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Everything posted by JPLRepo

  1. v0.13.5 Release Published. From a lot of testing in the past week I can't reproduce the errors that had been reported in github. See the Changelog. Significant changes. Please ensure you BACKUP your saves before upgrading. I found a number of issues with the way the difficulty settings were being processed by TAC LS - so I have revamped them. I have also coded a versioning system into TAC LS. Any old saves 'should' tm be upgraded automatically. But I highly recommend backing up and checking the TAC LS difficulty settings in any existing saves once you have upgraded and opened the saves. As always, report any residual bugs or problems here, but also raising them on github, with logs, and saves and as much info as you can always helps me. The more information you can give me the easier it is for me to help you.
  2. See OP. Don't support CKAN - Care factor = Nil. So toggling SAS - that shouldn't happen that's a bug. But what other tools are you referring to? You should not be able to transfer EC - Reserve Power.... but showing parts and the calcs screen should work. - As that's not really doing anything other than giving you information.
  3. See OP. No logs = no support. Are you running the latest dev build available via GitHub? It's getting extremely difficult to tell if people are reporting bugs with what version... Please ensure you are running the latest DEV build available ONLY on github before reporting bugs. Until I can confirm the dev build is working I can't release a full version.
  4. Already planned. There was a forum user helping to organize and test the resources and recipes for ISRU of glykerol. But he seems to have disappeared from the forums. Will have to pick it up in my spare time at some stage.
  5. Screen pictures don't tell me much without logs and saves. What version were you using the very latest development build?
  6. I've found the problems with the contracts for telescopes and the Observatory and Tracking Station level checks. But ran out of time to finish testing it. Hopefully can get a release out sometime next week with these fixes.
  7. V7.0 published. Fixes the celestial body lists in the UI for the telescopes (to select target). Also updates in flight when contracts are accepted in flight (using a mod).
  8. Thanks. It will lag but dump bucketloads of useful info into the log.
  9. Nothing in that log tells me anything. DeepFreeze messages nominal. Plenty of errors with your own mod in that log. But yeah, unless you can capture it again with the Verbose logging option on for DeepFreeze in the difficulty settings hard to tell. I can't reproduce. Same with this... I can't reproduce. Freeze and thaw working fine. Need logs. Preferably with the Debug logging on in the Deep Freeze Difficulty settings.
  10. This is with the latest dev build? How do I produce this error as I am not seeing it. Can you supply logs of when it happens? Hmmm... Looks like it's not taking resources from the part that has it... instead just taking it from the first it finds. Thanks for finding this.. Something to look at.
  11. See the changelog on the last version: *If you load a save file that was created before you installed ResearchBodies - ResearchBodies will now correctly update the save with the necessary ResearchBodies information and automatically turn ResearchBodies on. The default difficulty setting will be used as to which bodies you will be able to see. *You should restart KSP any time you disable or enable ResearchBodies in a save game.
  12. Maybe .. who knows. No Logs = No support. Without a log and more than one line it's anyone's guess.
  13. try using the latest dev build instead Up to the maintainers of those mods. Having compiled dll's next to code doesn't make sense to me. Besides they are available via the releases section.
  14. Got it... dunno. Will have to look into it... when I can find the time. But thanks.
  15. Suggest you download the zip again.. everyone else has it.. and I just downloaded and checked it again. and there is a dll file in the zip.
  16. Probably a bug. - adds to list. had happened in the past but fixed.. hasnt been reported since. Will have to look into it.
  17. Except you've raised this in the wrong thread for the wrong mod. The message is from JSI RPM (Raster Prop Monitor) mod. Not this mod.
  18. No. Been raised and discussed before. You cannot have it seperate. Otherwise there isn't hatch. No as there is more than one file changed.
  19. I don't see any TACLS errors there. i do see errors related to KoS mod
  20. More info please. Existing save? Does the vessel have enough resources? Logs? Yes you probably have to go visit existing vessels in an existing save after updating to the new build and allow the vessels to rebuild EC storage etc. after that thigh should be good.
  21. The latest version contains a zip inside it of the craft files assembled
  22. V1.5 published - balancing and fixing the Lander. Giant thanks to @frencrs for finding the out of line RCS thruster and others who contributed to CoM and CoL adjustments.
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