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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. I think he may have meant like this. Unfortunately I can confirm that this setup also has a case of the shakes.
  2. Yes it has always been the case that command pods do not have built in storage.
  3. Just bookmark Roverdude's github. All of his projects (and relevant downloads) can be found from there https://github.com/BobPalmer?tab=repositories
  4. Not exactly. USI-LS will use the most pessimistic setting for any given setting. So whichever setting is more hardcore. But that is just the defaults. If you adjust the settings via in game panel those will become the new settings and IIRC are then written to the save file.
  5. you can open the LS window in the KSC scene to see settings. In order to change her back you will have to manually edit the save file to change Val back.
  6. The defaults have changed since the OP was originally written. Luckily the mod has a nice in game config panel so you can check and adjust the settings to your liking.
  7. copy the contents of gamedata from the zip into your gamedata folder. the most common mistake is where you end up with \gamedata\gamedata\... Otherwise take a screenshot of you gamedata folder and post here if you are confused.
  8. By design. "seat inventory" isn't really inventory like a KIS container. It is essentially just a way to put something in a Kerbal's inventory since you cannot actually access a kerbal's backpack from the VAB.
  9. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you are probably jumping the gun. I don't recall seeing anything to indicate radiation is something coming soon in USI-LS.
  10. I think they are called "fun" parts and they highlight how you can have kerbals hold things etc. You are welcome to delete the parts if you don't want them
  11. Clearly you don't subscribe to Roverdude's youtube channel. He teased a WIP awhile ago, notice its actually Malemute rover parts Specifics help, as the wheels "work" fine.
  12. You are better off reading patch notes and/or checking configs when you start playing. The defaults have changed over time, and can be changed depending on mods (MKS changes USI defaults).
  13. Default is ~16 supplies per day, based on a kerbal day, or 2.6 per hour. Sounds like Jeb is holding back a little.
  14. Yea that link is ok. I prefer just to go to the landing page for Roverdude's github. The catalog page you linked does not dynamically show all of the repositories so for example you won't find the malemute there, whereas if you just go to his main github page you can see all of his repositories.
  15. Go directly to the souce? https://github.com/BobPalmer From there you can reach all repositories that Roverdude maintains, current and future.
  16. Screenshot of your gamedata folder might help. Also training and tutorial missions are a bad way to test mods as they are not mod friendly and are known to freak out at times with modded installs.
  17. In what way? If @ShotgunNinja put configs in his mod to adapt parts for his mod then probably yes. If it requires anything on Roverdude's side then mostly likely not, since Roverdude doesn't use Kerbalism.
  18. Funny irony is I'm not a Kerbalism fanboy. Don't even use the mod.
  19. Sure you did the classic, "I'm going to start with a compliment BUT..." post. It's the same one when people say, I don't mean to sound like a self centered jerk... when they are about to say something that is self centered and jerky. So far pretty much all of your posts in this thread come across as entitled. They are the kinds of posts that I have seen cause modders to get fed up and stop sharing with the community. For those of us who appreciate the modders who selflessly share their creations, we can get a bit defensive.
  20. Wow, someone needs to turn that attitude around. Do you think the "KSP modding community" makes mods for YOU? Most, if not all modders create things that THEY want to see in game. If THEY want it to work with other mods then they will do so because its what THEY want. Then these modders release their creations to the world, often to get beat up by people who think they work for the community.
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