet packs do not play well with old saves
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