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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. Pretty sure you can't with dropbox. I use imgur. Free and easy.
  2. Aww schucks. I do hope it works. I've never had much success, but then it could be due to my mod choices that those mods often added save breaking changes to coincide with a KSP version update.
  3. umm there is nothing nasty going on. Not even an argument. I'm just pointing out that there could be more to look at even if you can get the parts to load.
  4. That is true. However going from 1.2.2 to 1.4.5 is a sizable jump, and with 120 mods it is a very good possibility that some mods changed more than just models. There have been times when say a life support mod changed some mechanics, making pretty much all of my missions unusable.
  5. In general you are going to find that saved games, especially modded ones, are not compatible through version updates. That can be for a number of reasons. Sometimes nodes change requiring that mods update their models accordingly. Also many times modders use a KSP upgrade as a time to implement new or changed features, as these upgrades are already likely to be save breaking anyway. It may be possible to piece together things to make it work, but historically I have found it is better to finish your current game in its current version, or just start a new one in a new version.
  6. I don't know if it would matter. As I already mentioned above the performance hit of KSP has always been in physics calculations, not graphics. That has existed since the beginning of KSP. If anything they have improved that performance over time.
  7. Honestly you are going to have a hard time regardless. KSP has always been a bit of a CPU hog due to the way that it calculates physics on each part of a rocket. Turning down the graphics isn't going to help reduce that. Watch some KSP videos or pick some more netbook friendly games.
  8. now make a Primus class Battlecruiser with mass driver so I can bombard Kerbin and I'll be in heaven
  9. Maybe make sure your save isn't messed up? Start a fresh game and test in that?
  10. I just tested that as well. Simple vessel in career mode. Just slapped on a MEU-500 drill. changed the three drill separators. Launched, verified the changes were still there, Reverted to the VAB and the changes are still there...
  11. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/profile/144383-oneiros/ Not going to post his direct message here due to it's sensitive nature but it is pretty clear from a few days ago.
  12. Keep in mind that Oneiros has basically left the community, so it is probably up in the air if these patches will be maintained, and his unmanned tech mod is essentially gone as of now.
  13. A couple of thoughts. You can disable habitation in USI-LS You can add some habitation patches to the WBI parts, In theory they should be able to handle similar habitation for their size as USI inflatables. In terms of difficulty TAC-LS is not nearly as difficult as USI-LS, especially when factoring in habitation. Don't confuse more resources with more difficulty.
  14. Probably won't make a difference but it is a good practice to clear your modulemanager cache as well.
  15. Um ok. I was more meaning if you wanted to post a screenshot of your gamedata folder, in case something was in the wrong place. That is one of the most common install issues.
  16. It really is not hard. And once you figure it out its super useful to tweak your game how you like it. As an example you could tweak the existing containers to do what you want. you'd have to figure out the appropriate amounts as to not be overpowered. In fact the existing configs have the perfect example. Here is a snippet. There is already one config in the kontainers that allow 2 materials, exoticminerals and rare minerals, separated by a comma. You could literally append a config at the end of the line with all resources separated by commas and you would have a switch to do that. You would have to adjust the other lines (resource amounts, initial resource amounts, etc accordingly). There would have to be some other tweaks to the entire config for the texture as well, but I'll leave that to you. Via some careful reading of the existing config and a bit of trial and error I'd bet you will have what you desire in under an hour.
  17. Your best bet honestly is to make your own. With a simple modulemanager config you can create a part using an existing part with whatever config you want.
  18. Ok so I went ahead and tested in career. I took my rescued Level 5 pilot, and put an akademy on Minmus along with 3 newly hired level 0 pilots. All got trained to level 5, which actually was better than expected, as I thought in the past on minmus the best I could get would be level 3. Either way it looks like what I was wanting to test worked.
  19. So I realized I haven't actually asked a question in a long time, but suddenly I do. I'm dusting off KSP and playing again and ran into a situation that I realized I wasn't sure the answer. I will test it if nobody knows but I figured I would ask first. Basically, will the academy work properly if a rescued Kerbal is used as a trainer? I guess I've never been this lucky but I recently in my career playthrough rescued a 5 star pilot. I thought great she will be a perfect trainer in my academy. But IIRC the academy "trains" other Kerbals by passing along XP from things they had done, aside from flag planting. So in the case of a rescued Kerbal she is 5 star Kerbal but her XP history is blank. So it seems she would not have any XP items to "pass" along to the trainees. Hopefully this makes sense. If nobody knows I'll test when I'm back home and post my results here if anyone is interested.
  20. Ah I will have to look more closely at mechjeb. I already use it but it has so many features I must have missed it. I don't consider it cheating, as you mentioned after doing tons of supply launches etc (I play usually with the various colonization mods so I spend a ton of time launching and building large ships in orbit). I use Mechjeb to intercept while in orbit, but I didn't realize it had a feature to time the actually launch to intercept. Otherwise the manual tips are very helpful. Thanks.
  21. So in many of my playthroughs I utilize an station orbiting Kerbin for various reasons. One frustration I've had is that I have never been able to figure out a consistent way of timing a launch so that I get a decent intercept with the station in orbit without having to do tons of adjustments and orbits of the planet. Does anyone have any tips or mod suggestions to make get this more consistent?
  22. Most mods are created from a player wanting some feature, finding it doesn't exist and then making it themselves. Many modders start with no prior experience. Sounds like a perfect opportunity to learn how to create a moon...
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