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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. Well homesickness is what I was thinking. But i know not exactly the same.
  2. I think he is asking if you are adding those features. @Wiowt USI-LS already has basically habitation and loneliness. IMO we have enough complexity at this point, especially with MKS without needing a radiation element.
  3. I know your heart is in the right place but yea, if it was the mod author's wishes, that doesn't change even if they pass on. While it isn't an exact comparison, since mods are not for profit ventures generally, would it be fair to let say someone start distributing an author's copyrighted book after they pass, potentially taking income from their family? Heck, Yemo stated years ago he would stop working on this mod if ppl didn't contribute to patreon. He is still making $6/mo for a mod he hasn't even checked up on for over a year. And yea Yemo was pretty clear and knew what he was doing when he made his mod ARR. Now that still doesn't stop someone from re-created a mod similar to this from the ground up.
  4. I'm pretty sure I've seen some mods that changed them to be one time use only, although I can't remember which at the moment. However, that is also something you could easily do as a self imposed rule for your play through without needing a mod.
  5. @mr. engino So i was trying to be a bit more subtle in my original reply. The reality is that contrary to (maybe) popular opinion, there are very few, if any modders who sit around thinking "man I'd love to volunteer my time to make a KSP mod if only I had a good idea" Most if not all mods are passion projects. A cool idea someone had, it didn't exist, so they had the interest and the drive to make it. That includes in many cases teaching themselves coding or modeling (or both). So the bottom line is that if you truly want to see your idea become reality, you most likely will have to write it yourself.
  6. So just to throw it out there, If you look, most modders become modders because they have some cool idea they wish was in the game. They look around to find it doesn't exist, and then decide to make it themselves. Many also have no background in modding or programming.
  7. I think the issue is more fundamental than that. @MrJoolian I would first make sure you have a handle on how to browse your local drive with finder. There are youtube videos or hop by a local genius bar. I havent used a mac in awhile but I know they do their best to actually hide the local disk from users for "ease of use". Once you feel comfortable with browsing your local drive. find where KSP is located, find the gamedata folder, and put the mods in there.
  8. Ideas are great. There have been plenty of times that players have had suggestions that ended up being implemented into the mod. Where you went off the rails was a comment like this... Which implies the opposite, ie @RoverDude is against user suggestions, which he most definitely is not. Edit- @Stevie_D posted at the exact same time as I did. Not my intention to pile on.
  9. Well yes materialkits were created for USI mods, but Ground construction is supposed to work both with them and standalone.
  10. Well let's see. The original author has been AFK for some time. If you spend 60 seconds reading up even a little you will see that @Angel-125 has been kind enough to update this mod, but he is too busy to take it over permanently, so CKAN updates are probably not on his list, if he even has access to the right places to update that. TLDR: We should be thankful to have this mod updated at all. Thanks again @Angel-125
  11. If it was high enough on @RoverDude's priority list, the title of the thread would already say 1.4.X as the mod has been 1.4 compatible for a very long time. Given that it is at 1.3 I don't think I'd use thread titles as my guide. That being said, the mods are not finished in terms of official 1.5 compatibility but a constellation release was made for 1.5 for testing https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI_Constellation/releases
  12. It would be cool to have some (actually any) useful information to help you troubleshoot your issue.
  13. Somewhere it seems there were some configs specifically for USI-LS. I'd find those. There is a good chance they are even still good or close.
  14. I'm sure @Angel-125 is swamped with getting his actual mods updated and debugged and will get to updating thread OP's when he has time. For me I hope its on the bottom of his list.
  15. You would probably do best to grab the configs from an old version of pathfinder. Then you can look at the balance spreadsheet for USI-LS (I think its on the github wiki for this mod) and tweak/check them.
  16. The search function works quite well. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/search/&q=usi&type=forums_topic&item=121397
  17. Using the latest version of Pathfinder on KSP 1.5.1 the Buckboard works fine with regards to reconfiguring for other types of storage.
  18. Lol. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you cant afford him .
  19. @RoverDude FYI. I'm sure you are aware, but with the latest KAS release some things seem like they may have changed for larger pipes in some circumstances. Just was perusing that thread. Don't know if it affects MKS at all.
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