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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. Personally I think it would be better (and less confusing) at this point to simply call it Seti Tech tree.
  2. That's because this isn't CTT. Basically consider it a fork of CTT just for SETI.
  3. Wow @Leandro Basi FYI, the spoiler tool would definitely help a post like that.
  4. Wow, a KSP legend falls. Thanks for all of the hard work and great mods TaranisElsu. I wish you luck with everything in life.
  5. It does seem heavy, but there is some thought in it. Keep in mind that "supplies" is an abstraction of all the things you need to survive. That means Food, Water, Air, toothbrush, toothpaste, (all the other incidentals that go along with "supplies") and the containers necessary to hold it all.
  6. Quicksand. Seriously I've found holes in the world. Otherwise in your case it sounds like possibly your debris cleanup setting. Items you drop on the ground usually gets classified as debris.
  7. LOL, nice way to bite the hand that feeds. The likely reason for a general reply is that this duplicate kerbal issue hasn't been really seen much in awhile. It was a big problem in the early versions of KIS but not in awhile, unless, like your situation it becomes an issue with the interaction between two mods.
  8. Oh Jewel, The was supposed to indicate an attempt to be light hearted. Maybe I should have added more? Plus you made no mention of asking how to turn it on in your post, only what it meant, which was answered above.
  9. Now Jewel, I know you have been around long enough to know better...look up about 8 posts above yours. And mod version? Hint, the lastest mod version is for 1.1 which is not backwards compatible with 1.0.5. PSA - Reminder for everyone, when asking for support please try to be as complete as possible when giving information about your environment. It really does help to save time.
  10. So? Try moving an asteroid with an RCS pack. Or hop out of your rocket and have your Kerbal Circularize your orbit by pushing with its RCS pack. Mass is Mass.
  11. Whatever you think of his tone, and moderator or not, the sentiment is spot on. Honestly, given this is a thread for a dead service, the best thing a mod could probably do is lock it down as well. Nothing really more to be said here that hasn't already.
  12. Don't get overloaded. The added mass that you are carrying can affect your RCS pack.
  13. It is very important, especially now with the 1.1 pre release out that you include as much relevant information as possible. Especially mod and ksp versions currently running etc. the latest 1.1 patch broke many mods. Possibly this one as well.
  14. I'll just leave this here. Sounds a bit like one purpose is to allow modders more time to get ready.
  15. Not directed at anyone in particular, but just for anyone who is on either side of the fence regarding mod updates in 1.1 or not. As a direct quote from Squad's announcement for the 1.1 pre-release So in reading that section it certainly seems that at least part of the reason for the public pre-release was specifically to allow modders more time to get their mods in order for a 1.1 release. For some that may mean quietly working on their own and waiting for 1.1 to release. For others that means putting their 1.1 version out to get more bug testing/feedback. Both are perfectly valid options.
  16. Short answer is if you need to copy or duplicate files then you installation is bad.
  17. Both valid points. Pretty much the only things running off nuclear reactors these days are too big to launch into space. Would you be adding any parts for this? It has been forever but IIRC the really old original interstellar mod had some shielding parts that you could use specifically to put in between radioactive parts and crew parts to help with shielding. I seem to even remember you could get higher dosages of radiation when on eva and moving past the "shield". It was a very old Scott Manley series however and maybe it was just him roleplaying that aspect.
  18. Felix, Replacement parts are a hidden resource, you fill up/manipulate them by using the "perform maintenance" function on EVA. That being said, replacement parts are part of MKS, not CRP, so this isn't really the appropriate thread. Similar with Interstellar fuel switch. Pretty much all CRP does is define additional resources, and where they might be found.
  19. This thread moves fast. A page back Spacemouse posted this, so I am assuming he is on 1.1
  20. No. You could argue successfully that the supplies are more abstracted, because they are. But not arbitrary.
  21. That seems to imply that Roverdude did not factor in wrapping and other items into his unit of "supplies" (the answer is he did, it is not some arbitrary value he pulled out of thin air)
  22. Well since day 1 the immunity, as well as pretty much every other aspect was/is completely configurable.
  23. Which? I don't mean Roverdude would ever slow down completely (I don't think he could if he tried) but slow down with some of the mods, while he messes around with others.
  24. Eventually Roverdude will slow down a little adding cool new features and the community will have time to catch up on the wiki
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