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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. I’ll try to make some of my free time available to update this in the next week.
  2. I’ll try to make some of my free time available to update this in the next week.
  3. No logs... no support. No logs = no support. I’ll try to make some of my free time available to updat this in the next week.
  4. Sorry but this patch breaks so many rules. a) where’s the source code? B) your link is an unsafe site so there’s no way I’m clicking it. c) you can submit a PR, but as you’ve said you don’t know c#, nor a github account. You probably should just leave it. If you insist on leaving this out there then you have to follow the forum rules and supply license, source code, etc. or you could wait and gain enough support from other users that I might add it.
  5. I’d prefer you didn’t release builds of my mod thanks. Especially for such a minor problem.
  6. That was purely coincidental.. that you decided to do that whilst the KSP website was being upgraded. It should be there again now.
  7. it was due to the website being upgraded and refreshed. Should be there again now.
  8. KSP does not use N-Body physics. All planets are on rails. As stated above. Therefore it does not need G in any orbit calculations. It stores a gravParameter for each CelestialBody in their Unity prefabs. So, if you want to know what it is you can divide CelestialBody.gravParameter by CelestialBody.mass for any given planet. It's 6.67408e-11 btw.
  9. PhysicsGlobals.GravitationalAcceleration https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/class_physics_globals.html#a0a62cc361f9d2388bfb6dc43e192ce50
  10. What's being missed is the Resources is a collection dictionary.. and your mod is changing the resource definition. which I think is exposing a bug (which can only occur if a mod changes the resources on a part). It looks like the collection dictionary key is incorrectly set to the old Resource hash instead of the new Resource hash. - Probably due to the fact that in stock - this never changes when instantiating a copy of a part. I'd recommend resetting the Resources list after any part copied events in the Editor scene would resolve the issue.
  11. The root cause was a combination of ModuleManager and mods that add parts to the game which then exposed a bug in the way KSP generates the partdatabase.cfg file if it finds it missing, which when playing stock - can only happen if the user manually deleted it. However, when playing with ModuleManager and mods that add parts - ModuleManager would force KSP to rebuild the partdatabase.cfg by removing it - or forcing it to rebuild it via code based on ModuleManager code logic (not stock KSP code logic). This bug also only created a problem for parts that use procedural drag cubes - such as the new stock MK2 landercan.
  12. There are others. KPBS and roverdudes mods and there were others. I wouldn’t be relying on the CKAN mod for this information.
  13. You’re certainly entitled to your opinion. But what new highly objectionable bugs are you referring to? looking at the public bug tracker. There are 5 bugs reported for 1.6.0. Four are low and one is normal priority. The light on the water tower
  14. You have the temp checking feature on in your DF game settings; and your part temperature is > the temperatures set in your settings. So they part cannot freeze any kerbals until it cools down. Temperature Checking function (switch on and off via config settings: RegTempReqd = true/false). If switched on the Freezer Part temperature must be < the RegTempFreeze value (in settings)to be able to freeze a kerbal. If switched on you must maintain the Freezer part temperature BELOW the RegTempMonitor (in settings) value. If you do not, then there is a good chance the freezer will fail and your kerbals WILL start dying if you have the EC fatal option turned on. If switched on Freezing/Thawing and Holding Frozen Kerbals will cause the freezer parts to produce Heat which you will then need to manage. - This function only operates on the active vessel as Temperature control on unloaded vessels is too risky in the current KSP version. If you wish to use this function, do so at your own risk.. (or rather the Kerbals) and use a heat control mod and parts like this one.
  15. You can’t add the mod to an existing save.only a new game
  16. Version 1.9.8 published for KSP 1.5.x. Please make sure you have the correct version of Contract Configurator installed (v1.26.0 for KSP 1.5.x)
  17. The contracts are meant to be negative ... they are meant to COST you money to discovery CBs. See nothing in the log... but then - the screenshot doesn't show the state of the contract either. Perhaps a save file would help. Along with the ResearchBodies log. Found in <install directory>\GameData\REPOSoftTech\ResearchBodies\Plugins\PluginData\ResearchBodies.log. It might also help to turn on debugging in Contract Configurator (instructions can be found here https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/wiki/How-To) See the Opening Post.. No LOGS = No Support.
  18. I don’t condone this myself. I’ll wait and try to contact @nightingale
  19. How long is a piece of string? This mod depends on Contract Configurator which is not my mod. So when that mods author updates CC I can update this mod.
  20. Did you ready the post that you quoted???? : " Because he’s trying to run it in KSP 1.5.1. And Contract Configurator and this mod have not been updated for KSP 1.5.x yet. "
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