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Everything posted by Drakenex

  1. artistic licenses! PPE will use a couple of Advanced Electric Propulsion System (AEPS) hall effect thrusters, fed by two roll-out solar arrays (ROSA).
  2. because that HALO version is already obsolete, welcome to the new one
  3. Amazing model and textures! Congratulations!
  4. Centaur G, STS Upper stage; discarded and deemed risky by astronauts, then replaced by the less powerful IUS Just uploaded to to GH
  5. SSTU have all of the required files on the assets folder, do you have that folder?
  6. only the "SC-B-CM-IVA" folder is required, then you have to create a MM patch (a text file with cfg extension) with: @PART[DIRECT_Orion] { @INTERNAL { @name = SC-C-CM-IVA } }
  7. Restored all old Almaz skins + new Salyut 7/Tucana Almaz theme
  8. Let me know what do you want to see for Almaz and I'll prioritize it.
  9. Community ISS Canadarm 2, fully functional with IR. Benjee's Shuttle Canadarm for the Kibo arm. Edit: New Salyut 7/ MIR Variants
  10. Zarya and Zvezda with thermal blankets for all your ISS and space stations builds!
  11. We'll be uploading stuff as we make it: BDBNIC GH Dev (expect missing and broken things) TNIC GH Dev (same as above) Remember that suggestions (with sources and references) are always welcome.
  12. to cure my OCD @PART[PA_S1EngineMount] { %stackSymmetry = 5 } @PART[PA_S1EngineMount] { %stackSymmetry = 1 }
  13. SSTU IVA for it's Orion works perfectly (hint: you don't have to install all of it, just the IVA )
  14. Firespitter is not a requirement anymore (parachute bug was fixed). But no idea how to fix that in CKAN sorry, never used it and never added this there.
  15. I know what you mean, and is not possible, TU applies its effects mesh based, if you look closely, some of the tanks tops doesn't have the effect applied, because they have a separate mesh. Now, in the case of a skin, there aren't separate meshes for painted bits, therefore no way to select where is shinny and where isn't. Like Invader said, if you apply TU to a texture, it will look dark, I can lower the metallic intensity, but then it'll look like glass covered paint. Yup, it's made for the latest Dev build in mind. Edit: Actually TU uses masks in order to apply the effect to an specific area, thus making what you said possible, we're going to research and try. Thanks @Zorg for bringing that up. More edit: Shenzhou coming soon:
  16. Just updated! come and see! (OP)
  17. In association with @Invaderchaos, coming soon: All new historic and some fictional variants of your favorite BDB launchers!
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