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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. A good start would be to read back a little. Your exact situation was just discussed above.
  2. Great, I wish you the best of luck in troubleshooting your issue.
  3. Well that's a start. Your RAM usage is high. try running KSP with only MKS. Beyond that it is hard to know as you still have given very little useful information to help.
  4. yeah that's about as helpful as your previous posts. you would need to provide far more detail to have any hope of getting help. Logs, picture of your gamedata, versions at a minimum.
  5. well maybe it was lower, as others said. still, it can be a clenching re-entry since you have no control. I had to hope it wouldn't flip and burn up.
  6. I've had my crew turn into tourists before while returning to Kerbin as soon as the craft hit the home limit (70km?) they switched back to crew.
  7. Correct, Simpleconstruction just takes the EL DLL and makes some config files. The thing is (and why I was asking) is that It puts the EL.DLL in it's own folder, so if you installed both you would end up with 2 copies of the DLL which could cause issues. As to your stuff below you could probably just look at the CFG files (they are just text files) and many any adjustments yourself.
  8. What @RoverDude said. You could also be less lazy and simply google it. Amazingly the original thread is still around and the download link works.
  9. That video is about the Interstellar mod (original) which has been dead and gone for years.
  10. A few things. the problem isn't with MKS but actually USI-LS, so this isn't really the correct thread. But more importantly KSTS clearly states in the OP that it is incompatible with USI-LS Because "[KSTS] this mod skips the usual launch phase, any mod which depends on this might not work correctly" So it would probably be more appropriate to ask -MM- in the KSTS thread if he has plans to fix this incompatibility.
  11. It isn't the same but @RoverDude's Exploration pack includes his Otter Submarine parts.
  12. OMG you're right! Luckily it also has a link at the bottom with @RoverDude's signature for his catalog, and from there a link to the latest release! You may have noticed @RoverDude has a lot of mods he maintains. Updating forum threads is way down on the priority list. TLDR: A little effort yields rewards.
  13. Ok? So download the latest version which works with 1.4.3?
  14. Your best bet is to scour the MKS thread. Honestly I cannot remember if the drill issue was patched in 1.3.1 or not fixed until 1.4. You're largely on your own for support with old versions.
  15. Did you not even read the reply you got above? From a moderator? Here a more straightforward reply. Pestering a modder for updates is rude (and yea asking twice on the same page is pestering).
  16. And have you even tried it. Most mods that work in 1.4.1 work in 1.4.3.
  17. I'm sure it is on his task list, but likely way down near the bottom of a very long list, with lots of way more important things further up.
  18. Yes those have been issues since the packrat's release. Nice fix. I'll have to try it. There are multiple ways to still build the pack rat via KIS.
  19. It's never too late to learn... There are plenty of modders here that came into KSP modding with zero coding experience. The reality is that in all of the years on these forums I can't remember seeing a modder just waiting around to spend their free time coding a mod for someone else, for free. Most have gotten into modding after having something they wanted in game and turning their idea into reality. So likely if you actually want something like this, you will have to watch some tutorials and get coding
  20. Sounds like a good excuse to add another mod to your signature.
  21. Sounds like an excuse to do some modding! Let us know how it goes.
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