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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. HAHA, missed this I guess during the streams. Luke, you switched off your targetting computer, what's wrong...
  2. That is a fine model if you are writing software for the customer. Roverdude (and this is probably true of most modders) has been clear many times (to paraphrase) "I write mods for me, because of things I want in the game. I'm then nice enough to share it with everyone else" So while I am sure Roverdude gets some joy seeing others enjoying his creations, that joy may or may not extend to activities he may not find as "fun" such as spending time writing documentation. And I certainly wouldn't fault him for that.
  3. I wouldn't necessarily hold your breath. Roverdude could prove me wrong, but historically he creates, and the user base documents. Not to say Roverdude hasn't written up some things, but in generally the bulk of the "comprehensive" documentation has come from the user base.
  4. 2 pages is not bad for a troll. Nicely done. Now go away, nobody is going to make a mod for you.
  5. If your computer can run KSP it can run those tools, they are not heavy duty. You don't probably even need the first two, rather than modeling parts from scratch you can just use BDarmory for the weapons and you can just craft the war system. Let us know how it goes!
  6. That is all of the software you will need, and they are all free.
  7. https://www.blender.org/ https://unity3d.com/ https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/visual-studio-express-vs.aspx Go to town. Make sure to post in Add-on development when you have something working.
  8. Yea pretty much. To swing it back on topic of sorts for this thread though, I would reiterate that IMO contracts should be built around stock, and default to only using stock parts. And then there should be a flag that a modder can put in their part configs to flag a part as available for contracts should that modder deem the part appropriate for contracts.
  9. Everything should work in the "background" Keep in mind that most background processing usually just uses a "catch up" mechanic when you go back to a vessel.
  10. Well honestly many of the contracts are absurd in general. Not sure the relevance of that to this thread though.
  11. umm-https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI-LS/releases
  12. For future reference, bookmark Roverdude's Github account. (https://github.com/BobPalmer) It is quick and easy to check releases for this sort of information for all USI mods. And yes it is https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI-LS/releases
  13. Maybe slightly off topic for here, but respectfully, just because some forum warriors cry overpowered doesn't actually make the MPL so.
  14. I disagree with anyone saying this isn't a squad issue. It squarely is in Squad's hands. To illustrate, let's look at another squad stock feature, IRSU. Squad added Ore and all the bits to mine it etc. They also made this IRSU system extendable, so mod developers could add resources and leverage the stock system to mine it etc. HOWEVER, if a modder adds a resource to their mod, the stock drill does not automatically become able to mine that material. The ability for the drill to mine another resource has to be explicitly added by the modder. Similarily, in my opinion the stock contract system should default to using stock parts only. This includes rescue contracts as well as part test contracts and so forth. Then there should be some sort of variable that can be explicitly added to a parts config file that would allow modders to flag a part that is appropriate to be used for contracts. This would fix all kinds of wonky contracts that can sprout up using modded parts that cannot be completed.
  15. TBH getting 500 science every 350 days doesn't sound that OP. And you can already pretty much unlock the tech tree between Kerbin Minmus and the Mun.
  16. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Installing_Addons
  17. Because the parts are really well done. It's nostalgic. Oh and they are green.
  18. Yes, re-read your other post. Your one sentence sounded more like "I saw it was updated on Github but there is no download link so we have to wait for a thread update" vs "I saw it was updated on github and downloaded it and encountered issues so I guess it isn't ready"
  19. Ok then, your prior post was completely unclear.
  20. Um, click download link in the OP, Click on files, receive bacon (err KIS 1.2.8)
  21. Oh cmon, it's a joke. Given how often modders (such as roverdude) classify CKAN as "support issue spawners" it's not too far off the mark. Anyhow it got me the likes I was after. Oh and meme's are better when they are misspelled.
  22. I'm so sorry, I just couldn't resist
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