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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. Click on the catalog link in @RoverDude's signature above. Go to the github repo and search through the releases until you find the 1.3 version
  2. The mass of supplies has been talked about ad nauseum in this thread. Luckily it is pretty configurable so you can adjust it to your own needs. Modulemanager is an amazing mod and with it you can quickly and easily make other recycler parts from stock parts or any other part you may like, no modelling or real programming needed.
  3. Same way you install any mods. Make sure if the zip file has a gamedata folder you copy the contents into gamedata. IE you should never have a situation with your gamedata folder looking like gamedata\gamedata
  4. It unofficially supports EPL. The MKS specific parts are deprecated, and the EPL configs are community maintained. For Global construction I would recommend just reading that thread to learn how it works. That's what its thread is for.
  5. So do you have anything useful to add, or are you just here to do a somewhat pointless drive by?
  6. LIkely because. 1. @RoverDude has always been busy, so updating the OP is way down on the list. 2. Anyone can click on the release notes in the OP to actually see what is going on I thought I had a third, but I can't remember now.
  7. You would have to ask @RoverDude as I am pretty sure his models are licensed ARR. And everyone starts out not knowing how to model/texture. Gotta start somewhere.
  8. Well considering @allista's modeling situation and your desires, he'd accept some assistance in that arena
  9. Um, all of those mods will work with the current version. And all can be as easy or as hard as you want them to be. For example MKS without a life support mod becomes a base building parts pack.
  10. You wait for a fix? Or you send out a diy kit without drills and attach them after via KIS? Or us EL for builds with drills?
  11. More information would be useful. If you are using MKS then reading up would also be useful because your answer may be on the same page.
  12. You likely installed wrong. From the zip file make sure you copy the contents of gamedata into your gamedata. Make sure you don't have a situation where it looks like gamedata\gamedata\... If unsure post a picture of your gamedata folder
  13. There isn't really any source code. All this "mod" contains is some module manager config files and EL's dll
  14. @ss8913 wouldn't that be more of a ground construction question? DIY kits are from that mod.
  15. remove the epl config files from MKS. I am not near my home computer so I don't have the exact name but its not difficult to figure out.
  16. Sounds like you likely copied wrong. Please post a picture of your gamedata folder. Keep in mind that if the zip file has a gamedata folder you copy the CONTENTS of gamedata into gamedata. You should not have a folder structure like "c:\KSP\gamedata\gamedata"
  17. Wouldn't that be better to ask over at GC? I know he's working on GC2, so I'd guess this is one of those issues the CKAN people may have to "Deal with" at least until GC2 is the one integrated into MKS.
  18. https://www.google.com/search?q=ksp+module+manager+tutorial&rlz=1C1CHWL_enUS736US737&oq=ksp+module+manager+tutorial&aqs=chrome..69i57.6082j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Or just peruse any of the part config files of any mod. It's pretty self explanatory once you see a few.
  19. Because the mod changed from 1.3.1 to 1.4.x? It is pretty standard that @RoverDude saves major changes to the mod for the big point releases of KSP, often having some save breaking features. That's the risk you incur if you want to do a major upgrade in the middle of a saved game. You could probably, with a little poking around, update the drills in your save file rather than manually in game.
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