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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. That's just because you should be using KJR (ducks and runs for cover...)
  2. There may be a way, but thats a topic for the CKAN thread. I'd prolly wait to see how the wheels are once 1.1 releases and bugs are worked out. Wheels were completely changed in 1.1 so Roverdude has to redo the wheels IIRC.
  3. You mean something like this? Roverdude teased this last month, but I don't know if we got any details. It could be buried in one of the many USI threads.
  4. I think specifics would entail more like KSP version and mod versions. Pretty important right now.
  5. Known issue with the tutorials on modded installs. Run the tutorials under a stock game.
  6. and also 1.0.5 most mods needed no adjustment between 1.0.4 and 1.0.5
  7. Look at the releases on github and grab the one before the release that says for version 1.1
  8. This mod will get updated. Regardless of skill level, there are simply too many people, and more importantly other modders who rely on KIS functionality. There will be plenty of talent to get this one updated.
  9. We will have to disagree somewhat. The point of the pre-release is for testing, period. If any user simply wants to play with 1.1 then that's fine, as long as they understand the pre-release wasn't made available FOR THEM. The long and short of it, and my source of frustration is seeing modders get beat down by people pestering them for mod updates. It is bad enough with a normal release. They don't need that grief in this situation (they don't really deserve it ever tbh). So bottom line, if you are helping to test stuff, just be patient and when a mod is updated grab and test. If you are just trying to play 1.1 but you are just missing your favorite mods, well politely get in the back of the line and shut up
  10. I would generally suggest reading closely, as that isn't how it reads. Highlighted the important bits. We are all supposed to be helping find bugs. The key point is we are here to help get the official release out bug free, not just enjoy 1.1 early. And I never said stock only. But the important point is to step back and let the modders do their work. There are a number of people pestering in threads about 1.1 updates, ETA's etc. Let the modders do their work, there is no need to pester them about it, as many have their work cut out for them. When they get a release out then we can help them TEST it
  11. I wouldn't expect anything until 1.1 is released (no a pre-release is not a release). If mods get updated beforehand that is a bonus but during the 1.1 pre-release everyone should be focusing on bug testing the game not playing it.
  12. For future reference here is a surefire way to find it. (it's what I used) In your address bar type www.google.com. Hit enter In the search bar type KSP Firespitter github
  13. Roverdude had stated awhile back that the FTT containers were getting depricated, around the same time as he made the USI Core Kontainers. I expect he just hasn't done anything with them for that reason.
  14. By the same token, there is always a flurry of activity surrounding a KSP update. During these times it is highly beneficial to skim back a page or two as you will often find your answer before having to post. And if you do post it is always better to include as much relevant information up front, especially what version of the game and the mod you are using. That would have saved a ton of wasted effort.
  15. Once they have become tourists they won't automatically go back even after you change the config settings. You will also have to go into your save file and manually change their status. Once you do that, they won't become tourists again.
  16. release notes are worth reading too.
  17. You can drop it. He was wasting people's time trying to use it with 1.1 as noted in the posts just above yours.
  18. Well in case the thread titles were not dead giveaways, the following was posted literally one above yours in the KIS thread
  19. Are you trying to use this with the 1.1 pre-release?
  20. For a normal release I don't necessarily disagree. But when even polite requests drop days, or even in some cases hours after the Pre-release comes out goes a bit far. It is completely reasonable for modders to wait for the official release, especially if their modding time is limited.
  21. Are you seriously going to bother every modder with the same one liner? 1.1 hasn't even been released yet (no a Pre-release is not a release). The only reason you should even be messing with 1.1 is to help squad iron out remaining bugs so they CAN release it. I would expect lots of modders are going to wait until the official release as bug fixes during the pre-release could cause them extra work. And I wouldn't blame them for waiting.
  22. Did you log a github issue? Very likely to get missed without one. (have you seen how many threads Roverdude maintains?)
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